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Is Facebook profile and account the same?

Is Facebook profile and account the same?

This is a common question for many Facebook users, especially those who are new to the platform. The short answer is no – your Facebook profile and account are not the same thing. While they are closely related, there are some key differences between the two.

What is a Facebook Profile?

Your Facebook profile contains all the information about you as an individual user. This includes:

  • Your name
  • Profile photo
  • Cover photo
  • About section with personal details, work, education, places lived, contact info, relationship status, family members, etc.
  • Posts you’ve shared
  • Photos and videos you’ve uploaded
  • Friends list
  • Pages and groups you’ve liked or followed
  • Birthday

Essentially, your profile is your personal presence on Facebook. It’s where you can express who you are, share updates and media, and connect with other people. Your profile is always linked to your individual account.

What is a Facebook Account?

Your Facebook account refers to the actual registration that you set up to access Facebook. This includes:

  • Your login email and password
  • Account settings
  • Privacy and security settings
  • Notifications
  • Ads preferences
  • App settings
  • Activity log

Your account controls your overall experience on Facebook. It manages your login credentials, personalizes your privacy options, and allows you to control notifications, ads, apps, and more. You can only have one Facebook account per policy, and each account can only have one profile.

Key Differences

While your profile and account are linked, here are some of the main differences:

Facebook Profile Facebook Account
Displays personal info about you Controls account settings and preferences
Shows your posts, photos, videos, friends list, etc. Manages login email, password, security, notifications
Represents your identity and presence Required for accessing Facebook platform

In summary:

  • Your profile is your personal presence, identity, and connections on Facebook.
  • Your account controls your settings, preferences, security, and access to Facebook.

Can You Have Multiple Profiles?

No, Facebook only allows one profile per account. Their policy states that each person should maintain only one authentic profile. Having multiple profiles would go against their “real name” policy and could get your account disabled.

Sometimes people try to create multiple profiles to separate different aspects of their lives, businesses, or personas. However, this violates Facebook’s terms and can result in account suspension if caught.

What Facebook recommends instead:

  • Use your authentic name and info on your one profile
  • Create separate Facebook Pages for organizations, businesses, or projects
  • Use Groups to connect with smaller communities by interest or affiliation
  • Adjust privacy settings to control what different friends see
  • Use Lists to organize friends and tailor visibility of certain posts

The key is maintaining one real profile that accurately reflects your identity, while using other Facebook features appropriately for additional purposes.

Can You Have Multiple Accounts?

Facebook also discourages having multiple personal accounts in their terms. Reasons they want users to stick to one main account include:

  • Preventing spam, fake accounts, and misrepresentation
  • Maintaining an authentic community
  • Delivering relevant connections and content
  • Fair and consistent policy enforcement

However, Facebook does make a few exceptions for legitimate reasons to have a second account:

  • Business purpose – A business Page used specifically for marketing, separate from your personal profile.
  • Artist/entertainer persona – A Page used solely to represent your public creative works or performance persona.
  • Couples – Joint Messenger accounts for couples to share.
  • Memorialization – An account memorialized after someone passes away.

As long as these secondary accounts follow the policies and represent legitimate purposes beyond just having an extra account, they are generally allowed.

What Happens If You Have Multiple Personal Profiles or Accounts?

Trying to maintain multiple personal profiles or accounts that aren’t authorized is considered a violation of Facebook’s policies. If caught, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • Login limitations or requests for ID verification
  • Removal of extra profiles/accounts
  • Disabled accounts
  • Banned IP addresses

The main profile or account responsible may also get restricted. So it’s not recommended to try having duplicates just for more friends or different identities.

Can a Business Have Multiple Profiles or Accounts?

For business purposes, Facebook does allow creating multiple assets. Some common legitimate reasons a business might have more than one profile or account include:

  • Separate Pages for different brands, locations, or product lines
  • Different accounts for advertising, analytics, social media marketing
  • Department or team-specific Pages or accounts
  • Managing regional or international Pages

However, each of these should have a clear business need and purpose. Facebook may request verification to ensure compliance with their policies. As long as the assets are being used appropriately for business objectives, multiple profiles and accounts are generally fine.

Tips for Keeping Your Facebook Assets Compliant

Here are some tips to keep your Facebook profiles and accounts in line with their policies:

  • Always use your real name on personal profiles.
  • Only maintain one profile per person.
  • Don’t create fake or unauthorized duplicates.
  • Use Pages and Groups for additional purposes.
  • Adjust privacy settings instead of making new accounts.
  • Get authorized for secondary accounts used for legitimate reasons.
  • Authenticate business assets as needed.
  • Keep personal and business usage separate.


While your Facebook profile and account are closely tied together, they serve different purposes. Your profile represents your personal presence and identity, while your account controls settings and access. Facebook’s policy prohibits having multiple personal profiles or accounts without authorization. But businesses can often legitimately have multiple assets following proper guidelines. The key is understanding the differences between profiles and accounts, and using them appropriately based on Facebook’s terms.