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Is Facebook removing likes from pages?

Is Facebook removing likes from pages?

In recent years, Facebook has been making changes to its platform that aim to improve users’ wellbeing and reduce some of the negative impacts of social media. One of the most talked-about potential changes is removing like counts from Facebook pages. Here is an in-depth look at whether Facebook is actually planning to remove page likes.

What are page likes on Facebook?

On Facebook, users can “like” pieces of content such as posts, photos, videos, and pages. When you like a Facebook page, you become a fan of that page and follow its updates. Pages display the total number of likes or fans they have – this is shown just under the page’s cover photo.

For public figures, businesses, brands, and organizations, the number of page likes is a measure of their popularity and reach on Facebook. Pages aim to gain more likes to boost their visibility and presence on the platform.

Why might Facebook remove page like counts?

In 2019, Facebook began running tests that hid the number of likes on posts in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand. The rationale was to reduce competitive pressure among users and make them feel more comfortable posting what they want.

Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram which is owned by Facebook, explained the motivations behind the test: “We don’t want Instagram to feel like a competition. We want people to worry a little bit less about how many likes they’re getting on Instagram and spend a bit more time connecting with the people they care about.”

Similar concerns around social comparison and self-esteem could be driving any considerations around removing page like counts. Without a visible tally of how many likes a page has, brands and organizations may become less preoccupied with this metric.

What are the arguments for removing page likes?

There are a few key arguments in favor of Facebook removing public page like counts:

  • Could reduce competitive pressure and social comparison among organizations, brands, public figures etc.
  • May improve mental health and self-esteem for business owners and entrepreneurs who run Facebook pages
  • Would force pages to focus more on posting engaging, high-quality content rather than trying to game the algorithm to go viral
  • May encourage more authentic interaction between pages and their audiences

Essentially, the rationale is that invisible like counts could help improve the experience for page owners and possibly create a healthier platform overall.

What are the arguments against removing page likes?

There are also several arguments against removing public page like tallies:

  • Likes are an important metric for influencers and business owners to track growth and success
  • Fans/followers appreciate being able to see how many others like a page they are interested in
  • Removing public counts reduces transparency around page popularity and reach
  • This change could disrupt marketing tactics and strategies built around amassing likes

Those against the move argue that visible like totals have value, and preventing users from seeing a page’s popularity removes an important signal. There are concerns that this could negatively impact influencer marketing and make it harder to assess a page’s credibility.

Is Facebook actually removing page likes?

As of October 2023, Facebook has not yet removed like counts from pages. Page likes are still publicly visible across the platform.

The 2019 test of hiding like counts only applied to posts, not pages themselves. There have been no official announcements from Facebook about removing page like totals.

That said, Facebook has left open the possibility of expanding its test. Adam Mosseri said in 2019: “We’re testing making like counts private, so you’ll be able to see how many people liked a given post, but you won’t actually see the count.”

The verbiage suggests they may consider applying this design to page likes as well, though there is no timeline confirmed. For now, changes remain speculative and theoretical.

Who would be impacted if page likes were removed?

If Facebook did decide to hide page like counts, these groups would be most impacted:

  • Marketers and advertisers who use page likes to measure success
  • Influencers and public figures who rely on amassing likes for popularity
  • Businesses and brands tracking growth through likes
  • Facebook page owners aiming to build followers
  • Users who rely on page likes to assess credibility and interests

Essentially, removing this public metric would disrupt many parties who currently leverage page likes for engagement or evaluation purposes. It would require adjusting strategies.

Would removing page likes make Facebook better?

There are reasonable arguments on both sides of this issue:

Potential benefits Potential drawbacks
  • Reduce competitive pressure
  • Improve mental health
  • Increase authentic engagement
  • Lose an important metric for tracking success
  • Reduce transparency around page popularity
  • Disrupt marketing tactics

On one hand, invisible like counts could create a healthier experience and more quality interactions. But on the other, it removes helpful data and transparency for page owners and users.

If Facebook is considering this move, it will likely run additional tests and explore options that balance both perspectives. There are also questions around how effective this change would be – whether people would find other ways to quantify popularity if page likes were not visible.

Could Facebook implement this change?

While no plans for page likes are confirmed, Facebook certainly has the ability to engineer this kind of change. They have a long history of tweaking the platform in order to modify user behavior and perceptions.

Some examples of impactful changes Facebook has made over the years include:

  • Altering the news feed algorithm to prioritize friends and family over media
  • Acquiring Instagram and linking accounts between platforms
  • Developing Facebook Reactions to expand options beyond Liking posts
  • Rolling out Stories formats across Facebook and Instagram

Removing public page likes would have similarities to when they made personal like counts private. That was also a major shift designed to impact how people interacted. So there is precedent for Facebook hiding engagement metrics.

They also have immense resources and technical capabilities required to implement a change like this at scale. So while not guaranteed, it’s certainly plausible Facebook could flip the switch to hide page like totals if they wanted to.


Facebook removing page like counts has been an ongoing discussion for years now. While this shift could potentially create a healthier experience, it also comes with transparency and marketing drawbacks to consider.

As of late 2022, Facebook has not yet hidden page like totals, only testing this with post engagement metrics. They may run further tests and consider feedback before fully rolling out a change to page likes.

Organizations, influencers, and marketers who rely on Facebook should keep an eye on announcements in this space. While unconfirmed, Facebook hiding public page likes remains a possibility, one that would require some adaption if implemented.