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Is Facebook Lite removed from App Store?

Is Facebook Lite removed from App Store?

Facebook Lite is a lightweight version of the Facebook app for Android devices. It provides the core Facebook experience while using less data and working on slower networks. In recent years, there has been some confusion around whether Facebook Lite is still available on the Google Play Store and App Store for iOS devices. This article will examine if Facebook Lite has been removed from the App Store and the reasons behind it.

Is Facebook Lite removed from the App Store?

The short answer is yes, Facebook Lite appears to no longer be available for download on the App Store for iOS devices. Searching for “Facebook Lite” on the App Store does not bring up any results for the app.

This seems to have occurred sometime in early 2020. Facebook Lite was still downloadable from the App Store in 2019 based on reviews and articles from that time. However, at some point in 2020, the app was removed and is no longer able to be downloaded on iOS devices from the official App Store.

So for iPhone and iPad users, Facebook Lite is not accessible. The only way to use Facebook Lite now on iOS is if you already had the app installed previously and can still open it. But new users cannot download the app from the App Store anymore.

Is Facebook Lite removed from the Google Play Store?

No, Facebook Lite remains available for download on the Google Play Store for Android devices. If you search for “Facebook Lite” on the Play Store, the app comes up ready to download and install.

The lightweight Facebook experience is still maintained for Android users. Only iOS users have lost access to downloading Facebook Lite from the official App Store.

So in summary:

– Facebook Lite removed from App Store: Yes
– Facebook Lite removed from Play Store: No

Android users can still get Facebook Lite, but iOS users no longer can.

Why was Facebook Lite removed from the App Store?

Facebook has not provided any official statement explaining why they removed the Lite app from the iOS App Store. But there are a few potential reasons that seem likely:

1. Push towards main Facebook app

Facebook may want to consolidate their efforts around their main iOS app rather than maintaining a separate Lite version. Removing Facebook Lite for iOS steers more users towards downloading the full Facebook app instead.

2. Lack of demand

There may not have been a high enough demand or usage of Facebook Lite among iOS users to justify continued support. Since Apple devices like iPhones tend to have more processing power and bandwidth, there are less issues running the main Facebook app.

3. App Store policy changes

It’s possible some App Store policy changed that led to the removal of Facebook Lite. Apple may have wanted to reduce redundant apps from a single company.

4. Engineering resources

Maintaining a separate codebase for the Lite app on iOS takes engineering time and resources. Facebook may have decided it wasn’t worth allocating resources to the iOS Lite app anymore.

5. iOS 14 changes

The release of iOS 14 in Fall 2020 brought in new privacy restrictions around ad tracking that negatively impacted Facebook ad revenue on iOS. This may have contributed to Facebook’s decision to pull support for Facebook Lite on iOS around that same time.

Is there an alternative Lite app for iOS?

Unfortunately, no there is not an official lightweight or Lite version of Facebook available anymore for iOS users. The Facebook Lite app was the only reduced size option for iOS.

Since that has been removed from the App Store, the only way now for iOS users to access Facebook is through the regular full-featured app. There is no “lite” alternative available.

Some options iOS users have include:

– Using the mobile website – delivers a stripped down version of Facebook through the browser.

– Downloading Messenger Lite – Provides access to just messaging.

– Using Facebook through the browser – The full desktop site provides a more cluttered experience but avoids downloading the native app.

But there is no perfect replacement for having an official Facebook Lite app optimized specifically for iOS devices anymore. iOS users will have to use the regular Facebook app, mobile site, or Messenger Lite.

Is Facebook Lite discontinued?

For Android, no Facebook Lite remains active and available for download on the Google Play Store. It has not been discontinued for Android devices.

However, for iOS the app does seem to be discontinued as it has been removed from the App Store and is inaccessible for new downloads. Existing users may still have it on their devices if downloaded previously.

So in summary:

– Facebook Lite discontinued for iOS: Yes
– Facebook Lite discontinued for Android: No

The lightweight app lives on for Android but is essentially dead for iOS at this point with no way to download it. Facebook continues supporting the Lite version only on one mobile platform now.

Should I use Facebook Lite?

For Android users, Facebook Lite can still be a good option compared to the full app in some cases, such as:

– Using slower mobile networks where bandwidth is limited
– Being on an older model Android device with less RAM/storage
– Wanting to minimize battery or data usage from Facebook

The tradeoff is Facebook Lite does not have all the same features and functionality as the full app. But it can provide a solid basic Facebook experience, especially for people on low-end devices or networks.

For iOS users, unfortunately the choice has been made for you – Facebook Lite is not an option since it is no longer on the App Store. iOS users will have to use the full app or access Facebook through the mobile site or Messenger Lite.

In summary:

– Should Android users get Facebook Lite? Yes, can be a good option depending on device and network.
– Should iOS users get Facebook Lite? No, not possible anymore with the app removed.


To conclude, here are the key points about Facebook Lite’s availability:

– Facebook Lite has been removed from the iOS App Store as of early 2020 and is no longer downloadable for iOS devices.

– The app remains available on the Google Play Store for Android devices.

– It is unclear why Facebook discontinued support for the Lite app on iOS, but engineering, policy, or revenue reasons seem likely.

– Android users can still potentially benefit from downloading Facebook Lite versus the full app in some cases.

– iOS users no longer have an official lightweight Facebook app option since Lite was removed.

So in the future, keep an eye out to see if Facebook ever decides to bring back Facebook Lite for iOS. But for now, it remains discontinued for Apple device owners while still an option for Android users.