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Is influencer marketing better than Facebook ads?

Is influencer marketing better than Facebook ads?

In today’s digital age, brands have many options when it comes to marketing and advertising. Two of the most popular digital marketing channels are influencer marketing and Facebook ads. But which one is more effective? Here we’ll examine the pros and cons of each to help determine which is the better strategy for your brand.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing involves partnering with social media influencers to promote your products or services. Influencers are people who have built large, dedicated social media followings around their niche or industry. Brands collaborate with relevant influencers to create sponsored content and leverage their audience and credibility to drive awareness, engagement, and sales.

There are several types of influencer marketing partnerships:

  • Sponsored posts – Creating social media posts promoting the brand’s products/services
  • Brand ambassadorships – Longer-term partnerships where the influencer represents the brand more holistically
  • Affiliate marketing – Influencers share discount codes and affiliate links, earning a commission on each sale driven
  • Giveaways & contests – Influencers promote branded contests and giveaways to their audience

The key benefit of influencer marketing is that it allows brands to tap into the influencer’s already established audience and credibility. Influencer followers are likely to trust recommendations and see sponsored content as more authentic when it comes from influencers they know and like.

What are Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads allow brands to pay to display ads to targeted audiences on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Networks. There are many different Facebook ad formats, including:

  • Photo ads
  • Video ads
  • Carousel ads
  • Stories ads
  • Messenger ads

Facebook advertising enables brands to target ads using detailed audience demographic, interest, and behavioral data. Brands can target ads to reach very specific, customized audiences.

You only pay when users click on or view your ads. The Facebook pixel allows you to track conversions from your ads as well.

Key Differences

While both are popular digital marketing tactics, influencer marketing and Facebook ads have some key differences:

Influencer Marketing Facebook Ads
Targeting Reach the influencer’s audience Detailed targeting options
Content Sponsored posts, ambassadorships Variety of ad formats
Cost Influencer rates Pay per click/view
Reach Influencer’s followers Billions of Facebook users
Tracking Engagement, clicks, sales codes Clicks, views, conversions

The main differences come down to the audience you can target, the ad content and formats, and how you are charged and can track performance.

Pros of Influencer Marketing

Here are some of the main benefits of using influencer marketing:

  • Leverages influencer credibility & trust – Their audience sees recommendations as more authentic
  • Increases brand awareness – Introduces your brand to new audiences organically
  • Drives engagement – Influencer content gets higher engagement rates than brand posts
  • Targets specific niches – Reach very specific, relevant audiences via influencers in your niche
  • Provides content assets – Brands get rights to reuse high-quality influencer content
  • More cost-effective – The average cost per click on influencer posts is lower compared to other paid channels

The power of influencer marketing is leveraging influencers’ established authority on social platforms to drive more authentic engagement and awareness with targeted audiences.

Cons of Influencer Marketing

There are also a few potential downsides of influencer marketing to be aware of:

  • Niche audience reach – While they have strong influence in their niche, most influencers still have relatively narrow reach in the broader market
  • Costs can add up – Working with multiple influencers across different tiers and content types leads to higher costs
  • Less control over messaging – Brands have to rely on influencers to faithfully communicate brand messaging
  • Inconsistent results – Performance can vary greatly depending on the influencer partnership
  • Time consuming – Takes more time to manage the process of identifying, contacting, briefuing, and collaborating with influencers

The more niche the influencer’s audience and the more partners involved, the more time, money, and effort it takes to generate and quantify results.

Pros of Facebook Ads

Some of the key advantages of Facebook advertising include:

  • Highly targeted – Use detailed targeting data on age, location, interests, behaviors, and more
  • Extensive reach – Over 2.9 billion active monthly Facebook users
  • Measurable results – Track impressions, clicks, conversions, and ROI
  • Ad format variety – Creative options like video and carousel ads
  • Budget flexibility – Set daily budgets as high or low as you want
  • Works across devices – Mobile, desktop, tablet, etc.

Facebook advertising provides extensive targeting options and measurable data on performance and ROAS across one of the largest global audiences.

Cons of Facebook Ads

Here are some of the potential disadvantages of Facebook ads:

  • Highly competitive – Facebook advertising is extremely popular, leading to rising costs and competitors bidding on your target keywords
  • More ads lead to banner blindness – People tend to ignore side column ads or scroll right past them
  • Less authentic engagement – People are less likely to engage with ads compared to organic influencer content
  • Ad blockers – More people are using ad blockers to avoid display ads
  • Learning curve – There is a process of testing and optimizing to improve performance

It can take time and experience to create effective Facebook ads and continually adapt them to perform against increasing competition. There is also the risk of low organic engagement rates.

Which Is More Effective?

So when it comes to the central question of whether influencer marketing or Facebook advertising is more effective, there isn’t one universally right answer.

Here are some factors to consider when determining which strategy may be better for your specific brand and campaign goals:

  • Target audience – What platforms and types of content will be most relevant?
  • Campaign objective – Are you prioritizing awareness, engagement, conversions?
  • Product/service – Does it lend itself better to influencer content or Facebook ads?
  • Budget – Influencer costs add up, while Facebook ads are pay per click
  • Brand positioning – Is authenticity or precise targeting more important?

Often a combined influencer and Facebook ad strategy maximizes reach and conversion potential. But assess your own priorities and resources.

Tips for Success

To optimize the performance of both influencer marketing and Facebook ads, keep these tips in mind:

For Influencer Marketing

  • Choose influencers whose content style and audience aligns closely with your brand
  • Look beyond follower count to engagement rates, credibility, and audience relevance
  • Prioritize long-term ambassador relationships over one-off sponsored posts for more authenticity
  • Give influencers creative freedom but provide clear brand guidelines
  • Measure engagement, clicks, and sales generated from each partnership

For Facebook Ads

  • Split test ad variations – imagery, copy, layouts, etc.
  • Refine targeting over time based on performance data
  • Remain consistent with branding, offer and messaging across campaigns
  • Monitor and optimize for conversions, not just clicks and impressions
  • Experiment with different ad formats – carousel, video, Stories, etc.

Pay close attention to performance data and continuously adapt and improve upon what is and isn’t working.


Influencer marketing and Facebook advertising both have unique advantages that make them valuable marketing tactics if executed strategically. In many cases, brands find success using a mix of both influencer partnerships and precise Facebook ads to attract new audiences and drive conversions across the entire customer journey.

The most important factors are understanding your target audiences, setting campaign objectives, experimenting with different messaging and content formats, and analyzing performance data. When done right, both influencer collaborations and Facebook ads can be extremely effective modern marketing tools.