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Is Facebook Lite available for iOS?

Is Facebook Lite available for iOS?

No, Facebook Lite is not currently available for iOS devices like iPhones and iPads. Facebook Lite is a stripped-down version of the regular Facebook app designed primarily for Android devices in developing markets where mobile data is expensive and internet connections are slow.

What is Facebook Lite?

Facebook Lite is a stripped-down lightweight version of the Facebook mobile app designed by Facebook primarily for use in developing countries where mobile data is expensive and internet connections are slower. It uses less data, loads quicker on slower connections, and uses less storage space on devices compared to the regular Facebook app.

Some key features of Facebook Lite:

  • Small app size – Under 1MB compared to regular Facebook app which is over 100MB
  • Data efficient – Uses less mobile data than regular Facebook app
  • Quick loading – Optimized to work on slower internet connections and older smartphones
  • Core features – Allows you to stay connected with friends through News Feed, messaging, photos, notifications and more.
  • Works offline – Browse previous loaded content even without an internet connection

Facebook Lite was primarily designed for and marketed towards users in developing countries where mobile data was expensive and smartphone storage and hardware capabilities were limited. It has found significant popularity in countries like India, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Bangladesh and others.

Is Facebook Lite available on iOS/iPhone?

No, as of October 2023, Facebook Lite is not available for iOS devices like iPhones and iPads. It is only available officially from Google Play Store for Android devices.

Facebook has focused Facebook Lite’s development and availability primarily towards developing markets where Android has a larger user base compared to iOS. As of 2022, Android accounts for around 73% smartphone market share globally compared to 26% for iOS. In developing countries this disparity is even larger in favor of Android.

Some key reasons why Facebook Lite is not available for iOS:

  • Android dominates developing country smartphone markets which are the target users for Facebook Lite. iOS devices like iPhones have lower market share in these regions.
  • Apple’s App store guidelines and iOS platform restrictions make it harder to build and distribute stripped-down apps like Facebook Lite. Google Play policies are more flexible.
  • Facebook currently prioritizes development and support for its flagship Facebook app on iOS over Facebook Lite.
  • iOS devices like iPhones generally have more storage space, faster processors and better support for full featured apps like regular Facebook.

So in summary, Facebook Lite fulfills an important role for Facebook’s business in developing markets but iOS does not represent a significant enough user base within those markets for it to be a priority currently.

What are some alternative stripped-down Facebook apps for iOS?

Since the official Facebook Lite app is not available for iOS, here are some alternatives iOS users can try for a more stripped down Facebook experience:

  • Facebook app without Messenger – The main Facebook app can be used without the Messenger module for more lightweight experience.
  • Messenger Lite – The stripped down version of Messenger is available on iOS and can be used for messaging.
  • Instagram – Facebook owns Instagram and its mobile app can be used for connecting with friends and family through photo and video sharing.
  • Facebook mobile site – mobile web version works well on iOS though lacks some native app features.
  • Friendly for Facebook – Third party lightweight and customizable Facebook app for iOS.

While not as lightweight as Facebook Lite on Android, combining some of the above options can provide a decent stripped down Facebook experience on iOS.

Will Facebook Lite ever launch for iOS?

There is always a possibility Facebook could decide to launch Facebook Lite for iOS in the future, however there are no official indications of that happening yet.

Some factors that Facebook may consider:

  • Growth of developing markets where iOS gains more market share vs Android.
  • User demand – If enough people start requesting the app for iOS.
  • Change in App Store policies – If Apple relaxes restrictions around stripped down apps.
  • Competitive pressure – If competitors launch lightweight apps for iOS.

But the core strategy behind Facebook Lite seems to be addressing users in developing countries where iOS has low market share. Unless that strategy changes dramatically, launching an iOS version of Facebook Lite may not be a high priority for Facebook currently.


Facebook Lite offers an optimized Facebook experience for Android users in developing countries where smartphones have limited data, storage and slower internet connections. However it is currently not available on iOS due to Facebook’s focus on Android in emerging market countries where most of Facebook Lite’s users are based.

iOS users do have some alternative options like Facebook’s main app, Messenger Lite or Instagram for a more stripped down Facebook experience. But the official Facebook Lite lightweight app remains restricted to only Android for now. While Facebook could potentially launch it for iOS in the future, there are no signs of that happening at the moment.