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Is Facebook monetization available in Canada?

Is Facebook monetization available in Canada?

Facebook monetization allows creators to earn money from their Facebook content. This includes videos, posts, and live streams. Facebook offers several monetization options like in-stream ads, fan subscriptions, stars, and brand collaborations. However, not all of these options are available worldwide.

So can Canadian Facebook creators monetize their content? The short answer is yes, Facebook monetization is available in Canada. However, not all monetization features may be enabled. Let’s take a closer look at what options are available for Canadian creators on Facebook.

In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads allow creators to insert ads into their video content and earn revenue. This is one of the main ways creators can monetize their Facebook videos.

Fortunately, in-stream ads are available for Canadian creators. As long as your videos meet Facebook’s monetization policies and guidelines, you can turn on in-stream ads and start earning money from your Canadian viewers.

Requirements for In-Stream Ads

To be eligible for in-stream ads in Canada, you must:

  • Have at least 10,000 total 1-minute views in the last 60 days
  • Comply with Facebook’s monetization policies and guidelines
  • Complete the Facebook monetization registration process

As long as you meet these requirements, you can monetize your Canadian video content through in-stream ads.

Facebook Fan Subscriptions

Facebook fan subscriptions allow creators to offer exclusive, paid content to their most engaged fans. Fans pay a monthly recurring fee to access this exclusive content.

At this time, Facebook fan subscriptions are not available to all Canadian creators. They have only been rolled out in certain countries at this stage.

Unfortunately, Canada is not one of the countries where fan subscriptions have launched yet. So this monetization feature is not available for Canadian creators currently.

Countries Where Fan Subscriptions Are Available

Here are some of the countries where Facebook fan subscriptions have already launched:

  • United States
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Thailand
  • Philippines

Hopefully fan subscriptions will expand to more countries like Canada soon. But for now, Canadian creators will have to wait until Facebook rolls out this feature in Canada.

Facebook Stars

Facebook Stars allow fans to send virtual goods to support their favorite creators during live videos. Fans purchase stars and use them to show support and appreciation.

Similar to fan subscriptions, Facebook Stars are not yet available to creators in Canada. This monetization feature has also only launched in select countries so far.

Countries Where Stars Are Available

Here are some of the countries where creators can currently earn stars:

  • United States
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Australia
  • Thailand
  • Turkey

Again, hopefully Facebook will expand stars to more regions soon. But Canadian creators will have to wait for this monetization feature to become available in Canada.

Brand Collaborations

Brand collaborations allow creators to partner with brands to create sponsored content. This allows creators to monetize their content by collaborating with advertisers.

Brand collaborations are available to Canadian creators, as brands are able to sponsor content from creators globally. As long as your content aligns with a brand’s goals, you have the opportunity to create sponsored content as a Canadian creator.

Some tips for getting brand collaborations:

  • Produce high-quality, engaging content consistently
  • Build a large, targeted audience in your niche
  • Proactively reach out to brands that are a natural fit for your content
  • Develop clear sponsorship packages and messaging around your value

By building your authority and audience, you can attract and partner with brands as a Canadian creator on Facebook.

Other Monetization Options

In addition to the main Facebook monetization features covered above, here are some other options available to Canadian creators:

Facebook Marketplace

Sell products and services directly to your audience through Facebook Marketplace. This option is available to all users globally.

Facebook Fundraisers

Raise funds for causes and nonprofits by creating Facebook Fundraisers. You can collect donations from your community.

Affiliate Marketing

Earn commissions by promoting and selling other brands’ products through affiliate links. Affiliate programs are available in Canada.

Selling Merchandise

Design and sell your own branded merchandise like t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, and more. You can promote your products through your Facebook content.


Here is a summary of Facebook monetization options available in Canada:

Monetization Method Available in Canada?
In-Stream Ads Yes
Fan Subscriptions No
Stars No
Brand Collaborations Yes
Facebook Marketplace Yes
Facebook Fundraisers Yes
Affiliate Marketing Yes
Selling Merchandise Yes

As you can see, Canadian creators have several monetization options through Facebook but not the full suite just yet. The main limitation is that fan subscriptions and stars are not available in Canada currently.

But Canadian creators can still leverage in-stream ads, brand collaborations, Facebook Marketplace, fundraisers, affiliate marketing, and merchandising. There are also other third-party monetization options like using affiliate networks, selling info products, or crowdfunding.

The Future of Facebook Monetization in Canada

While Facebook monetization is limited in Canada now, there are signs this could change in the near future:

  • Facebook continues expanding monetization globally, adding new features and countries
  • Canada has a large base of Facebook users and creators ready to monetize
  • Facebook has invested in Canadian content creators through its Black Creator Program

Hopefully Facebook will continue unlocking monetization capabilities for Canadian creators soon. The demand and opportunity are certainly there for creators to earn from their content in the Canadian market.


In summary, Canadian creators can monetize their Facebook content through in-stream ads, brand collaborations, Facebook marketplace, fundraisers, affiliate links, and merchandise. However, exclusive features like fan subscriptions and stars remain unavailable.

While Facebook monetization is currently limited in Canada, the door is open for creators to start earning from their content. Canadian creators have found creative ways to leverage the monetization tools at their disposal on Facebook. And the opportunities are only expected to grow as Facebook expands its monetization platform globally.