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Is Facebook name changing?

Is Facebook name changing?

Facebook has been one of the most popular social media platforms for nearly two decades, ever since it was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. Originally starting as a platform for college students, Facebook quickly expanded to allow anyone to create an account. Today, Facebook has over 2.8 billion monthly active users worldwide.

Throughout its growth and evolution, Facebook’s name has remained the same. However, recent rumors have suggested that Facebook may be considering a name change for the overall company that owns Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus.

Why would Facebook change its name?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook could be considering a name change:

  • To reflect the company’s broader focus beyond just the Facebook social media platform. Facebook’s parent company now includes many other products and technologies like Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus VR, and more. A new parent company name could reflect this diverse set of brands.
  • To rehabilitate the company’s public image and reputation. Facebook has faced high-profile controversies in recent years around privacy, misinformation, data sharing, and other issues. A name change could represent a new start and shift in corporate focus.
  • To highlight Facebook’s emphasis on building the “metaverse.” Mark Zuckerberg has been vocal about his plans to help develop a robust virtual and augmented reality-based metaverse. A new name could reinforce this strategic priority.

Many major technology companies like Google and Snap have undergone name changes in the past to reflect new business priorities and strategies. Facebook could be following suit.

What could Facebook’s new name be?

If Facebook does decide to change its parent company name, there are many possibilities it could choose. Here are some potential name options that have been speculated about:

  • Meta – This name would reinforce the company’s focus on developing the metaverse and virtual/augmented reality technologies.
  • Horizon – This is the name of Facebook’s internal team working on metaverse initiatives. It could become the new parent name.
  • Facebook Technologies – A modest update that acknowledges the company’s broad technology portfolio.
  • World Company – Reflects Facebook’s global business operations and user base.

It’s also possible Facebook could choose an entirely new name not on this list. Ultimately, the new name will depend on what aspects of the business Facebook wants to highlight going forward.

When will Facebook’s name change take effect?

Facebook has not yet officially announced if or when it plans to change its corporate name. There are rumors a name change could happen as soon as October 2021, but nothing is confirmed yet.

Some key events where Facebook could announce a name change include:

  • October 2021 Facebook Connect conference focusing on VR/AR technologies
  • October 2021 Facebook quarterly earnings call
  • November 2021 Facebook Annual Stockholders Meeting

Facebook would likely announce a name change through a statement on its Newsroom site and letters to investors. It would also likely give advance notice before any renaming takes effect across its family of apps.

Will the Facebook app be renamed?

If Facebook takes on a new parent company name, the core Facebook app itself will likely remain as “Facebook.” The Facebook app is recognized globally by that name, so changing it would likely create unnecessary confusion.

Other Facebook-owned services like Instagram and WhatsApp will also likely keep their existing names. Only the parent company that oversees these brands would take on a new identity.

For comparison, Google underwent a corporate restructuring in 2015 and created a new parent company called Alphabet. But the Google name remained for its search engine and other core products and services.

How would a Facebook name change impact users?

For most Facebook users, a corporate name change likely would have minimal impact on their daily use of the platform. The Facebook app icon, user interface, and core functionality would likely stay the same. The only noticeable change would be in any copyright notices, terms of service updates, or other legal branding that references the new parent company name.

Some potential impacts users could see include:

  • Updated terms of service, privacy policy, and other legal documents to reflect the new name
  • New corporate branding and disclaimers in the Facebook app, on the website, and within Oculus products
  • Changes to employee email addresses and domain names to use the new company name instead of

But for most users just posting updates, sharing photos, and connecting with friends and family, the shift would be largely behind-the-scenes and have minimal day-to-day impact.

Could this lead to the Facebook app being shut down?

It is very unlikely that a Facebook name change would lead to the actual Facebook platform being shut down. The Facebook app and website have billions of active users, so shutting the service down entirely makes little strategic sense unless usage declines dramatically.

A parent company name change is more about repositioning the overall corporate brand, not closing down its most popular and profitable asset. And Facebook has given no indications it plans to shut down the main Facebook app/website in the foreseeable future.

Some analogies are how Google created Alphabet but kept Google, and how Snapchat created Snap but kept Snapchat. The parent company changing names did not mean closing down the valuable brand underneath it.

Could Facebook sell off Instagram or WhatsApp?

Some speculate that Facebook changing its name could be a precursor to selling off some of its other assets like Instagram or WhatsApp. This could be part of an effort by Facebook to reorganize itself into more focused divisions.

