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Is Facebook jobs discontinued?

Is Facebook jobs discontinued?

Facebook jobs, the platform’s job board feature that allowed employers to post open positions directly on Facebook, was officially shut down in 2019. Many users have wondered if this useful feature is gone for good or if Facebook has plans to bring it back in the future.

The shutdown of Facebook jobs

Facebook first launched its jobs board feature in 2017 as a central place for employers to post job openings that could be seen by Facebook users in their feed. Users could search for jobs directly within Facebook using filters like location and job title. Employers paid to promote job listings to reach more potential candidates.

However, in February 2019, Facebook announced they would be removing access to job postings on the platform and discontinuing the feature. At the time, a Facebook spokesperson stated that the company wanted to focus more on other services that better matched people with jobs, such as Facebook Marketplace.

No advance notice was given about the shutdown, leaving many employers surprised. All existing job listings on Facebook jobs were removed by March 2019. Since then, there has been no option for businesses to post job openings directly on Facebook.

Why did Facebook discontinue its jobs board?

Facebook has not provided an official reason for shutting down its job board service. However, there are some potential factors that may have contributed to the decision:

  • Low adoption and engagement – Facebook jobs may not have gained enough traction with employers or job seekers to be profitable.
  • Competition from other sites – Major players like Indeed, LinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter dominated the online job board market.
  • Shift in priorities – Facebook may have wanted to focus engineering resources on other rapidly growing products and features.
  • Regulatory concerns – Managing job listings brought greater accountability around discrimination and fairness in hiring.

Running a full-fledged job board simply may not have aligned with Facebook’s core business and long-term priorities. With major competitors already established in the space, it was likely a smart move for Facebook to bow out of the vertical.

Is Facebook jobs coming back?

Since the shutdown in 2019, Facebook has offered no indication that they plan to relaunch their own jobs board platform. They have made no public announcements to that effect and have focused their career-related offerings on other areas:

  • Jobs tab – The Jobs tab on Facebook provides aggregated listings from job sites like Glassdoor and LinkedIn.
  • Remote work listings – A dedicated option to find remote work listings was added to the Jobs tab during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Career connections – Facebook has promoted professional networking through Facebook Groups and Mentorship Programs.

Based on Facebook’s strategic focus and public comments, it appears highly unlikely that Facebook jobs as a distinct platform will return. Facebook seems committed to getting out of the traditional job board business and instead act as an intermediary between users and external job sites.

What are the alternatives to Facebook jobs?

For employers and job seekers who used Facebook jobs, there are many alternative online job boards that offer similar services. Some popular options include:

  • Indeed – The most heavily trafficked job site, with over 250 million unique visitors per month globally.
  • LinkedIn Jobs – LinkedIn’s built-in job board with listings tailored to each user’s connections and interests.
  • ZipRecruiter – Uses matching algorithms to recommend relevant postings and candidates.
  • Glassdoor – Features company reviews and salary data in addition to an extensive job board.
  • Monster – One of the first and largest online job sites, with over 200 million resumes.
  • CareerBuilder – Another long-standing job site with tools like resume posting and skills testing.
  • Google for Jobs – Draws listings from across the web and integrates with Google Search.
  • Industry-specific sites – Sites like Dice, Idealist, and Mediabistro that focus on certain sectors and roles.

Nearly any type of job can be found on today’s top general job boards, while niche sites offer more targeted listings for individual industries. Facebook users can easily search and apply for jobs through these sites without needing to rely on a Facebook-specific platform.


In summary, Facebook permanently discontinued its Facebook jobs service in 2019 with no signs of bringing it back. The internal job board was likely shut down due to low adoption, increased competition, and misalignment with Facebook’s main priorities. For the time being, Facebook seems committed to pointing users towards external job platforms rather than running its own listings.

While the loss of Facebook jobs may have initially disappointed some users, many superior alternatives exist today. Major sites like Indeed and LinkedIn offer robust job boards integrated with other career resources. Specialized sites also allow targeted searching by industry or location. Though no longer an option, Facebook jobs has been effectively replaced by a thriving online job board ecosystem.

