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Is Instagram Live same as Facebook Live?

Is Instagram Live same as Facebook Live?

Instagram Live and Facebook Live are two popular live streaming features offered by Facebook-owned social media platforms Instagram and Facebook. While there are some similarities between the two, there are also key differences that users should be aware of.

Introducing Instagram Live and Facebook Live

Instagram Live allows users to broadcast live video to their followers in real-time. Viewers can comment and interact with the person streaming through comments and other reactions. Instagram Live videos disappear after the broadcast ends, unless the creator chooses to share a replay of it to their feed. It was launched in 2016.

Facebook Live works in a similar way by letting users broadcast live videos to their friends, followers and public. Viewers can react and comment on the live video. Facebook Live videos remain viewable after the live broadcast ends unless deleted by the creator. Facebook launched the feature in 2015.

Reach and Discovery

One of the main differences between Instagram Live and Facebook Live is the reach and discovery of the live broadcasts.

Instagram Live videos are discoverable primarily to a user’s existing followers only. They appear higher in followers’ feeds while the broadcast is happening. So the reach is limited to fans who already follow that user and are online at the time of broadcast. There is no separate section for browsing upcoming or currently active Instagram Live streams.

Facebook Live videos can reach both followers and non-followers. Live broadcasts show up in followers’ News Feeds and the publisher’s profile. But they are also discoverable through Facebook’s “Live” section where all public live streams are browsable. So people who don’t even follow the broadcaster can still stumble upon an active Facebook Live video.

This makes Facebook Live better for reaching new audiences, while Instagram Live is focused on existing followers only.

Video Orientation

Instagram Live and Facebook Live also differ in their video orientation and formats.

Instagram Live streams are vertical video only, matching the app’s focus on mobile users. Vertical video fills more of the screen on smartphones held upright. But it leaves large black bars on either side if viewed in landscape orientation on tablets or desktop.

Facebook Live can stream horizontal or vertical video. Horizontal is best for desktop viewing while vertical works well for mobile. The video dynamically adapts in the viewer’s feed based on their device. Broadcasters can choose the orientation that suits their needs.

Streaming Tools

The tools available for streaming live video also vary between the two platforms.

Instagram Live supports streaming only from mobile devices via the Instagram app. There are no options for streaming from desktop or through external encoding software.

Facebook Live offers more flexibility for streaming. It supports mobile streaming through the Facebook app and Page Manager app. But broadcasters can also stream from desktop using software encoders or production switchers with a connected camera and microphone.

So Facebook Live accommodates more advanced live video setups beyond just mobile phones.

Video Length

Instagram Live and Facebook Live also set different limits for how long you can stream live video.

Instagram Live originally had a 30-minute limit per broadcast, which was eventually increased to 1 hour. However, some creators are now able to stream for up to 4 hours at a time.

Facebook Live allows unlimited streaming time, so broadcasts can essentially go on for as long as the streamer wants. The only limit may be based on a person’s connected device and cellular data or wifi bandwidth caps.

User Interface

The user interface for going live is another area where Instagram and Facebook differ.

Instagram makes live streaming simple through a prominent swipe left button from the post composer screen. There are limited options before going live – just a title and the ability to invite friends.

Facebook Live has more settings and controls around image overlays, titles, posting, invited friends, and even linking external studio software. The additional production capabilities make setup more complex.

So Instagram Live emphasizes quick mobile broadcasts while Facebook supports higher production value streams.

Saving Live Videos

What happens to live streams after broadcast is handled differently as well.

Instagram Live videos disappear as soon as the broadcast finishes. Creators can optionally choose to save the replay to post on their profile grid or in Stories.

Facebook Live streams remain available for viewing on the creator’s Timeline unless they choose to delete it. There is also an option to download the video after it ends.

In general, Facebook Live videos are easier to access after live streaming compared to Instagram’s temporary approach.


Monetizing live streams is possible on both platforms, but also different.

Instagram Live offers the ability to fundraise by adding a donation sticker during a broadcast. Viewers can tap to contribute and the total amount raised is shown live.

Facebook Live lets Pages earn money through the Stars feature where fans can purchase Stars to tip streamers. Facebook takes a cut of Star payments while content creators cash out directly.

While both platforms facilitate gifting/tipping from fans, Instagram Live focuses only on fundraising for nonprofits and special causes.

Use Cases

The different features of Instagram Live and Facebook Live lend themselves to different use cases and content styles.

Instagram Live is ideal for:

  • Quick check-ins and updates to followers
  • Behind the scenes looks
  • Announcements and special offers
  • Real-time engagement with followers
  • Q&As, polls and contests
  • Collaborations with other creators

Facebook Live works well for:

  • Longer talks, interviews and speeches
  • Detailed tutorials, trainings or workshops
  • Webinars, conferences and event broadcasts
  • Gaming streams and competitions
  • Politician town halls and addresses
  • Product demos and launches

The choice comes down to the best platform based on video format, audience reach and type of content being streamed.

Key Differences

In summary, here are some of the key differences between Instagram Live and Facebook Live:

Category Instagram Live Facebook Live
Video Orientation Vertical Only Horizontal or Vertical
Streaming Options Mobile App Only Mobile, Desktop, Encoder Software
Video Length Up to 1 Hour Unlimited
Availability After Live Deleted Unless Replayed Saved Unless Deleted
Monetization Donation Stickers Stars Virtual Gifting
Ideal Use Cases Behind-the-Scenes, Q&As with Followers Presentations, Workshops, Gaming Streams


Instagram Live and Facebook Live share similarities as live streaming platforms owned by Meta. But key differences in video orientation, reach, length limits, and tools make each platform better suited for some use cases over others.

Instagram Live is made for quick spur-of-the-moment streaming focused on existing followers only. Facebook Live supports more robust streaming capabilities with higher production value and discovery by non-followers. Understanding the strengths of each can help choose the best option based on your specific live streaming needs and audience.