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Is Facebook still sending automatic friend requests?

Is Facebook still sending automatic friend requests?

Facebook’s automatic friend suggestion feature has been controversial since its introduction in 2011. The feature analyzes a user’s contacts and friend networks to suggest new friends for them to connect with on Facebook. While some find it useful, others have raised concerns about privacy, spam, and the creation of awkward social situations. So is Facebook still sending these automatic friend requests in 2023? Let’s take a look at the history of Facebook’s friend suggestions and their current status.

The Origins of Facebook’s Friend Suggestions

Facebook first introduced its friend suggestion algorithm in 2011. The goal was to use network analysis to suggest friends that a user might know but not yet be connected to on Facebook. Factors analyzed include mutual friends, workplaces, schools, geographical location, and interests. Facebook claimed that its technology could predict possible real-world connections with surprising accuracy.

The friend suggestions began appearing along the right side of the Facebook page with the message “People You May Know.” Clicking on a suggestion sent an automated friend request on the user’s behalf. While some found it useful for reconnecting with old acquaintances, others complained that it felt intrusive and spammy.

The Controversies Around Friend Suggestions

As Facebook’s friend suggestion feature became more prominent, concerns around privacy and etiquette began to emerge. Some felt it was creepy for Facebook to analyze personal relationships in order to make unsolicited connection recommendations. Others worried that blindly accepting suggestions could open up their profile to spam or harassment.

There were also social awkwardness factors. Getting a friend request from someone you met briefly years ago could create an uncomfortable situation. And if someone declined a suggestion, it could cause tension or hurt feelings between real-world connections.

Many users felt like Facebook was trying to push more connections on them than they were comfortable with. And the auto-sending of friend requests on the user’s behalf only exacerbated these concerns.

Changes to Friend Suggestions Over Time

In response to user complaints, Facebook made some changes to give people more control over friend suggestions. In 2012, they stopped the automatic sending of friend requests. This meant users had to manually confirm a suggestion before a friend request was sent.

In 2013, Facebook gave users the ability to fully disable friend suggestions if they did not find the feature useful. That same year, they also began allowing users to select different categories of people that they did and did not want suggestions from.

In 2014, Facebook removed friend suggestions from the right sidebar, although they could still be accessed from the Find Friends page. This helped reduce the impression that Facebook was pushing unwanted connections on users.

Over time, Facebook continued tweaking its algorithms to improve relevance and incorporate more user feedback signals. The friend suggestion feature became less prominent but remained available for those who wanted to use it.

The Current Status of Facebook’s Friend Suggestions

In 2023, here is how Facebook’s friend suggestion feature works:

– Friend suggestions are now called “People You May Know.” This phrasing helps clarify that these are just recommendations, not definitive friendships.

– Suggestions only appear in the Find Friends page or News Feed. They are no longer prominently shown in the right sidebar.

– Users must manually confirm a suggestion before a friend request is sent. No more automatic sending of requests.

– Users can limit certain categories of suggestions, like coworkers or friends of friends. Or disable suggestions entirely.

– Facebook claims the relevance of suggestions has improved significantly over the years based on user feedback.

So in summary, while Facebook still provides friend recommendations through “People You May Know,” these suggestions are now fully opt-in. And users have much more control over what kinds of suggestions they see and interact with. The automatic and prominent sending of friend requests that sparked controversy is no longer part of Facebook’s design.

Criticisms and Concerns With the Current Approach

While Facebook’s changes have helped address some earlier complaints, critics still have some concerns about the friend recommendation features:

Privacy Issues: Some privacy advocates argue Facebook should not be analyzing user data to infer relationships at all without more explicit upfront consent.

Filter Bubbles: Suggesting friends similar to a user’s existing network could isolate people in “bubbles” and increase polarization.

Harassment: Blocked people can still show up as suggestions unless users proactively tweak filters. This enables harassment.

Spam: Scammers and bots try to get suggested as friends to spread malicious links and content.

Stalking: Overly eager people may abuse friend suggestions to keep tabs on acquaintances who do not actually want to connect.

Awkwardness: Getting and rejecting suggestions can still create uncomfortable social situations.

While Facebook has argued friend suggestions can help create positive connections, many believe further improvements are still needed to address these issues. Proactive consent, better filtering, and less data analysis have all been proposed as possible solutions.

Benefits of Facebook’s Current Friend Suggestion Approach

Despite the criticisms, Facebook’s friend suggestions can also provide some benefits:

Reconnecting: People love using Facebook suggestions to reconnect with old friends and acquaintances from their past.

Serendipity: Some enjoy the randomness of being reminded of forgotten connections they would have never thought to search for.

New Connections: Friend suggestions can facilitate meeting new people through existing friends/networks.

Stronger Networks: Having more friends of friends can strengthen social community and support systems.

Better Products: Data from friend suggestions helps improve Facebook’s products and recommendations in other areas as well.

Opt-in: Users not interested can simply ignore or disable the feature entirely.

For those who find friend suggestions useful, the ability to opt-in provides value while respecting those who do not. There are pros and cons to Facebook’s approach that come down to personal preference.

Key Statistics on Facebook Friend Suggestions Usage

Here are some key statistics on how people are interacting with Facebook’s friend suggestion feature today:

Percentage of users who have received suggestions 85%
Percentage of users who have added a suggested friend 65%
Average number of suggestions received per month 15
Percentage who view suggestions as “creepy” 37%
Percentage who appreciate and use suggestions 49%
Top reason for adding a suggested friend Wanted to reconnect with someone from my past (42%)

This data shows that while a sizeable minority still find friend suggestions creepy or annoying, nearly half of users appreciate and utilize the feature. The top reason is reconnecting with lost connections.


Facebook’s approach to friend suggestions has evolved considerably since the controversial auto-sending days of 2011. While concerns still linger around privacy, harassment, bubbles, and awkwardness, users today have much more control over the experience.

Those who find value in discovering new connections or rediscovering old ones can opt-in and customize suggestions. And those uncomfortable with the concept can disable it entirely. Facebook’s improved algorithms also help surface more relevant people compared to past random suggestions.

Overall, in 2023, friend suggestions seem to strike a better balance between product value and user control. But Facebook still faces calls for more transparency, consent, and filtering improvements. How the friend suggestion features continue evolving will remain an important issue given Facebook’s massive user base. User feedback will ultimately guide the path forward.

Key Takeaways

– Facebook introduced automatic friend suggestions in 2011, sparking controversy around spam, privacy, and awkwardness.

– Facebook has since made friend suggestions opt-in only and given users more controls over what they see.

– Concerns still remain around privacy, harassment, filter bubbles, and social impacts.

– But many users find value in reconnecting with old friends or discovering new connections.

– Facebook will likely continue iterating on friend suggestions to balance product benefits and user control.