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Is it better to delete or deactivate Facebook account?

Is it better to delete or deactivate Facebook account?

With billions of users worldwide, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. However, many users decide they want to leave Facebook for various reasons like privacy concerns, too much wasted time, or desire for a social media cleanse. When making this decision, users are faced with two options – deactivating or fully deleting their Facebook account. But which option is better?

What happens when you deactivate Facebook account?

Deactivating your Facebook account is a reversible action. It temporarily disables your profile and removes your name and photos from most things you’ve shared on Facebook. But it does not delete any of your information or posts. Your profile, friends, photos, comments, and everything else remain stored on Facebook’s servers.

When you deactivate your account:

  • Your profile is hidden from other users on Facebook
  • People can’t search for you or view your profile on Facebook
  • You don’t show up in friends’ News Feeds
  • You can’t use Facebook to log in to third-party apps
  • Facebook saves all your data and can restore your profile if you later reactivate your account

To reactivate your account, simply log back into Facebook with your username and password. All your information will reappear just as you left it. Deactivating your account is like putting your account on pause. It’s useful if you want to take a temporary break from Facebook.

What happens when you delete Facebook account?

Deleting your Facebook account is permanent. When you delete your account, your profile, photos, posts, comments, reactions, and everything else you’ve added to Facebook is erased from Facebook’s servers. Unlike deactivating, deleting your account is irreversible. Here’s what happens when you permanently delete your Facebook account:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, comments, likes, and everything else is erased
  • You immediately stop showing up on Facebook
  • No one can search for you or view your profile on Facebook
  • Facebook removes everything you’ve added or uploaded
  • You can’t use Facebook to log in to third-party apps
  • Facebook can’t recover or restore any of your deleted information

Deleting your account completely removes you from Facebook. It’s useful if you never intend to use Facebook again and want your information and activity permanently erased.

How long does it take to delete Facebook account?

When you request account deletion, Facebook initiates a 2-week waiting period before deletion happens. This gives you a chance to change your mind and cancel the deletion. After the 2 weeks are up, Facebook permanently deletes all your data from its servers. This process typically completes within 90 days.

So in summary, it takes up to 2 weeks + 90 days = approximately 100 days for Facebook to fully delete your account and information after you first request deletion.

Can you recover a deleted Facebook account?

No, once your Facebook account is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Facebook does not have the ability to restore accounts that users have requested to be permanently deleted. All your information is removed from their servers during the deletion process. This is why Facebook initiates a 2-week waiting period before deletion – to give you a chance to change your mind.

What happens to Facebook Messenger when you delete account?

Deleting your Facebook account also deletes your Facebook Messenger account and all your Messenger messages. You will no longer have access to Messenger. Your Messenger chats and message history cannot be recovered after your Facebook account is deleted.

If you want to keep using Messenger when deleting Facebook, you can request to have your Messenger data separated from your Facebook account before deletion. This allows you to continue using Messenger with some limited functionality.

Can people still tag you in photos after deleting Facebook?

No, you cannot be tagged in any posts or photos after deleting your Facebook account. When you delete your account, your profile no longer exists, so other users can no longer tag you or interact with your profile in any way.

What happens to Facebook groups when you delete account?

Any Facebook groups you created will remain active even after you delete your account. However, your name will be removed as group admin. If there are no other admins, Facebook will assign a new admin to maintain the group.

For groups you joined, you will be automatically removed from those groups when your account is deleted.

Can you keep using Instagram if you delete Facebook?

Yes, deleting your Facebook account does not delete your Instagram account. Although Facebook owns Instagram, they are separate platforms with separate accounts. As long as you signed up for Instagram directly and not through Facebook, you can continue using Instagram normally after deleting Facebook.

Can you keep using WhatsApp if you delete Facebook?

Yes, you can still use WhatsApp even after deleting your Facebook account. Like Instagram, WhatsApp has separate accounts not tied to your Facebook profile. As long as you originally signed up for WhatsApp directly rather than through Facebook, deleting Facebook will not affect your WhatsApp account or data.

Can pages and businesses remain on Facebook if you delete account?