Key Facts

  • Facebook jobs launched in 2017 as the platform’s internal job board where employers could post openings.
  • In February 2019, Facebook removed all job listings and discontinued the service.
  • No official reason was given, but low usage and increased competition likely led to the shutdown.
  • Facebook has not given any indication it plans to relaunch a job board platform.
  • Other major sites like Indeed and LinkedIn provide similar online job board services.
  • Facebook now focuses career resources on aggregation through the Jobs tab versus direct listings.


Why did Facebook discontinue its job board?

Facebook has not provided an official reason for shutting down Facebook jobs. Based on their actions, it seems the feature was not gaining enough engagement, faced stiff competition from established sites, and no longer aligned with Facebook’s main priorities. Maintaining their own job board was likely resource-intensive and ultimately not core to their business.

Are jobs still posted on Facebook?

No, there is currently no way for employers to post job openings directly on Facebook. All listings previously on Facebook jobs were removed in 2019. The only job-related listings are aggregated from other sites on the Jobs tab.

Can I search for jobs on Facebook?

You cannot search for job postings directly posted to Facebook anymore. However, the Jobs tab does allow general job searching powered by sources like LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor. Think of it more as a meta job board than Facebook’s own listings.

What sites should I use instead of Facebook jobs?

Top alternatives include Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, Monster, and CareerBuilder. You can search job boards on industry-specific sites too if looking for certain roles. These dedicated job platforms have more robust tools and listings than Facebook jobs ever offered.

Will Facebook jobs make a comeback?

It is highly unlikely based on Facebook’s strategic focus that they will relaunch their own internal jobs board. They have made no indication since the 2019 shutdown that they plan to get back into the dedicated job listing space directly. Their career resources are now focused elsewhere.

The Shutdown Timeline of Facebook Jobs

Here is a visual timeline of the major events around the launch and shutdown of Facebook jobs:

Date Event
October 2017 Facebook announces launch of job board product Facebook jobs in the US and Canada.
February 2019 Facebook suddenly removes option for employers to post job listings and announces discontinuation.
March 2019 Remaining active job posts are removed as Facebook jobs is shut down completely.
May 2019 Jobs tab launches showing listings aggregated from other sites.

In just over 1 year, Facebook went from launching its own robust job board to completely removing the feature and shifting focus elsewhere. No advance notice was given before the shutdown, surprising many employers. Since early 2019, direct job listings have been entirely absent from Facebook.

Job Board Market Share

Here is a look at the market share of the top online job boards as of 2022, showing the competitive landscape Facebook jobs faced:

Job Board Monthly Traffic Share
Indeed 59.2%
LinkedIn 12.1%
ZipRecruiter 6.3%
Glassdoor 4.1%
Monster 3.8%
Facebook Jobs Discontinued

The total monthly traffic share for the top 5 players sums to over 85%. Facebook jobs failed to ever gain significant traction in this competitive environment dominated by established incumbents like Indeed and LinkedIn. Being able to drive meaningful job seeker and employer engagement was likely a key challenge.

Job Seeker Survey Data on Preferred Platforms

When job seekers were surveyed in 2021 about where they prefer to search for openings, LinkedIn and general job sites like Indeed came out on top by a wide margin:

Platform Percentage Selecting as Preferred Source
LinkedIn 62%
Job search engines like Indeed 49%
Company career sites 36%
Facebook 7%

These survey results help explain why Facebook jobs failed to gain adoption – candidates simply did not view Facebook as a useful destination for job hunting. The data indicates that profesional networks like LinkedIn and comprehensive sources like Indeed were far more appealing to actual job seekers.


In summary, while Facebook jobs provided a convenient option for localized job searching directly on the platform, its discontinuation appears permanent. Facebook has shown no signs of re-entering the crowded online job board space. For employers and job seekers, the best alternatives are to utilize purpose-built career sites like Indeed and LinkedIn that offer greater reach and capabilities. Though no longer active, Facebook jobs represented an experiment in leveraging social platforms for recruitment, one that ultimately could not compete with dedicated incumbents.