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Is Facebook Gaming good for new streamers?

Is Facebook Gaming good for new streamers?

Facebook Gaming has become an increasingly popular platform for video game streaming in recent years. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users on Facebook, it provides a massive potential audience for streamers to tap into. This has led many new and aspiring streamers to consider using Facebook Gaming to start and grow their channels.

But is Facebook Gaming actually a good option for new streamers? There are pros and cons to consider when evaluating if Facebook Gaming is the right choice.

The Pros of Facebook Gaming for New Streamers

Here are some of the key advantages Facebook Gaming offers for new streamers:

Huge built-in audience

As mentioned, Facebook has an enormous user base with over 2.5 billion monthly active users. Even if only a small fraction of these users engage with Facebook Gaming, that still represents a massive potential audience for streamers to reach.

For new streamers starting out, it can be very difficult to build an audience from scratch on standalone streaming platforms like Twitch or YouTube. But on Facebook, there’s already a huge ecosystem of users that streamers can tap into right away.

More exposure and discoverability

Related to the point above, it’s much easier for new streamers to get exposure and be discovered on Facebook Gaming. On Twitch for example, a new streamer may get buried far down the list of channels streaming a particular game. But on Facebook, it’s possible to get shown to and picked up by users who aren’t actively searching for streams, which makes it easier to get those initial viewers.

Facebook Gaming also incorporates streams directly into users’ News Feeds. This integration gives streamers visibility to casual users who aren’t necessarily looking for gaming content.

Lower system requirements

Facebook allows streaming at lower quality settings compared to other platforms. This means the technical requirements for software and internet speeds are more attainable for new streamers.

Streaming at 720p and 30 frames per second is viable on Facebook, whereas on Twitch and YouTube, 1080p at 60 fps is now the commonly expected quality. For streamers without top-tier PCs and internet connections, Facebook provides lower barriers to entry.

Integrates with Facebook Pages

Having an existing Facebook Page base gives new streamers a head start on Facebook Gaming. Those who already have an audience on their Facebook Page can easily transition some of those followers into streaming viewers.

Opportunities for growth with Facebook Level Up program

Facebook provides growth opportunities for qualifying streamers through its Level Up program. Level Up allows partners to earn revenue through ad shares and monthly payments. Qualifying typically requires at least 100 followers and regular streaming hours.

While Level Up has high standards relative to new streamers, it provides a long-term monetization goal to strive for. Other platforms don’t offer similar structured progression programs.

Less streaming competition

While Facebook Gaming’s audience is massive, the number of active streamers is still much lower compared to Twitch and YouTube. At the time of writing, Facebook has around 130,000 active monthly streamers, compared to over 5 million on Twitch.

The lower overall streaming competition makes it a bit easier for new streamers to grow an audience without getting lost in the mix.

The Cons of Facebook Gaming for New Streamers

However, there are also some notable drawbacks and challenges Facebook Gaming poses for new streamers:

No existing gaming community

While Facebook has a huge general user base, it doesn’t have an established gaming-focused community like Twitch or YouTube Gaming. Most Facebook users don’t go to the platform specifically for gaming content.

This can make it harder for gaming-focused streamers to find the right audience fit compared to platforms with existing gaming communities.

Difficulty retaining viewers

Related to the above point, it can be difficult for streamers to retain viewers and build a consistent community on Facebook Gaming. Viewers on Facebook are often just casual viewers who stumble upon a stream, rather than loyal community members actively engaged with a channel.

Twitch has much higher viewer retention rates compared to Facebook. One report from early 2020 found that Twitch retained over 50% of viewers after 1 week, compared to only 27% retention on Facebook.

Limitations of Facebook algorithm

Facebook’s algorithms heavily control what content users see in their feeds and in Gaming recommendations. This limits organic reach and exposure if the algorithm doesn’t favor certain streamers or content types.

It can be difficult for new streamers to “crack the code” of Facebook’s algorithm in order to get themselves shown to a wider audience.

Confusing onboarding for streamers

Facebook Gaming’s tools and setup process for streamers are still relatively convoluted. There are various prerequisites around linking Facebook Pages, converting profiles to public figure accounts, and enabling monetization.

This can create friction for streamers just starting out if the onboarding flow is unclear. Twitch has a much more streamlined process for getting a channel set up.

Limitations for mobile streaming

One major advantage of Facebook is that it has strong mobile apps and mobile usage. However, the Facebook Gaming streaming tools remain quite limited for mobile streaming compared to desktop.

Mobile game streaming is not well-supported. So streamers wanting to focus on mobile games are better off on other platforms.

Fewer built-in monetization options

Monetization options like subscriptions and channel-specific emotes don’t exist natively within Facebook yet. Ad revenue share via Level Up is the main monetization avenue.

Other platforms like Twitch and YouTube offer more direct monetization support for streamers at all levels. Facebook is still catching up in enabling revenue generation for streamers.

Key Factors for Evaluating Facebook Gaming Viability

Based on the pros and cons looked at, here are some of the key specific factors new streamers should evaluate when deciding if Facebook Gaming is a viable option for them:

Streaming goals and motivations

Consider your reasons for streaming and what you want to get out of it. Are you purely growth and revenue focused? Or is building a tight-knit gaming community a bigger priority?

