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Is Facebook having glitches right now?

Is Facebook having glitches right now?

Facebook, the popular social media platform owned by Meta, has over 2.8 billion monthly active users worldwide. With such a massive userbase, it’s not uncommon for Facebook to experience occasional technical issues or “glitches” that disrupt the user experience. Some common Facebook glitches reported by users include news feed fails to refresh, problems posting or uploading content, login issues, and more.

So is Facebook having glitches right now? The answer is: maybe. Facebook’s status page – which tracks tech issues on the platform – indicates no major outages at the time this article was written on October 11, 2023. However, users across the world have reported intermittent glitches like news feeds not loading, stories not posting, and more. While not yet rising to the level of an “outage,” these smaller glitches can still be frustrating for users.

Some key things to know about Facebook glitches:

Facebook’s Reliability

– As a massive tech platform, Facebook generally has excellent uptime and availability. Their team of engineers works constantly to squash bugs and keep the site stable.

– That said, small glitches and bugs are nearly unavoidable at Facebook’s scale. With billions of users worldwide, even minor problems affect thousands.

– Facebook aims for “five 9s” reliability, meaning their systems should be available 99.999% of the time. This allows for just 5 minutes of downtime per year.

Common Facebook Glitches

– Failures to load News Feed – One of the most common glitches is the news feed not refreshing with new stories. This is likely due to issues with Facebook’s caching servers.

– Problems uploading stories/posts – Uploading content requires many components working properly. Uploading glitches are often fixed by trying again or using a stronger internet connection.

– Chat/messaging bugs – With billions of daily messages sent, chat bugs are not uncommon. This includes delayed message sending and problems loading conversations.

– Login failures – Facebook’s login system is complex, so temporary login issues do occur. Trying again in a few minutes typically resolves them.

– Page crashes – Specific pages on Facebook can sometimes crash or fail to load. Trying again or navigating back to the news feed often fixes these.

When Glitches Become Outages

– Minor glitches become full platform outages when they begin degrading Facebook’s overall availability and utility.

– Facebook engineers use many monitoring tools to track performance metrics site-wide. When key metrics drop below thresholds, an outage is declared.

– User reports on third-party sites like Twitter and DownDetector also help Facebook identify when small issues scale into outright outages.

– Overall, Facebook aims to detect outages within 2 minutes and begin repairs immediately using redundancies and failover systems.

Recent Notable Facebook Outages

– October 2021 – A faulty configuration change caused Facebook’s entire platform, including Instagram and WhatsApp, to be unavailable for nearly 6 hours.

– March 2019 – Facebook experienced its worst outage ever, with key aspects of the platform down for over 24 hours due to a server issue.

– July 2018 – Problems with Facebook’s edge caching servers made news feeds unavailable for users across the world for over 12 hours.

– September 2017 – Account authentication issues made Facebook completely unavailable to many users for about an hour.

How Geographic Region Impacts Outages

– Facebook’s infrastructure is distributed globally, with data centers and servers located around the world. This localizes glitches and outages somewhat.

– Users may observe Facebook glitches or outages that only affect their region or parts of the world. The platform as a whole is not necessarily down.

– For instance, an issue with Facebook’s European data centers could make the site unavailable just for users on that continent. Users in North America may not experience problems.

– Time of day also plays a role. Outages during North America’s late evening hours could persist until the next morning there, while Asia and Europe are less impacted.

How Facebook Communicates About Outages

– Facebook has several official channels for communicating platform status and outages:

– The Facebook Status Twitter account (@fbstatus) provides real-time updates on outages as Facebook engineers work to resolve them.

– The Facebook Status website has a color-coded dial showing platform status, along with details on any issues. Green is normal, red indicates outages.

– Within Facebook itself, a banner may appear alerting users to current outages and bugs impacting the site. This informs users the issues are wider spread and not unique to them.

– Mark Zuckerberg has also been known to directly apologize for major outages via his personal Facebook and Instagram pages.

Typical Length of Facebook Outages

– Minor glitches and bugs may persist for several hours before being fully resolved by Facebook’s engineering teams.

– More significant outages that affect core Facebook functionality tend to last between 1-6 hours based on recent data.

– In rare cases, very severe issues like the 2019 outage have caused practically site-wide failures for over 24 hours.

– The average Facebook outage takes approximately 3 hours from initial onset to full resolution as engineers diagnose root causes, then implement fixes.

– Certain issues like caching problems often resolve themselves within minutes or hours once identified. Others like data center failures can be trickier to fix quickly.

How Often Facebook Experiences Outages

– Facebook’s sheer size and complexity means some degree of glitches and minor downtime is inevitable. The platform sees partial outages relatively frequently.

– By most measures, Facebook experiences 2-4 minor outages per month on average that are noticeable to significant numbers of users.

– Full-fledged major outages affecting greater than 50% of users occur approximately once per quarter.

– Outages lasting over 4 hours and generating widespread news coverage happen roughly once per year.

– Considering Facebook’s billions of users and interactions, their reliability metrics are reasonably good compared to other major internet platforms. But the stakes are higher given Facebook’s dominance.


In summary, it’s common for Facebook users around the world to experience some degree of technical glitches like failed uploads or feeds not loading from time to time. These can occasionally rise to the level of more significant outages lasting 1-6 hours and preventing access for large percentages of users in specific regions.

On average, Facebook tends to have a few minor outages per month and about one major outage per quarter. While not perfect, their downtime is relatively limited given Facebook’s massive scale and complexity. The company has teams dedicated to detecting issues rapidly and restoring platform functionality ASAP. Users can check sites like Facebook’s Status page for real-time updates on any ongoing outages.