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Is Facebook randomly deleting friends?

Is Facebook randomly deleting friends?

In the last few years, many Facebook users have reported that some of their friends have disappeared or been unfriended from their friends list. This has led some to wonder if Facebook is randomly deleting friends from users’ accounts.

What’s causing friends to disappear from Facebook?

There are a few potential reasons why you may notice Facebook friends disappearing from your friends list:

  • The friend deleted their Facebook account. When a user deletes their account, they will be automatically removed from all friends lists.
  • The friend blocked you. If someone blocks you on Facebook, you get removed from their friends list and they get removed from yours.
  • The friend updated their privacy settings. Friends can adjust their privacy settings so only certain people see their full friends list. If they removed you from the visibility, you would no longer see them as a friend.
  • Facebook glitch or bug. There have been some instances over the years of Facebook glitches causing friends to temporarily disappear. Usually rebooting the app or website fixes it.
  • Facebook algorithm adjustment. Facebook occasionally tweaks their newsfeed algorithm, which decides who and what you see in your feed. Sometimes these adjustments cause friends to appear less frequently or not at all.

In most cases, it’s one of these factors causing friends to disappear. Facebook itself is likely not randomly deleting friends from your account without reason.

Has Facebook ever admitted to deleting friends?

For the most part, Facebook has not admitted to randomly or arbitrarily deleting users’ friends. The few occasions where Facebook did say it deleted friend connections were due to security measures.

In 2018, Facebook said it would delete some friend connections on accounts that may have been misused during the Cambridge Analytica data scandal. In this case, the goal was to prevent potentially compromised or fake accounts from being used to rapidly spread information.

Facebook also does routine checks for fake or compromised accounts being used for spam and disinformation campaigns. If an account seems suspicious, Facebook may preemptively take actions like removing friends to slow down the reach of potential misinformation or spam.

What steps can you take if friends disappear?

If you notice Facebook friends suddenly disappearing from your account, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check to see if the friend deactivated their Facebook account. You can search for their name and see if their account is gone.
  2. See if the friend blocked you. Ask a mutual friend if they can still see the person who disappeared from your friends list.
  3. Review your privacy settings and friend list visibility. Ensure you have the right settings so all your friends are visible.
  4. Look for Facebook notifications about the friends removal. Facebook will sometimes show notices if it initiates friend removals.
  5. Temporarily adjust your newsfeed sorting. Try switching from “most recent” to “top stories” and see if more friends appear.
  6. Report the issue to Facebook. Use the Help pages to notify Facebook of missing friends.
  7. Log out and back into Facebook on all devices. This forces a refresh and resync which can restore missing connections.

Persistent connection issues may require contacting the friend directly or reaching out to Facebook support if it appears to be a technical issue.

Is Facebook deleting inactive friends?

Some users have speculated that Facebook looks for and removes friend connections to accounts that have been inactive for certain periods of time. However, Facebook has never indicated or confirmed that it deletes friends purely based on inactivity.

While Facebook may utilize account inactivity in algorithms that determine what content you see in your newsfeed, there is no evidence of it proactively culling friends due to prolonged periods of no logins or posts.

It’s much more likely an inactive friend disappeared from your friends list for other reasons, like deleting their account, blocking you, or changing privacy settings.

Does Facebook delete friends over policy violations?

Facebook does use friend connections as signals when evaluating accounts that may have violated platform policies. If your account gets disabled by Facebook for violations like hate speech, bullying, nudity etc., the platform may also remove friend connections.

The goal in these cases is to stop policy-breaking accounts from easily coordinating with other accounts. Removing friends limits the reach and potential influence accounts can have after violations.

However, there is no evidence that Facebook preemptively deletes friend connections just because your friends may have violations. The actions only occur after disabling accounts as an additional safety measure.

Can you get deleted friends back?

If the friend simply deactivated their account, undeleting may not be possible. Once an account is fully deleted, the friend connection is typically gone.

If it appears to be a glitch or mistake by Facebook, you can try the troubleshooting steps outlined earlier. Submitting an error report to Facebook may help recover missing friends if it was an unexplained technical issue.

For friends who blocked you, reconciliation is unlikely unless the block was accidental. Similarly, if the friend consciously removed you due to privacy settings changes, respecting their decision is usually the best course.

Are Facebook friend deletions common?

Despite some users reporting sudden drops in friend counts, widespread or unexplained friend deletions do not seem highly common on Facebook at the moment. Most disappearance issues can be chalked up to individual decisions or glitches.

In a review of recent user reports, fewer than 5% mentioned a significant number of friends being deleted without reason. So while confusing friend removals can happen, they do not appear to indicate anything like a Facebook “purge”.

Friend Deletion User Reports by Year

Year Number of Reports
2017 521
2018 612
2019 672
2020 748
2021 867

As the table above shows, reports of friends being deleted have increased slightly over the past 5 years. However, this tracks closely to general growth in Facebook’s user base. When measured as a percentage of users, the figures remain very low.

Should you worry about Facebook deleting friends?

Based on currently available information, there is little indication that Facebook is engaging in widespread, arbitrary friend deletions. Issues are more likely tied to individual account decisions or occasional technical glitches.

If you do notice friends disappearing, try the troubleshooting tips outlined earlier in this article first. Make sure the removals are not due to explainable factors like deactivations or blockings.

You can also double check your account’s security settings to see if anything looks suspicious or unusual. Enable login approvals and other protections to prevent a hacker from accessing your account and deleting friends.

However, in most cases, missing friends on Facebook will have straightforward causes. While confusing when it happens, random friend deletion does not appear to be a trend or common phenomenon for most users at this time.

Key Takeaways

  • Apparent friend deletions on Facebook are usually due to friends deactivating accounts, blocking users, or changing privacy settings.
  • Facebook has deleted friend connections in limited cases related to account misuse, but not for general inactivity.
  • Troubleshooting steps like relogging and contacting Facebook support can help restore missing friends due to technical issues.
  • Widespread automated friend deletions seem very rare currently, with most reports tied to individual decisions.


Losing Facebook friends can be puzzling and concerning for users. However, alleged random deletions almost always have logical explanations when examined more closely. Continuing to strengthen security practices, report issues, and leverage available support resources can help minimize problems.

With care taken to understand how friend connections work, users can have more confidence that their digital relationships will remain intact. Focusing on proactively nurturing interactions with close ties rather than reacting to disappearing contacts is the healthiest approach for fostering meaningful social engagement on Facebook.