Your goals align better with Facebook Gaming if reach and exposure are more important. But for community-building, established gaming platforms may be a better fit.

Types of games streamed

The games you plan to stream also matter. Facebook Gaming sees a lot of traction for mobile, casual, and social games. So if you’ll be streaming games like Candy Crush or Clash of Clans, the audience fit is likely very good.

For core/hardcore gaming content like World of Warcraft or CS:GO, you may be better off on Twitch where those communities already thrive.

Production quality expectations

Consider the production standards you’re able to meet in terms of stream quality, overlay assets, emotes, etc. YouTube and Twitch viewers often expect highly produced content.

If you’re just starting out with more basic production capabilities, Facebook provides a more forgiving environment. You can always level up your production values later as you grow.

Patience for slower growth

It typically takes more patience and persistence to grow an audience on Facebook compared to platforms with endemic gaming communities. Be ready to work on your Facebook stream for the long haul rather than expecting viral success immediately.

Have reasonable expectations around viewer counts when benchmarking against Twitch and YouTube. Facebook Gaming growth often happens more slowly but can still be very real and substantial over time.

The Verdict: Viable for Most Starting Streamers

Evaluating all the considerations, Facebook Gaming does appear to be a viable and even advantageous platform for most streamers just starting out in their streaming journeys today.

The sheer viewer reach advantage of Facebook is very compelling for new streamers trying to find any audience they can. And the streaming landscape on Facebook is “softer” in many respects, making it more navigable for complete newcomers.

More established streamers with existing communities on other platforms are less incentivized to make Facebook Gaming their primary home. But for absolute beginners, the pros likely outweigh the cons in most cases.

Here is a summary of the key advantages to starting out as a streamer on Facebook Gaming:

  • Massive potential audience reach to tap into from 2.5 billion Facebook users
  • Better opportunities for exposure and discoverability vs other platforms
  • Lower technical requirements to start streaming
  • Can leverage existing Facebook Page followers
  • Progression opportunities via Level Up program
  • Less direct streaming competition for now

The main challenges to keep in mind include:

  • No existing gaming community like Twitch or YouTube
  • Harder viewer retention compared to other platforms
  • Navigating Facebook’s feed algorithm
  • Streaming tools and onboarding less polished than competitors
  • Limitations around mobile streaming support

But for most new streamers, these cons are outweighed by Facebook Gaming’s potential as a growth platform. With proper expectations set, utilizing Facebook as at least one of their streaming pillars can give new content creators the best chance for finding an audience.

Tips for Success as a New Streamer on Facebook Gaming

If you do decide Facebook Gaming is right for you as a starting streamer, keep these tips in mind to maximize your chances of success:

Strategically choose games to stream

Look at Facebook Gaming’s current top games and try to align some of your streaming content with titles popular on the platform already.

For example, stream mobile games during the day and pivot to Battle Royales at night when that audience is most active.

Leverage groups and fan pages

Join relevant Facebook gaming groups to tap into built-in audiences excited about certain games or genres. You can share your stream in groups when live.

Also build and engage with your Facebook Page fan base as much as possible to convert followers into viewers.

Promote streams natively on Facebook

Take advantage of Facebook’s native promotion tools for live videos in Creator Studio. Use call-to-action captions encouraging people to tune into your stream.

Produce supplementary video content

Posting supplementary gaming content like highlights and guides to your Facebook Page helps build an audience that will later watch your streams.

Short-form edited video content can also help the Facebook algorithm recommend your Page and stream more broadly.

Collaborate with other streamers

Connect with other gaming creators on Facebook and look for opportunities to collaborate or cross-promote. Multi-streamer collaborations can help bring each other’s audiences together.

Joining forces with other small streamers can help you gain a collective audience faster starting out.

Engage viewers through chat

Chat engagement helps build connections with your streaming audience on Facebook. Even just reading and reacting to chat comments creates more dialogue.

When possible, try to have moderators helping facilitate chat interaction and community development within your streams.

Analyze metrics and adjust

Look at when your viewership peaks or dips on Facebook Gaming Insights to better understand your audience patterns.

Use this data to help refine your stream schedule, games, formats, and engagement tactics over time.

The Bottom Line

While it lacks the deeply entrenched gaming community of rival platforms, Facebook Gaming offers major advantages in terms of reach and discovery for streamers starting from zero.

The metrics show strong viewer growth potential for new streamers willing to navigate Facebook’s unique platform environment and algorithm.

Patience is required, as growth often happens more gradually than the explosive viral potential of Twitch or YouTube. But streaming on Facebook in conjunction with other platforms provides a promising path to find that initial audience.

For most new streamers today, the smart play is tapping into Facebook Gaming’s massive viewer pool and leveraging the platform’s lower streaming barriers to establish themselves.

With the right expectations set and a smart streaming strategy tailored to Facebook’s ecosystem, new content creators can unlock significant growth opportunities on gaming’s newest major player.