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Is it better to have a Facebook page or account for business?

Is it better to have a Facebook page or account for business?

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is an extremely valuable platform for businesses looking to market their products or services. Businesses can establish a presence on Facebook by creating either a Facebook Page or a Facebook Profile. But which option is better for your business?

The Main Differences Between Facebook Pages and Profiles

There are a few key differences between Facebook Pages and Profiles:

  • Pages are public and visible to everyone, while Profiles are private and used for personal social networking
  • Pages offer more marketing, advertising and analytics features compared to Profiles
  • Pages can be “liked” and followed by an unlimited number of people, Profiles have a 5,000 friend limit
  • Pages allow you to publish as your business name, Profiles represent you as an individual

In summary, Facebook Pages are designed specifically for organizations, businesses, celebrities and brands to broadcast information publicly and connect with their target audiences. Facebook Profiles are intended for personal social networking.

Comparing Facebook Pages and Profiles for Business Use

Let’s compare Facebook Pages and Profiles across some key factors relevant for business use:


Pages: Designed for organizations, businesses, brands and public figures to share information publicly and broadly.

Profiles: Designed for personal social networking with friends and family.


Pages: Can be followed by an unlimited number of people. Great for reaching large audiences.

Profiles: Limited to 5,000 friends. Not ideal for reaching customers at scale.

Publishing and Admins

Pages: Publish using your business name and add multiple admins. Great for managing brand presence.

Profiles: Publish as yourself. Only you can manage your profile.

Analytics and Insights

Pages: Access detailed analytics on your reach, engagement and audience demographics.

Profiles: Very limited analytics available.


Pages: Can create and run ads to reach larger audiences. Advanced targeting options.

Profiles: No advertising options available.

Customer Service

Pages: Can use messaging to provide customer support and interact with leads.

Profiles: Messaging capability focused on friends and family, not businesses.

Benefits of Facebook Pages for Businesses

Here are some of the main benefits that Facebook Pages offer businesses over Profiles:

  • Reach larger audiences – Grow your follower base without limits to promote your products/services.
  • Public visibility – Your business Page and content is visible to everyone on Facebook.
  • Analytics – Track growth metrics and demographics to optimize your content strategy.
  • Advertising – Create and optimize ads to reach your target customers.
  • Credibility – Pages add legitimacy and authority to your brand.
  • Customer engagement – Interact with customers and provide support via messaging.
  • Call-to-action buttons – Encourage visitors to contact you or take other actions.

Use Cases Where Profiles Work for Businesses

For most businesses, a Facebook Page is the best option. However, there are some situations where using a personal Profile may be preferable:

  • Businesses in regulated industries that prohibit marketing without disclosures
  • Individuals offering consulting services independently
  • Sole proprietors or very small businesses
  • Building connections and networking within a niche professional community
  • Testing out business concepts before creating a full branded presence

For these use cases, a personal Profile may enable more authentic relationship-building before potentially transitioning to a formal Page.

Should I Have Both a Facebook Page and Profile?

Some businesses choose to maintain both a Facebook Page and a personal Profile:

  • Use Page to formally represent your brand, products/services
  • Use Profile to build more personal connections and relationships
  • Share your Page content and updates through your Profile to reach friends/family
  • Link to your Profile from your Page so people can contact you directly

Maintaining both can enable you to balance professional brand-building with more humanized relationship marketing. However, regularly posting from both takes more effort.

Steps to Create a Facebook Page

Here is a quick overview of the steps involved in creating a new Facebook Page:

  1. From your personal Profile, click “Create” then “Page”
  2. Select the category that best describes your business
  3. Enter your business name, contact info and any images
  4. Click “Continue” and agree to Facebook’s terms
  5. Choose a unique username for your Page’s URL
  6. Select privacy settings and publication permissions
  7. Click “Publish Page” to make your new Page live

Facebook will walk you through additional setup steps like connecting your Instagram account, inviting coworkers to help manage the Page, creating your first post, etc.

Tips for Optimizing Your Facebook Page

Once your Page is created, focus on optimization best practices:

  • Complete your Page description, add contact info, fill out as many fields as possible
  • Use high-quality cover and profile images representing your brand
  • Be consistent and active with posting relevant content and engaging followers
  • Monitor analytics to see what content resonates best with your audience
  • Set up ads to reach more of your target customers
  • Promptly respond to queries and comments
  • Share your Page widely and get reviews


Facebook Pages offer significant advantages for formal brand-building, marketing, advertising, analytics and customer engagement. While Facebook Profiles can be suitable for some specific business situations, most companies should invest in creating and growing an optimized Facebook Page as a hub for their digital presence and promotion.