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Is it better to go live on Instagram or Facebook?

Is it better to go live on Instagram or Facebook?

With the rise of social media, going live has become an extremely popular way for influencers, businesses, and everyday users to engage with their audiences in real-time. Instagram and Facebook are two of the biggest platforms that allow users to go live and interact with followers through streaming video.

But when it comes to choosing between going live on Instagram versus Facebook, which platform is better? There are pros and cons to both that are important to consider based on your goals, target audience, and type of content you plan to share.

Key Differences Between Instagram and Facebook

While Instagram and Facebook are both owned by Meta, there are some key differences between the platforms when it comes to live video.

User Demographics

Instagram tends to skew toward a younger audience, with about 72% of its users being under the age of 35. Facebook, on the other hand, has an older user base overall, with about 40% of users age 35-64.

Content Type

Instagram is predominantly focused on visual content like photos and short videos. Facebook has more flexibility for text, links, and a wider variety of content formats.

Video Length

Instagram Live videos can only be streamed for up to 1 hour continuously. Facebook Live videos have no time limit and can be streamed for much longer periods.


It may be easier to get discovered on Facebook Live, as videos show up in followers’ feeds and notifications. Instagram Live video only appears if you’re currently streaming.

Benefits of Going Live on Instagram

Here are some of the main benefits of broadcasting live video on Instagram:

Engage With a Younger Audience

With 72% of users under 35, Instagram is ideal for reaching millennial and Gen Z audiences. Going live allows you to engage with followers in real-time and build community.

Showcase Visual Content

Instagram is the premier platform for sharing visually appealing content. Use Instagram Live to give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your products, business, or creative process with a vlog-like broadcast.

Boost Visibility

When you go live on Instagram, you appear at the top of followers’ feed above all other content. This makes it easy to notify your audience you’re streaming and draw more eyes to your page.

Interact With Followers

Viewers can join your live broadcast and interact with you by commenting and reacting in real-time. This creates a conversation with your followers.

Increase Authenticity

The immediate, raw nature of streaming live lends itself to showing authentic, unfiltered content. This can help you form stronger connections with your audience.

No Time Limit

Instagram Live videos can stream continuously for up to 1 hour. This allows flexibility for extended live sessions.

Challenges of Going Live on Instagram

There are also some potential downsides to keep in mind with Instagram Live:

Harder to Discover

Unlike Facebook, Instagram Live video doesn’t show up in the main feed. Followers have to be notified you’re broadcasting or catch it before you finish streaming.

Technical Issues

With video that is completely live and unedited, there’s more potential for technical glitches like choppy connectivity or audio feedback.

Fleeting Content

Unless you save your live broadcast afterwards, the content disappears as soon as your stream finishes. This means less opportunity to repurpose video.

Need to Schedule Strategically

You can’t stream on Instagram spontaneously. To maximize viewership, you need to promote ahead of time when you plan to go live.

Harder to Track Metrics

Instagram provides more limited analytics on live videos compared to Facebook. This makes it tougher to analyze your performance.

Benefits of Going Live on Facebook

Switching gears to Facebook, here are some benefits of live streaming on this platform:

Reach a Broad Audience

Facebook has over 2 billion monthly active users from all demographics. This gives you access to a large potential audience for broadcasts.

Appear in Main Feed

When you go live on Facebook, a notification shows up at the top of your followers’ news feeds. This makes it easy to alert a wide segment of your audience.

Flexible Video Options

Facebook Live videos have no time constraints, so you can stream for as long or short as you want. You also have options like scheduling a future broadcast.

Generate Leads & Sales

Add lead generation forms or shoppable product tags to your live videos to drive direct conversions from broadcasts.

Improved Analytics

Facebook provides robust analytics on live videos, including total views, average watch time, location of viewers, and more data to assess performance.

Embed Live Streams

You can embed Facebook Live video on your website or blog to extend reach beyond just followers.

Download Broadcasts

Facebook automatically saves live videos, allowing you to download and repurpose content even after broadcasting wraps.

Challenges of Going Live on Facebook

That said, there are also some drawbacks to keep in mind with Facebook Live:

Algorithm Changes

Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t always favor live video, so your reach can fluctuate significantly.

Cluttered Platform

It can be harder to stand out among the wide range of content types on Facebook. Live videos may get lost in the shuffle.

Difficult to Moderate

With unlimited viewers and real-time comments, it can be challenging to moderate your live videos on Facebook.