Yes, any Facebook pages or business accounts you manage will remain active even if you delete your personal Facebook account. This is because pages on Facebook are separate from personal profiles. So you can delete your individual profile while keeping your business pages or creator accounts active.

What happens to Oculus content if you delete Facebook?

If you delete your Facebook account, you also lose access to any Oculus VR content linked to your Facebook profile. This includes:

  • Purchased Oculus apps and games
  • Achievements and progression in Oculus games
  • Your friends list in Oculus

So you should consider saving or backing up any Oculus content or data before deleting Facebook. Your Oculus purchases and information cannot be recovered after deleting your account.

Can you continue using Facebook dating after deleting account?

No, deleting your Facebook account permanently deletes your Facebook Dating profile and removes you from the Dating service. You will lose all your matches, conversations, and other dating information stored in Facebook Dating. None of your dating profile information or activity can be recovered after your account is deleted.

Pros of deactivating instead of deleting Facebook

Here are some benefits of deactivating your account instead of permanently deleting:

  • It’s reversible – You can easily reactivate your account and restore all your information if you change your mind
  • You maintain your profile – Your profile, photos, posts, and all activity stay saved in deactivated state
  • You keep Messenger access – You can still use Messenger to chat with friends while account is deactivated
  • You stay findable – Friends can still find and contact you on Messenger even if your profile is hidden
  • You keep admin privileges – You maintain admin access for any groups or pages you manage

In summary, deactivating your account is ideal if you want the option to restore your account or hesitate to permanently erase all your Facebook data.

Pros of deleting instead of deactivating Facebook

Here are some advantages of permanently deleting your account rather than just deactivating:

  • It’s permanent – Your data is erased for good once account is deleted
  • Increased privacy – All your info and activity is removed from Facebook’s servers
  • No temptation to return – Deleting prevents you from reactivating account on impulse
  • Saves time – Deleting can prevent wasted time scrolling social media feed
  • Clean break – Deleting provides a definitive end if you are addicted to Facebook

In summary, permanently deleting your account is best if you want to completely remove yourself from Facebook and social media.

Should you notify contacts before deleting Facebook?

It’s generally wise to notify your close contacts before deleting Facebook so they know how to stay in touch. Here are some ways to notify contacts:

  • Post a status update explaining you are deleting Facebook and how to contact you
  • Send Direct Messages to close connections with alternative contact info
  • Export your contacts list and email people you want to notify
  • Change voicemail messages to mention deleting Facebook
  • Text or call people you frequently communicate with on Facebook

Giving notice allows your friends and family to retain contact with you through other methods once your Facebook account is gone. Be sure to provide alternative ways they can get in touch.

How to download your Facebook data before deleting

Before deleting your Facebook account, you may want to download an archive of your Facebook data for your records. Here are the steps to download your data:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in left menu
  3. Select “Download Your Information”
  4. Choose date range of data to download
  5. Select desired data types to include
  6. Click “Create File”
  7. Enter your password when prompted
  8. You will get email when archive is ready to download
  9. Follow link in email to download ZIP file of your Facebook data

Your downloaded data will contain your posts, photos, profile info, messages, and more based on what you selected. Save this archive before deleting your account.

How to permanently delete your Facebook account

If you are certain you want to delete your Facebook account, here is how to permanently delete it:

  1. Click drop down arrow in top right and select Settings & Privacy
  2. Click “Settings” in left menu
  3. Click “Your Facebook Information” in left menu
  4. Click “Delete Your Account and Information”
  5. Choose “Delete Account”
  6. Select “Continue to Account Deletion”
  7. Enter your password and click “Continue”
  8. Click “Delete Account”

After you complete these steps, your account will be scheduled for deletion. Facebook will initiate a 2-week waiting period before permanently deleting your account. Your profile and data will be erased over the following 90 days.


In summary, deactivating your Facebook account is reversible and hides your profile temporarily, while deleting is permanent and erases all your Facebook data. Consider notifying close contacts before deleting your account. Download any data you want to keep. Overall, deactivating is best if you want a temporary break, while deleting is ideal for permanently removing yourself from Facebook.