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Is instagram reel bonus discontinued?

Instagram has not officially discontinued the reel bonus program yet. However, many creators have reported seeing lower engagement and reach on their reels in 2022 compared to 2021. This has led to speculation that Instagram may have reduced or removed the “boost” that reels previously got in the algorithm.

What was the Instagram reel bonus?

When Instagram Reels was first introduced in 2020, the platform gave an engagement boost to reels to incentivize creators to use the new video format. This “bonus” meant that reels were shown more prominently in followers’ feeds and got better distribution on the Explore page compared to regular Instagram posts.

Essentially, Instagram’s algorithm favored reels in order to establish the format as a popular alternative to TikTok. As reels usage grew, creators were able to gain more views, likes and followers on their reels content compared to photos or videos in the old Instagram format.

Did Instagram remove the reel bonus?

Instagram has not officially announced the discontinuation of the reel bonus or reel push in the algorithm. However, many influencers have noticed a significant drop in reels performance over the last 6-12 months.

Engagement rates on reels have fallen, and it has become harder to get organic reach. This has led creators to believe that Instagram has quietly removed the artifical boost that reels previously received.

Some of the reasons why Instagram may have reduced the reel bonus:

  • Instagram wants to focus more on quality content. With Reels established now, the platform doesn’t need to artificially inflate all reels’ reach.
  • Too many low-quality/spam reels were getting pushed due to the bonus.
  • Instagram wants a more level playing field between photos, videos and reels.
  • They want to encourage creators to use IG stories more.

How to get views and engagement on reels in 2022

Even without a reel bonus, it’s still completely possible to create successful and engaging reels content. Here are some tips:

Focus on quality over quantity

Churning out low-effort reels frequently is unlikely to get engagement anymore. Spend time creating top-notch reels around original ideas, high-quality editing, or funny/relatable concepts.

Use trending sounds and templates

Leverage viral sounds, songs, memes or templates that are popular on Instagram currently. This increases chances of getting views from people interested in those trends.

Optimize hashtags and captions

Research and use relevant hashtags to help the right audience discover your reels. Write compelling captions that intrigue viewers.

Collaborate with others

Duet with other creators in your niche, participate in Instagram trends together or co-create content to expand reach.

Cross-promote between platforms

Share Instagram reels on other social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter or TikTok. Similarly, repurpose content from other apps as Instagram reels.

Post frequently and consistently

The Instagram algorithm favors accounts that post reels regularly. Aim for at least 3-5 reels per week.

Analyze performance and iterate

Check Instagram reels insights to see which types of content get the most engagement. Make more reels around topics that resonate best with your audience.

Use Instagram ads

Running paid promotions for your best reels can quickly scale reach. Instagram ads can display reels to relevant accounts that may not see it organically.

Should you still use Instagram Reels in 2022?

Absolutely! Despite the bonus likely going away, Reels is still one of the best ways for creators and businesses to reach new audiences and grow on Instagram.

Here are some key reasons why Reels remain a valuable investment:

  • Instagram is actively developing and promoting Reels with new features and formats.
  • Reels get visibility in the dedicated Reels tab and on Explore where billions of videos are watched daily.
  • You can reuse content from TikTok or other apps as Reels saving production time.
  • Instagram Reels have special editing tools and AR filters unavailable for feed posts.
  • Short vertical videos fit the mobile-first, fast-paced viewing habits of today’s audience.

While organic reach may be slightly lower than before, Reels remain one of the best ways to engage and delight your Instagram followers!

Tips to adapt to the reduced reel bonus

Here are some suggestions to thrive on Reels even after the engagement boost disappears:

  • Switch focus from rapid content creation to thoughtful high-quality reels.
  • Double down on evergreen evergreen reels that provide value regardless of trends.
  • Collaborate more with creators in your niche instead of mass following/DMing.
  • Treat Reels as a way to drive traffic to other social/monetization channels.
  • Diversify content across IG Feed, Stories, Live and Reels instead of just Reels.
  • Proactively build an engaged audience of people likely to watch your reels.

Is the Instagram algorithm change permanent?

It’s unclear if the reduced engagement on Instagram Reels is a temporary algorithm shift or a permanent change.

Platforms like Instagram are constantly running tests and tweaking their algorithms. It’s possible this is just a short-term experiment to see how creators adapt.

However, the fact that Reels are now well-established makes it unlikely that Instagram will restore the full original reel bonus.

The reality is that competition on Instagram today is much higher than when Reels first launched. Creators can no longer depend on getting guaranteed reach just for using the reels format.

Make sure to track updates from Instagram to see if they announce any official changes. But for now, the reduced bonus engagement seems like the new normal.

Mistakes to avoid with Instagram Reels

Here are some common mistakes that hurt reels performance in 2022’s algorithm:

  • Reposting TikToks as is. Customize them to Instagram’s vertical format.
  • Lazy content that lacks creativity or production quality.
  • Only jumping on trending memes, sounds etc. Instead of balancing trends with evergreen content.
  • Focusing solely on posting more reels instead of posting better reels.
  • Irrelevant or spammy hashtags that attract the wrong audience.
  • Asking followers for likes/comments/saves instead of encouraging natural engagement.
  • Not having a strong Instagram profile to support your reels and build followers.

Avoid these missteps and implement best practices optimized for current Instagram algorithms to succeed with Reels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are my Instagram Reels not getting views?

If your reels aren’t getting views, possible reasons could be: poor content quality, irrelevant hashtags, spam behavior, inactive account, or very small follower count. Ensure you create valuable reels optimized for Instagram, engage actively with your audience, and promote reels across channels.

How much reach do Instagram Reels get?

There is no fixed reach for Instagram Reels. Reach depends on factors like content quality, account authority, hashtags used, caption optimization, viewer interests etc. Top creators can get millions of views on viral reels. But most regular accounts get a few hundred to a few thousand views per reel on average currently.

Should I stop making reels if the bonus is removed?

No, you should continue making Reels even without the engagement boost formerly provided. While growth may be slower, Reels still offer more reach than regular posts for most accounts. Focus on making genuinely engaging reels to keep gaining followers in the long run.

Are Instagram Reels dead?

No. Although the artificial reach boost is likely reduced, Reels are still thriving as a format. They have become too popular and ingrained in Instagram to simply fade away. While you may need to work harder for views, Reels remain one of the best ways to reach new people and get discovered on Instagram.


The Instagram reel bonus or boost that helped creators get extra views and engagement appears to have been reduced if not completely removed in 2022.

But this doesn’t make Reels useless. They are still crucial for Instagram growth. You may not go viral easily without the bonus, but consistently posting quality reels optimizes for Instagram’s algorithm remains one of the top strategies to gain followers and traction.

Adapt your approach, focus on value, collaborate smartly, promote reels across channels and keep experimenting with new trends. With the right strategy tailored to current realities, Instagram Reels remain a hugely valuable opportunity for your brand or profile!