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Is Facebook Messenger no longer support SMS?

Is Facebook Messenger no longer support SMS?

Facebook Messenger has been a popular messaging app for many years, allowing users to seamlessly communicate with friends and family. However, there has been some confusion lately around whether Facebook Messenger still supports sending regular SMS text messages in addition to its internet-based messaging.

Quick Answer

The quick answer is no, Facebook Messenger no longer supports sending regular SMS text messages as of January 2021. Facebook removed this functionality as part of winding down support for its ‘Facebook for Android’ app. Now Facebook Messenger only supports internet-based messaging through data or WiFi connections.

When Did Facebook Messenger Drop SMS Support?

Facebook Messenger supported SMS text messaging for many years as a convenience to users. It allowed them to seamlessly send messages over WiFi or mobile data, or revert to regular text messaging when internet connectivity was limited.

However, in January 2021, Facebook began winding down support for its legacy ‘Facebook for Android’ app. As part of this process, Facebook removed the ability to send SMS texts through Facebook Messenger.

The change took effect on January 11, 2021. Since then, Facebook Messenger only allows internet-based messaging and does not fall back to SMS texting capabilities.

Why Did Facebook Remove SMS Functionality?

Facebook provided a few reasons for removing SMS functionality from Facebook Messenger:

  • Streamlining product focus – Removing SMS support allows Facebook to focus Messenger entirely on fast, feature-rich messaging through mobile data/WiFi.
  • Low usage – Sending SMS texts through Messenger was not widely used, so it was not worth maintaining.
  • Cost savings – Eliminating the SMS backend infrastructure provides cost savings for Facebook.

Essentially, SMS support in Messenger was a legacy feature that added complexity but little value, so Facebook decided to remove it as part of modernizing Messenger’s focus.

What Devices are Affected?

The removal of SMS functionality impacts users of Facebook Messenger on Android devices. Specifically:

  • Facebook Messenger app on Android smartphones & tablets
  • Facebook Messenger app on Android-based feature phones

Users on other platforms like iOS were not able to send SMS texts through Messenger previously, so they are unaffected.

Facebook Messenger on Android no longer has an option to send text messages when internet connectivity is limited. Users will have to rely on their default SMS text messaging app when data or WiFi are unavailable.

Are There Any Workarounds to Regain SMS Functionality?

Unfortunately, there are no official workarounds to restore the ability to send SMS texts directly in the Facebook Messenger app for Android.

Facebook has completely removed the SMS backend infrastructure from Messenger’s Android app as part of its modernization efforts.

Android users do still have some potential workarounds to simulate SMS functionality in Messenger:

  • Use a third party SMS gateway service – This bridges SMS and internet messaging, but requires signing up for an additional service
  • Link to Google Voice – Link a Google Voice number to forward texts to Messenger, but this only works in the US

However, there is no simple setting change or hack to reactivate native SMS capabilities within Facebook Messenger for Android after support was discontinued by Facebook.

What Are Some Concerns Around SMS Removal?

Some users have expressed concerns about Facebook’s removal of SMS functionality from Messenger:

  • Reduced convenience – Having integrated SMS/messaging was convenient for areas with poor internet connectivity
  • Transition difficulty – Long-time users accustomed to SMS in Messenger may forget and be surprised it no longer works
  • Feature regression – Some see removing functionality that previously worked as a step backwards

However, Facebook maintains that dropping little-used legacy technology allows greater focus on Messenger’s core messaging capabilities powered by mobile internet connectivity.

What Messaging Options Does Facebook Messenger Still Support?

While native SMS texting is no longer supported, Facebook Messenger still provides several robust messaging options through data or WiFi connectivity:

  • Facebook Messages – Instant messaging with Facebook friends and connections
  • Group Chats – Groups of up to 250 people for sharing messages, photos and more
  • Voice and Video Calls – Make free calls with individuals and groups
  • Stories – Share photo and video stories that disappear after 24 hours
  • Reactions and Stickers – React to any message and spice up chats with stickers

Users can take advantage of these rich Messenger features when internet connectivity is available on their Android device or iPhone.


Facebook Messenger for Android no longer supports sending old-fashioned SMS text messages as of January 2021. This functionality was removed as Facebook streamlined Messenger’s focus around fast, modern messaging capabilities.

Android users can no longer rely on Messenger for texts when data or WiFi are unavailable. However, Messenger still offers robust messaging features powered by mobile internet when connectivity is available.

The removal of SMS closes a legacy chapter for Messenger as it pivots to advanced messaging features. But it does eliminate a convenient hybrid messaging capability that some longtime users appreciated.