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Is Facebook Messenger video call safe and private?

Is Facebook Messenger video call safe and private?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. Its video calling feature allows users to make video calls to friends and family easily and for free. However, some users have concerns about the privacy and security of Facebook Messenger video calls. In this article, we will examine the encryption, privacy settings, and data collection practices related to Facebook Messenger video calls to help you understand if they can be considered safe and private.

Is Facebook Messenger video call encrypted?

Encryption is an important aspect of privacy and security for any digital communication. Encrypted data can only be accessed by the sender and recipient, preventing third parties from being able to read or modify the content.

Facebook Messenger video calls use end-to-end encryption when placed between two individual users. This means the video call is encrypted on the sender’s device, transmitted in an encrypted format, and only decrypted on the recipient’s device. Not even Facebook can access the contents of the video call.

However, Facebook Messenger video calls made to groups are not end-to-end encrypted. The video call data is encrypted during transmission, but Facebook can access the contents as the “group manager.” So group video calls have reduced privacy compared to two-person calls.

Facebook Messenger video call privacy settings

In addition to encryption, Facebook Messenger provides users with some privacy settings to control video calling.

You can turn video calling on or off completely by toggling “Video Calling” in the Messenger settings. Disabling this will prevent you receiving any incoming video call requests.

There is also an option to control whether you automatically pick up when receiving a video call. By default it is set to “Answer Calls Automatically” but you can disable this if you prefer to manually accept each video call request.

So users do have some control over video calling, but there are no options specifically for enabling end-to-end encryption for group calls. The settings are limited compared to WhatsApp, for example, which allows users to fully control who can video call them and when.

Can Facebook access your Facebook Messenger video call contents?

As mentioned above, while Facebook cannot directly access the contents of an encrypted individual video call, the company can access the data from Messenger group video calls.

Facebook may also be able to access some metadata and usage data related to your personal video calls, such as:

– Date/time the video call occurred
– Length of the video call
– The participants in the video call
– Type of device used and IP address

This data could be used by Facebook to analyze usage patterns, technical diagnostics, targeting ads and more. While not as sensitive as the actual call contents, some users may still have privacy concerns about third parties accessing video call metadata.

Does Facebook collect data during Facebook Messenger video calls?

Facebook has confirmed it does receive some user data during Messenger video calls, as outlined in their Data Policy:

– Device attributes: information such as hardware model, operating system version, device memory, and signal strength. Needed for technical operations.
– Device operations: commands to activate the microphone or camera during a call for example. Required to provide the communication feature.
– Identifiers: user IDs, phone numbers, and group IDs. Used to provide the communication service.
– Device signals: Bluetooth signals, and information about nearby WiFi networks and cell towers. Helps facilitate communications.

This data is used by Facebook to operate the video calling functionality and maintain performance. While unavoidable, it does mean Facebook gains insights into your device usage and surroundings during video calls made on Messenger.

Does Facebook store your Facebook Messenger video calls?

Facebook has asserted that they do not store the contents of your personal Facebook Messenger video calls on their servers. The exception being video calls made in Messenger Rooms, which may be stored temporarily to allow users to replay the call.

However, as mentioned above Facebook likely stores metadata related to your video calls for an unspecified amount of time. Things like the date, duration and participant IDs in video calls are stored and can be linked back to your account and activity over time.

Facebook’s data retention policies around Messenger video calls are not entirely transparent, so users have to rely on Facebook’s statements of how long data is retained. Some metadata may be kept for extended periods.

Can police or government request access to Facebook Messenger video calls?

Like many technology companies, Facebook does comply with government requests for user data in certain circumstances. This means your Facebook Messenger video call data could theoretically be obtained by police or government agencies if Facebook receives a valid legal request.

The exact process would depend on the country and legal jurisdiction. In their Transparency Report, Facebook states they will disclose user information in response to government requests when:

– They believe release is appropriate in response to illegal activity or other harmful events
– They are required by law to do so

The number of government requests for Facebook user data continues to increase year over year. Over 120,000 requests for Messenger user data were made globally in the first half of 2022 alone. While most requests likely relate tometadata rather than video call contents, it highlights that authorities are taking greater interest in all types of Facebook user information.

Can other apps access your Facebook Messenger video call data?

Like many platforms, Facebook allows third-party apps to integrate with Messenger to enhance the user experience. Examples include chatbots, games, business tools and social apps.

However, Facebook states they do not provide these third-party apps with access to users’ conversations in Messenger, including video calls. All conversations remain private between the participants only.

Integrated apps may request permission to access your basic Messenger profile data, such as name, profile photo, and an ID. But Facebook asserts they do not share conversation or video call activity with third-party apps without the user’s consent.

Of course, these apps will also be subject to their own data policies once you engage with their services. But they cannot directly access your existing Messenger video call history and contents via the platform APIs.

Can the Facebook company access video call data across its platforms?

Facebook owns several messaging platforms, including Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram Direct. Each platform has its own privacy practices concerning video calls.

Facebook has stated they do not automatically combine data across the company’s products for ad targeting or recommendations. So in theory, your Messenger video call data should not be accessed by Instagram or vice versa.

However, the backend infrastructure is shared between some products. For example, Facebook is working on end-to-end encrypting messages across Messenger, Instagram Direct and WhatsApp. So there are linkages between platforms, even if user data is meant to be siloed.

Ultimately Facebook aims to maximize data sharing across its properties to improve ads and product experiences. While interoperability has benefits, it does gradually break down barriers between products when it comes to user privacy.


Facebook Messenger provides a popular free video calling feature for millions of users. But the platform has limitations when it comes to privacy compared to dedicated secure messaging apps.

Key points to keep in mind:

– Individual video calls are end-to-end encrypted, maintaining privacy from third parties including Facebook. But group calls lack encryption.

– Users have limited settings to manage video calling and prevent unwanted calls. But you cannot fully disable video calling capability.

– Facebook can access some metadata like the time and participants on all Messenger video calls. They likely retain this information for extended periods.

– Contents of your personal video calls are not stored on Facebook’s servers, but metadata is retained and subject to government requests.

– Third party apps cannot access your stored Messenger video call history and contents through Facebook’s APIs.

– Data may gradually be merged across Facebook’s platforms as they integrate messaging infrastructure.

For maximum video call privacy, dedicated secure communication apps like Signal tend to have stronger end-to-end encryption, auditing, and open source code. But Facebook Messenger remains a convenient and popular option for casual video calls with friends. Understanding its limitations allows you to use the service in an informed way.