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Is FB Lite safe?

Is FB Lite safe?

Facebook Lite is a stripped down version of Facebook’s mobile app designed for areas with limited internet connectivity. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. However, its full app can be data heavy and struggling to load on slower networks. This led Facebook to develop Facebook Lite – a solution for emerging markets where mobile data is expensive and connections are unreliable.

But is Facebook Lite safe to use? Here we’ll look at the key security and privacy concerns around using Facebook Lite and steps you can take to protect your account.

Privacy and data collection

Facebook Lite collects much of the same data and follows the same data use policies as the regular Facebook app. When you sign up and use Facebook Lite, you agree to Facebook’s Data Policy which allows them to collect information about:

  • Things you do on Facebook, such as Liking posts, sharing photos, checking into locations
  • Device data like operating system, hardware model, signal strength and connection information
  • Your activity on other sites and apps that use Facebook services
  • Information about payments you make through Facebook

This data may be used by Facebook:

  • To provide and support Facebook products and services
  • For ads personalization and measurement
  • For safety, security and integrity purposes
  • For research and innovation

So in terms of data gathering, Facebook Lite has access to much of the same profile, activity and device data as regular Facebook. Key things to watch out for include:

Location tracking

Facebook Lite will track your device’s precise location if you give it permission. You can toggle location permissions on/off in your device settings.

Ad targeting

The data Facebook collects is used to target ads based on your interests, activities, location and more. You have some control over ad preferences in your settings.

Third-party app permissions

Be cautious which apps you allow to integrate with your Facebook account – they may access your profile data and post activity.

Friend tagging

Friends can tag you in photos and posts shared on Facebook Lite, so be aware of how you’re portrayed.

Account security

There are several steps you can take to lock down your Facebook Lite account security:

Use two-factor authentication

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) which adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. With 2FA enabled, you’ll need to enter a special code sent to your mobile when logging in from a new device.

Set a strong password

Your Facebook password should be long, complex and unique to protect against brute force attacks. Consider using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords.

Review login notifications

Facebook sends notifications whenever your account is accessed from a new device. Review these carefully for any unauthorized access.

Limit third-party app permissions

Be selective when allowing third-party apps access to your Facebook account. Only permit reputable apps as they may otherwise access private data.

Beware of phishing scams

Watch out for emails or texts pretending to be from Facebook asking you to log in or share sensitive information. Facebook will never ask for your password.

Facebook Lite app security

The Facebook Lite app itself also implements some security measures:

Data encryption

Data transmitted between Facebook’s servers and the Facebook Lite app is encrypted for protection against hacking while in transit.

App screening

The Google Play Store screens apps like Facebook Lite for malware before they are published for download.

App permissions

Facebook Lite will only request access to device data that’s needed for the app functions to operate, like contacts for tagging and storage for photos.

Automatic updates

Facebook Lite regularly receives security patches and bug fixes through auto app updates from the Play Store.

Managing privacy settings

To help protect your privacy on Facebook Lite, be sure to check your account’s privacy settings. Key options to review include:

Profile privacy

Control who can view your profile information like phone number, email, address and date of birth.

Post audience

Set the default audience for your posts – you may not want all content visible to the public.

Review tags

Manage your tag review settings. Require approval before friends can tag you in posts or photos.

Ad preferences

Block certain advertisers from showing you targeted ads and manage your ad interests.

App settings

Revoke access to any apps you no longer use or don’t trust with your info.


Facebook Lite does gather user data and has some privacy risks to be aware of. However, by taking steps like enabling two-factor authentication, using strong passwords, limiting app permissions and managing your privacy settings, you can securely use Facebook Lite.

The app itself also implements security measures like encryption and undergoes regular screening for malware. Overall, while no social media platform is 100% risk-free, Facebook Lite can be used safely by adopting good security practices.