Age of Audience

While broader reach has benefits, it also means you get more older viewers that may not be your target demographic.

More Competition

You’re competing with a huge number of other broadcasters and content types trying to get views.

Key Metrics to Compare Performance

To determine if Instagram or Facebook is better for going live, it helps to dig into key metrics and data. Here are some of the top factors to analyze:

Number of Viewers

Compare the total number of live views you’re getting on each platform. This demonstrates potential reach.

Peak Concurrent Viewers

Look at the max number of people watching simultaneously during your live broadcasts.

Viewer Demographics

Inspect the age, location, gender, and interests of live viewers on each platform. See which aligns better with your target audience.

Average Watch Time

Higher average watch time suggests you’re creating more engaging content that retains viewer attention.


Assess the number and type of comments on your live videos to gauge audience participation and response.


More shares indicates your live broadcasts are resonating with viewers and worth promoting.

Follower Growth

See if going live consistently leads to increased followers and overall audience growth on each platform.

Conversion Rates

If you have lead gen forms or sales links, compare conversion rates between the platforms.

Best Practices for Going Live

Once you choose the platform(s) you want to focus on for livestreaming, here are some best practices to optimize your strategy:

Promote Your Broadcast

Post ahead of time on your other social media channels, send emails, add event details, and drive awareness that you’ll be going live.

Engage With Viewers

Interact with commenters by responding to questions and reacting to feedback. This makes the experience more interactive.

Watch the Analytics

Pay attention to viewer drop off rates, locations, traffic sources, and other data so you can continually refine your approach.

Bring on Guests

Consider inviting relevant guests like influencers or partners to join your live broadcast and offer commentary.

Reuse Your Content

Download your livestreams afterwards and repurpose snippets for other social platforms.

Provide Value

Offer exclusive tips, deals, Q&As, or other incentives for viewers to tune in so you deliver value.

Stream Consistently

Go live regularly to build it into your audience’s expectations. This also helps improve your skills.

Use Interactivity Tools

Leverage built-in features like polls, Q&As, tags, etc. to make your broadcast more engaging and interactive.

The Verdict: Instagram vs. Facebook Live

So when it comes down to deciding between using Instagram Live vs. Facebook Live, which platform wins out? The answer depends on your specific goals and target audience.

In general, Instagram Live is better for reaching younger users, showcasing visuals, embedding broadcasts in stories, and creating authentic connections with followers.

Facebook Live allows you to reach a broader demographic, appears more prominently in feeds, provides robust analytics, and gives you more flexibility with video length and repurposing.

Tips for Choosing Between Instagram and Facebook Live

Here are some tips to help you decide where to focus your livestreaming efforts:

  • Consider which platform your target audience uses more actively.
  • Factor in age demographics and which skews better to who you want to reach.
  • Decide whether you want to prioritize visual content or maximum reach.
  • Compare analytics and performance metrics between platforms.
  • Think about where your live videos can be repurposed effectively.
  • Determine how much time you can dedicate to moderating livestreams.

In many cases, the best approach is to leverage both Instagram and Facebook for live broadcasts, tailoring your strategy and content for each platform’s audience. This allows you to maximize reach across different demographics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still deciding whether Instagram or Facebook is better for going live? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Can you make money from live videos?

Yes, you can monetize livestreams on both Instagram and Facebook. On Instagram, you can receive Stars from viewers that convert to real money. Facebook offers paid online events, paid memberships, ad breaks, and Stars.

Do Instagram Live videos disappear?

Instagram Live videos disappear once you finish broadcasting, unless you choose to save the video afterwards or share it to your story. Facebook Live videos remain viewable.

Is there a limit to how long you can go live?

Instagram Live videos are capped at 1 hour. Facebook has no time limit on the length of live broadcasts.

Can you go live simultaneously on both platforms?

Tools like Streamyard allow you to livestream to Instagram and Facebook – as well as YouTube – all at the same time from one broadcast.

Which platform has better live video analytics?

Facebook provides much more in-depth analytics on your live videos related to viewership, traffic sources, locations, demographics, watch time metrics and more.


Determining whether Instagram or Facebook is better for broadcasting live depends on your goals, audience, and content focus. Ideally using both platforms in parallel gives you the most reach and allows you to cater your strategy to each.

Pay attention to performance metrics on each and optimize based on what drives the most engagement. With smart scheduling, promotion, and value-driven content, going live can significantly boost your connection with followers on both Instagram and Facebook.