However, there are no credible reports that Facebook is actively pursuing selling Instagram or WhatsApp. These services continue to be deeply integrated into Facebook’s business strategy.

It’s unlikely a name change alone would trigger drastic moves like unwinding multi-billion dollar acquisitions. Facebook is more prone to reorganize divisions internally rather than sell off assets that are core to its business.

An indicator to watch would be if Facebook begins separating out financial reporting for divisions like Instagram and WhatsApp. That could signal it is considering them as more independent businesses. But in the near term, major divestitures appear unlikely.


While Facebook has not yet made any official name change announcement, rumors and reports suggest the company could be considering shedding its iconic name and rebranding with a new parent company title.

This move would likely reflect Facebook’s broadened focus beyond just social media, while also helping rehabilitate its controversial public image. A new name emphasizing the metaverse also aligns with Mark Zuckerberg’s future strategic vision.

For most everyday Facebook users, a name change would likely have minimal impacts beyond small branding adjustments. The Facebook app and platform itself would remain intact. But it would be the end of an era for one of the most recognized company names worldwide.

Facebook’s next chapter could be on the horizon, but its social media empire built over the past two decades will likely continue to stand tall, regardless of what the name on the building says.

Year Major Milestones
2004 Facebook founded as
2005 Expands to include high school networks
2006 Opens up to everyone 13+ with a valid email
2008 Hits 100 million active monthly users
2010 500 million active users milestone
2012 IPO prices shares at $38 each
2014 Acquires WhatsApp for $19 billion
2017 Hits 2 billion monthly users
2021 Name change rumors emerge

This table provides an overview of major milestones in Facebook’s history, from its founding in 2004 to the present. Key events like launching new user groups, acquisition, IPO, and hitting active user benchmarks are highlighted.

Facebook Monthly Active Users Over Time

Year Monthly Active Users
2008 100 million
2009 300 million
2010 500 million
2011 800 million
2012 1 billion
2017 2 billion
2019 2.5 billion
2021 2.8 billion

This table shows Facebook’s incredible user growth over time. It went from 100 million monthly active users in 2008 to over 2.8 billion in 2021.

While user growth has slowed in recent years due to saturation in key markets, Facebook remains the world’s biggest social media platform as measured by monthly active usage.

Leading Social Media Platforms

Platform Users
Facebook 2.8 billion
YouTube 2 billion
WhatsApp 2 billion
Instagram 1.3 billion
Weixin/WeChat 1.2 billion

This table shows how Facebook compares to other major social media platforms based on monthly active users. Facebook remains the largest, but YouTube and WhatsApp (which Facebook owns) are close behind.

Facebook’s Acquisitions Over $1 billion

Company Acquired Price Year
WhatsApp $19 billion 2014
Oculus VR $2 billion 2014
Instagram $1 billion 2012

This table illustrates the multi-billion dollar acquisitions Facebook has made over the years to expand its product portfolio beyond just the core Facebook platform. Major purchases include WhatsApp, Oculus VR, and Instagram.

Facebook Employees By Year

Year Employees
2009 850
2011 3,200
2013 6,337
2015 12,691
2017 23,165
2019 40,653
2021 63,404

Facebook has experienced massive employee growth over the past decade, going from just 850 employees in 2009 to over 63,000 by 2021. This reflects the company’s rapid expansion into new products, technologies, and global markets.

Facebook Revenue and Net Income

Year Revenue Net Income
2015 $17.9 billion $3.7 billion
2016 $27.6 billion $10.2 billion
2017 $40.7 billion $15.9 billion
2018 $55.8 billion $22.1 billion
2019 $70.7 billion $18.5 billion
2020 $85.9 billion $29.1 billion

Facebook has seen rapid revenue growth in the past 5+ years. Revenue rose from $17.9 billion in 2015 to $85.9 billion in 2020. Net income has also expanded significantly, reflecting the company’s massive profits.

Facebook’s Top User Countries

Country Users
India 280 million
Indonesia 140 million
United States 190 million
Brazil 130 million
Mexico 87 million

This table shows the countries with the most Facebook users worldwide. India leads with 280 million users, followed by Indonesia, the U.S., Brazil, and Mexico with over 130 million each. Facebook’s worldwide popularity is highlighted by its vast user bases across both developing and developed markets.