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Is Facebook Live streaming free?

Is Facebook Live streaming free?

Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their Facebook followers. It has become an incredibly popular feature since launching in 2016, with people using it for everything from casual livestreams to broadcasting major events. But is this service free to use?

The short answer

Yes, Facebook Live streaming is free to use. You don’t need to pay anything to Facebook to start broadcasting live videos to your followers.

Facebook Live streaming overview

Facebook Live is integrated directly into the Facebook app, allowing any user to go live and share video with their followers in real-time. This can be done from both iOS and Android devices.

To start a live broadcast, simply open the Facebook app, tap the “Live” icon, and you will be live. Viewers will receive a notification that you’ve gone live and can start watching immediately.

Facebook Live videos appear on your profile, page or in Facebook Groups just like regular videos. Fans can comment and react in real-time as they watch. The video remains viewable on your profile even after the live broadcast ends.

There are no limitations based on number of followers or account type. Anyone with a Facebook profile can go live at any time. Facebook Live works for both personal profiles and Facebook Pages.

Why is Facebook Live free?

Facebook does not charge for Facebook Live streaming for a few key reasons:

  • It helps drive engagement – Live video keeps users actively engaged on Facebook, which is core to their business model.
  • It generates ad revenue – Facebook displays ads before and during live broadcasts, earning them revenue.
  • It collects data – User interactions during livestreams provide Facebook with valuable data on interests and behavior.

Essentially, Facebook determined that making Live free to use encourages more usage, which ultimately benefits their business through ads, data collection and engagement.

Are there any limitations?

While anyone can go live on Facebook, there are some limitations in place:

  • Live broadcasts are initially limited to 4 hours, only public figures and Pages can go live for longer.
  • Accounts deemed abusive may have live privileges revoked.
  • You cannot live stream copyrighted content like movies or TV shows.

So you must follow Facebook’s rules and community standards to maintain access to Facebook Live. But as long as you do so, there are no costs to use the service.

What features come with Facebook Live?

Facebook provides a robust set of tools and options for live broadcasting, all of which are free to use. These include:

  • Live Reactions – Viewers can react and interact with emoji and comments in real-time.
  • Live Filters – Add filters and effects to your broadcast.
  • Invite Friends – Invite people to view your live video.
  • Go Live With – Add guests or co-hosts to your livestream.
  • Share Live Video – Share your live broadcast in advance or during to promote viewership.

Facebook is constantly adding new features to enhance the livestreaming experience. Everything new they introduce is made available for free to all users.

How does Facebook make money from livestreams?

If Facebook Live streaming is free, how does Facebook make money from it? There are a few ways:

  • Advertising revenue – Facebook displays ads before and during live videos and takes a cut of the revenue.
  • User data – The activity around livestreams provides valuable user data to Facebook.
  • Elevates other services – Livestreaming provides incentive for people to engage more on Facebook and use services like Facebook Pay.

So while they don’t directly charge users, increased engagement from live video directly translates to money made through other avenues.

Do you need special equipment?

Facebook designed Live to be accessible to anyone. You can broadcast from any iOS or Android device – no special equipment is required. The built-in camera and microphone on your phone or tablet is sufficient.

However, you may choose to invest in additional equipment for a more professional, higher-quality broadcast:

  • Higher quality camera like DSLR
  • External microphone
  • Lighting
  • Tripod
  • Livestream encoder to connect camera to computer/internet

The setup you need depends on the type of content you intend to stream. But in general, the native phone camera and mic quality is decent enough for casual livestreaming.

Is a Facebook Live streaming app required?

No additional app is required beyond the core Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android. The live streaming functionality is built directly into the main Facebook app.

Simply open the Facebook app on your mobile device, tap the “Live” icon, and you’ll have everything you need to start broadcasting live. There are also options to share live video from desktop using Facebook Pages.

Facebook has not created any standalone live streaming apps. The native Facebook mobile and desktop apps provide the full suite of tools and options for going live.

Can businesses and creators monetize livestreams?

Facebook provides several ways for businesses, creators and publishers to monetize their live video content:

  • Facebook Stars – Viewers can pay to send virtual gifts during livestreams.
  • Ad breaks – You can insert ad breaks to earn a 55% revenue share.
  • Facebook Subscriptions – Fans can pay a monthly fee for exclusive content.
  • Selling products – showcase goods for sale during your livestream.

So while Facebook does not directly pay you for livestreaming, they do provide tools to help you monetize your broadcasts through your own audience.

Livestreaming use cases

People and organizations use Facebook Live streaming for diverse range of use cases, including:

  • News outlets reporting breaking news live
  • Athletes and sports teams streaming games and events
  • Musicians performing concerts
  • Businesses launching products
  • Influencers engaging fans and followers
  • Friends sharing everyday moments and connections
  • Nonprofits fundraising for causes
  • Politicians addressing constituents
  • Gamers livestreaming playthroughs

The broad applications of live video have made Facebook Live popular with over 2 billion monthly active users. It provides an engaging way to share experiences in real-time.

Top tips for quality livestreams

Follow these tips to maximize the quality and impact of your Facebook Live broadcasts:

  • Check your connection speed to ensure smooth streaming
  • Use a tripod for stability – avoid shaky footage
  • Frame shots properly and avoid background clutter
  • Promote your livestream in advance to build viewership
  • Interact with viewers by answering questions during the video
  • Have proper lighting so viewers can see you clearly
  • Prepare talking points to avoid dead airtime
  • Keep videos concise and interesting

Investing some time in planning will ensure your livestreams look professional and keep viewers watching until the end.

The future of livestreaming

Live video streaming continues to grow rapidly, and will likely be a key focus for Facebook moving forward. We can expect ongoing innovation in areas like:

  • New creative tools and filters
  • Integration of AR/VR technology
  • Shared experiences like co-watching
  • Shopping and ecommerce capabilities
  • Live audio rooms

Facebook will likely introduce new formats like live audio rooms to expand the possibilities of real-time connection and interactivity. More integrations between livestreaming and other Facebook apps also seem likely.

While the core livestreaming experience will remain free, Facebook may experiment with paid features or subscriptions that provide additional capabilities for power users. But the basic functionality will stay free in order to maintain broad adoption.


Facebook Live provides an immensely powerful way for people to share experiences and engage audiences in real-time. The service is completely free to use for both personal and professional broadcasting.

While complementary equipment can enhance production value, any Facebook user can go live straight from their phone at no cost. Facebook’s focus on making live video creation accessible has fueled its incredible growth.

Going live enables deeper connections between creators and audiences. As technology improves and new formats emerge, expect Facebook Live streaming to become an increasingly central part of how we interact online.