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Is Facebook username unique?

Is Facebook username unique?

Facebook usernames, also known as Facebook vanity URLs, allow users to choose a custom URL for their profile instead of using the default ID that is assigned when an account is created. Usernames make profiles easier to find and share, but there are some limitations on what can be used.

What are the requirements for a Facebook username?

Facebook has several rules in place for usernames:

  • Usernames must be at least 5 characters long
  • Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and periods
  • Usernames cannot contain spaces
  • Usernames cannot contain consecutive periods
  • Usernames cannot be a reserved word banned by Facebook

Facebook has banned certain words from being used as usernames, including terms related to hate speech, violence, sexual content, and regulated goods. Some common English words are also reserved and cannot be used even if they meet the other requirements.

Are Facebook usernames unique?

No, Facebook usernames are not unique across the platform. Multiple users can have the same custom username. When choosing a username, it will let you know if your desired name is already taken.

This is different from your Facebook ID number, which is unique and assigned when you create your account. Usernames are intended to be an easy to remember shortcut, but multiple people can use the same username if they choose.

Why are Facebook usernames not unique?

There are a few reasons why Facebook allows duplicate usernames:

  • With over 2 billion active users, it would be very difficult to enforce unique names at that scale.
  • Facebook launched the username feature years after launching, when many users already had accounts.
  • Vanity URLs are optional – users are not required to pick one.
  • Usernames are meant to be easy to remember shorthand, not unique identifiers.

The platform recognizes that with a userbase in the billions, coming up with completely unique usernames that are also meaningful would be extremely limiting. Allowing duplicates gives more options for users to choose a name they want.

What happens if you choose a duplicate username?

If you attempt to change your profile to a username that is already in use, Facebook will append a numerical suffix to make it unique.

For example, if you choose “johnsmith” but that name is taken, your URL could become “johnsmith37”. The number added will be the lowest available one not currently in use.

You can keep the prefixed username assigned or go back and choose something different. The numbers help distinguish between profiles with commonly used names.

How are duplicate Facebook usernames displayed?

When multiple accounts are using the same username, Facebook displays them in the following ways:

  • On an individual profile page, only the main username will be shown in the URL.
  • In search results, the duplicate usernames will both appear.
  • Next to each search result, the person’s name and/or profile photo appear to distinguish between them.

So while multiple people can use the same custom username, Facebook provides visual cues alongside it to identify the different individuals using it in any given situation.

Can you claim an inactive Facebook username?

Facebook does not allow users to claim expired or inactive usernames. Usernames are retained by the original account holder indefinitely as long as the account remains intact.

Even if a user deletes their Facebook account, their past username cannot be claimed by another person. The only way a custom username becomes available again is if the original account holder changes it.

Can Facebook usernames be changed?

Yes, any user can change their Facebook username at any time through the following steps:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Edit Public Profile & URL”
  2. Delete the current custom username
  3. Enter the new desired username
  4. Click “Review Change”

The new username will become active immediately after confirming the change. You can change back and forth between your default ID and custom usernames as much as you want.

Can pages and groups have Facebook usernames?

Yes, Facebook allows pages and groups to select unique vanity URLs using the same format as user profiles.

Page and group admins can customize their URLs to make them shorter and easier to remember. The same rules and limitations apply regarding banned words, minimum length, and alphanumeric characters only.

However, page and group usernames are enforced to be unique – no two pages or groups can have the same custom URL. This distinguishes them from duplicate profile usernames.

Are Facebook usernames used for tagging?

No, you cannot tag someone on Facebook by their username. Tagging requires using the person’s full name or profile ID number. Usernames are only used to customize the account URL.

For example, if someone’s username is “coolcat123” you could not tag them in a post or comment with @coolcat123. You would need to know and use their assigned profile ID or real name.

Can hashtags be used in Facebook usernames?

No, hashtags cannot be included as part of a custom Facebook username. Only alphanumeric characters A-Z and 0-9 are allowed, along with periods.

Facebook does allow hashtags in regular posts and comments to categorize and group content. But hashtags are not supported in vanity profile URLs.

Do Facebook usernames improve SEO?

Using a custom Facebook username will not directly improve your SEO or ranking on Facebook. The username does not get indexed itself, only the content within your profile.

However, a memorable and descriptive username may make it easier for users to find and remember your profile. This can lead to more profile views, shares, follows, and engagement. Increased engagement does support higher ranking according to Facebook’s algorithms.

How are Facebook usernames displayed in Google?

When searching Google, Facebook profiles with custom usernames will display the URL but not the username itself in search results.

For example, a search for “john smith facebook” may show:

But the title displayed would still be “John Smith | Facebook” – not the unique portion of the URL. Usernames can make profiles easier to identify in search but do not override names in search listings.


Facebook usernames provide a way for users to customize their profile URL with a unique identifier of their choice. However, these usernames are not enforced to be one-of-a-kind – multiple users can potentially use the same username. This allows for more flexibility and simplicity at Facebook’s massive scale.

While usernames are not unique, Facebook provides contextual information like names and profile pictures to distinguish accounts with identical usernames in different situations. Overall, Facebook usernames serve more as memorable shortcuts rather than unique identifiers across the platform. Profiles can be located and identified by names or numerical IDs when necessary to avoid confusion between duplicates.

Question Answer
Are Facebook usernames unique? No, multiple users can have the same username.
Can you claim an inactive username? No, inactive usernames remain tied to the original account.
Can pages/groups have unique usernames? Yes, pages and groups get unique vanity URLs.
Can you change your username? Yes, users can change their usernames at any time.
Do usernames improve SEO? No direct improvement, but can aid discoverability.