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Is Facebook going to change names?

Is Facebook going to change names?

Facebook changing its name has been a hot topic in recent weeks. Here are quick answers to some frequently asked questions about whether Facebook is really planning to change its name:

Is Facebook changing its name to Meta?

It appears very likely that Facebook is planning to change its corporate name to Meta. CEO Mark Zuckerberg has indicated this rebranding will position Facebook as more than just a social media company, reflecting its broader vision for building the “metaverse.”

When will the Facebook name change happen?

While not officially confirmed, reports indicate Facebook is likely to announce the name change at its annual Connect conference on October 28, 2021. This would allow time to unveil the rebranding before changing the name on social media channels and stock market tickers.

Why is Facebook changing its name?

Facebook seems to be changing its name to reflect its evolving business ambitions beyond social media. The “metaverse” vision entails developing augmented and virtual reality technologies. By deemphasizing the Facebook brand and highlighting “Meta,” the company aims to separate its social media origins from its future as a metaverse innovator.

Will the apps like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp be rebranded?

No, Facebook’s individual apps and services like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp will likely retain their existing names. Only the parent company that owns these apps and other metaverse technologies will take on the new Meta name.

What does the new Meta name represent?

“Meta” comes from the Greek word meaning “beyond.” This represents Facebook’s focus on building technologies that go beyond normal social media into an expansive virtual and augmented reality-based internet metaverse.

Will the Facebook stock ticker change?

Yes, if Facebook goes ahead with the name change to Meta, the FB stock ticker will also likely be changed to reflect the new name. This ticker change would take effect across stock exchanges once the rebranding is complete.


Facebook appears poised to announce a major rebranding and name change to Meta in the coming weeks. This reflects its broadening vision beyond social media into metaverse technologies. While the Facebook app and others will retain their names, the parent company name will become Meta. This name change will also lead to a new stock ticker, but the Facebook services we use every day will remain unchanged.

Background on Facebook’s Name Change Plans

Speculation about Facebook changing its name has grown substantially since an October 2021 report revealed this rebranding effort was underway. Here is some background on where the plans for a name change stand:

Early Hints at Rebranding Plans

In June 2021 at a Facebook conference, Zuckerberg first hinted at expanding beyond being a social media company. He predicted Facebook would effectively transition from “primarily being a social media company to being a metaverse company” over the next several years.

Strong Focus on “Metaverse” Vision

Throughout 2021, Zuckerberg has focused increasingly on outlining his vision for the “metaverse” as the next generation of the internet. This incorporates virtual and augmented reality to blend digital and physical worlds.

Facebook Metaverse Technology Investments

Facebook has invested heavily in metaverse-related technology like Oculus VR headsets in recent years, showing its commitment to developing this futuristic vision.

Initial Name Change Report in October

On October 19, 2021, The Verge reported Facebook was planning to change its name to reflect its metaverse ambitions, citing a source with knowledge of the plans.

Zuckerberg’s Response Hints at Change

During a tech conference soon after this initial report, Zuckerberg said the company would share more on any name change “soon.” This provided indirect confirmation the report of an upcoming change was accurate.

Proposed New Name: Meta

The Verge report suggested the new name Facebook has chosen for its rebranding is Meta. This would allow the company to retain its FB stock ticker while signaling change.

Expected Announcement Later in October

Facebook is expected to formally announce the name change from Facebook to Meta around October 28, 2021 at its Connect conference according to the Verge’s sources.

Motivations for the Facebook Name Change

Facebook’s reported plan to change its name has many wondering – why rebrand now? Here are some of the likely motivations behind this major upcoming change:

1. Separate From Social Media Reputation

Facebook’s brand has suffered reputational damage recently from controversies like data privacy issues, election interference, and misinformation spread. A new parent company name allows distance from the negative social media connotations.

2. Focus on “Metaverse” Vision

Mark Zuckerberg has been very vocal about his ambitious plan for Facebook powering the “metaverse” in coming years. A new name tied to this vision underscores its importance within the company’s strategy.

3. Attract Talent Interested in Metaverse Work

The name Meta and metaverse technology focus could help attract top engineering talent more interested in AR/VR work rather than social media.

4. Reflect Company’s Broader Portfolio

From Oculus VR headsets to metaverse development, Facebook has grown beyond just social networking. The new name represents the company’s broader technology portfolio.

5. Renew Focus on Future Over Past

Meta signifies Facebook is entering a new era focused on innovative future technology rather than past reputation. This rebranding reorients focus.

6. Compete with Rivals on New Technologies

A name like Meta also could help Facebook be viewed as a competitive player in future metaverse technology against companies like Microsoft and Apple.

Potential Issues and Controversies

While Facebook may hope changing its name to Meta will improve its brand image and allow focus on the metaverse, some potential issues could arise.

Consumer Confusion About Changes

Regular Facebook users may be confused if the platform and app they use every day is suddenly called something different, even if the name remains.

Perception Company is Avoiding Problems

Some may see the name change as Facebook trying to avoid confronting its past social media-related controversies rather than fixing core issues.

Loss of Brand Recognition

Changing from such a well-known name like Facebook brings risks of losing brand recognition, credibility, and customer goodwill built up over many years.

High Costs of Rebranding

Switching such a huge company to a new name will involve enormous financial investments and costs for rebranding efforts across all its products and divisions.

Facing Ongoing Scrutiny

Critics argue that just changing from Facebook to Meta will not allow the company to escape continued scrutiny of its social media problems and future metaverse development.

Pros of the Name Change Potential Cons of the Change
Allows distancing from social media troubles Could confuse and alienate some users
Reinforces new “metaverse” vision May be seen as avoiding problems, not fixing them
Helps attract talent interested in AR/VR Loses substantial Facebook brand recognition
Better represents technology portfolio Carries high costs of rebranding companywide
Shifts focus to the future Unlikely to escape ongoing public scrutiny

Impacts on Facebook’s Business

The proposed name change from Facebook to Meta would have major impacts across the tech giant’s vast business. Here are some of the key effects it would likely produce:

Rebranding All Facebook Companies and Divisions

The new Meta name would need to be integrated across all of Facebook’s companies, including Facebook itself, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, and more. This will require an enormous rebranding effort.

Employees Adapting to New Corporate Identity

For Facebook’s over 63,000 employees, adapting to a new Meta corporate identity after years as Facebook will involve an adjustment period.

Shifting Corporate Messaging and PR

Facebook’s communications, marketing, public relations, and other departments will need to switch their messaging to Meta’s vision rather than the Facebook brand.

Updating Social Media Handles and URLs

The @Facebook social media accounts, website, and all other Facebook URLs will require transitioning to reflect the new company name Meta.

Developing New Logos, Signage, and Branding

Meta’s new corporate logo and branding will need to be applied across all Facebook signage, marketing materials, websites, products, and more.

Rerouting Email Addresses and Digital Systems

Behind the scenes, all of Facebook’s digital systems, email servers, and employee email addresses will need migration to Meta.

Altering Stock Tickers and Financial Filings

Administratively, the FB stock ticker will change to Meta, requiring updates across financial markets and Facebook’s investor filings.

Adjusting Company Culture and Values

More intangibly, Facebook will need to realign its internal company culture, values, and employee training around Meta rather than Facebook.


Facebook appears on track to announce a major corporate name change to Meta near the end of October 2021. This rebranding aims to highlight its focus on the metaverse going forward and create distance from its social media roots. While the name change has major implications for operations, it won’t alter the Facebook app and other services people use daily. With bold visions for the metaverse, this renaming ushers in a new era for Facebook as Meta platforms and technologies expand beyond social networking into new virtual worlds.