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Is Facebook deleting my posts?

Is Facebook deleting my posts?

It can be frustrating when content you’ve posted to Facebook seems to disappear or is unavailable to other users. There are a few potential reasons why your Facebook posts may not be showing up:

  • Your post was deleted or removed for violating Facebook’s Community Standards.
  • Your post is hidden because of your audience targeting or privacy settings.
  • There is a technical issue or bug affecting visibility of your posts.

Let’s explore these possibilities in more detail so you can identify why your Facebook posts are disappearing and what to do about it.

Facebook Removed Your Post for Violating Its Policies

One of the most common reasons Facebook posts disappear is because they were removed for violating Facebook’s Community Standards.

Facebook has guidelines about what types of content are and are not allowed on both Facebook and Instagram. Some examples of prohibited content include:

  • Nudity or sexual activity
  • Hate speech, threats, or bullying
  • Graphic violence
  • Regulated goods like firearms, drugs, or pharmaceuticals
  • Infringing on intellectual property rights

If you posted prohibited content in violation of these guidelines, Facebook will remove your post and may even restrict your account privileges or ability to post.

You will usually receive a notification explaining why your content was removed. However, keep in mind Facebook uses a combination of human moderators and automated systems to identify policy-violating content, so sometimes mistakes happen.

If you believe Facebook incorrectly removed your post, you can appeal the decision within the app. Just go to your notifications and look for the option to “Request Review.” Explain why you feel the content removal was a mistake.

But if your post clearly did violate Facebook’s rules, unfortunately there is no way to retrieve or repost that same content. You will need to be more mindful of Facebook’s guidelines for the future.

Your Post Is Hidden from Viewers Based on Settings

Another scenario where your Facebook posts may seem to vanish is if your audience targeting or privacy settings are hiding them from public view.

For example, when you create a post on Facebook you have options to control who can see that post. The default is to share it publicly with all Facebook users. But you can restrict visibility to just your friends, specific friend lists or groups, or even just yourself.

If your post has limited visibility based on your audience selector, it may seem to disappear because most people won’t be able to access it. Double check your audience selector settings when posting to make sure your content is shared as broadly as you intend.

Your privacy settings can also control post visibility and access. For instance, if you restrict old posts through your privacy settings, content you shared a long time ago may no longer be visible to anyone. You can adjust this in your privacy settings under “Limit Past Posts.”

Additionally, your posts may only be visible on certain platforms based on your cross-posting settings. For instance, you can choose to share a post just to Facebook but not to Instagram or vice versa. If you are looking for a post in the wrong place, it will appear invisible.

Always check your audience selector, privacy settings, and cross-posting options to ensure your posts are configured as you expect.

Technical Issues Are Preventing Your Post from Displaying

The third possibility if your Facebook posts seem to disappear is some sort of technical difficulty or bug. Facebook is a massive platform built on complex technology, so glitches do happen occasionally. Some potential technical issues that could affect post visibility include:

  • Display bugs where posts show for some users but not others.
  • Feed algorithm errors that stop showing your posts.
  • Outages where service disruptions cause posts to disappear.
  • Platform problems where posts fail to sync across Facebook products.

Technical problems are usually temporary, though annoying. Try refreshing your page or app and checking back a little later. You can also try posting from a different device or web browser to see if the issue persists.

If a post remains missing for over 24 hours, you may want to consider reposting the content. But give it some time, as most technical difficulties are resolved fairly quickly by Facebook’s engineering team.

You Accidentally Deleted Your Own Post

It’s always possible you inadvertently removed your own Facebook post without realizing it. Maybe you deleted the post from your profile page or feed but forgot. Oops!

Before assuming another reason for your disappearing content, reflect on whether you may have accidentally deleted it yourself. This is an easy mistake to make since the option to delete is right there below your posts.

If you did accidentally remove your own post, unfortunately that content is gone for good. Facebook does not have a version history or recycling bin to retrieve deleted posts.

In the future, be more careful about hitting that delete button! And if you do still want to remove a post but think you may regret it, consider downloading or screenshotting it first.

You Shared Problematic Links

Facebook will also remove posts and even restrict accounts if you repeatedly share links deemed problematic. For example, links to malware, phishing scams, questionable websites, or clickbait content are all likely to get your post removed.

Links to sites with misleading information, shock content, sensationalist news, or conspiracy theories may also be deleted without notice. Facebook works to cut down on the spread of spam, scams, and false news through posts.

If your goal is simply to share interesting information with friends and family, stick to reputable news and information sites. Avoid potentially sensationalist content from dubious sources.

If you believe a link removal was a mistake, you can request review via the notification option. But generally it’s best to link to trusted domains to avoid issues.

You Have an Active Block or Ban

In some cases, a user’s posts may disappear across Facebook because of an active block or ban in effect on the account.

For example:

  • A specific user blocked you, so they can’t see your posts.
  • You violated Facebook’s terms and are temporarily banned from posting.
  • You were reported for harassment or bullying and got banned.

If you are blocked by another user, your content will seem to vanish from their perspective. And if you are prohibited from posting due to a ban, your posts will disappear site-wide.

Check your messages and notifications for any alerts about blocks or bans in effect. You may be able to appeal bans via the help center. But blocks by other users are usually permanent.

Make sure you understand and follow Facebook’s harassment and bullying policies to avoid situations that could get your account banned.

You Have Malware or a Hacked Account

In some cases, disappearing posts may indicate your Facebook account has been compromised in some way. For example:

  • Malware or a virus is causing strange account activity.
  • Your account was hacked by an outside party.

If your account has malware, it could be quietly deleting your posts in the background without you realizing it. And hackers often delete content once they take over an account.

Other signs of a potential compromise include strange new posts you didn’t write, messages being sent without your permission, profile changes you didn’t make, login alerts from unrecognized devices, and other unusual activity.

If you suspect your account was hacked or infected with malware, change your password immediately and turn on two-factor authentication. Also run antivirus scans to check for anything malicious on your computer or phone.

Reach out to Facebook support if the unusual behavior continues so they can investigate potential security threats. Catching and addressing account compromises quickly can help limit the damage.

You’re Posting From a Restricted Account

Facebook may apply restrictions to accounts engaging in prohibited behavior such as:

  • Posting nudity or sexual content
  • Sending spam or repetitive posts
  • Harassing other users
  • Live streaming violations

Restricted accounts face limits on things like sending friend requests, creating live videos, registering new profiles, commenting publicly, and more. Your ability to post content can also be limited.

If your account is restricted, your posts may only be visible to you or a small group of friends. Your reach and visibility is decreased as a cautionary measure.

You should be notified if your account enters a restricted state. But you can also check your current restrictions via Settings & Privacy > Account Ownership and Control > Account Status.

To regain full posting abilities, you’ll need to fix the issues that led to restrictions and demonstrate good behavior over a period of time.

You Shared Prohibited Content Without Realizing It

Sometimes posts get removed for subtler content violations you may not have realized were against the rules. For example:

  • Uploading someone else’s copyrighted artwork without permission
  • Sharing illegally downloaded movies or songs
  • Using a brand’s trademarked logo in memes or images
  • Posting private, identifying information about others without consent

These types of intellectual property infringement, privacy violations, and illegal file sharing are prohibited. But people don’t always understand what copyright and trademarks protect or realize sharing certain content without permission crosses a line.

When in doubt, don’t share content unless you have the legal right to distribute and reproduce it. Avoid potentially infringing on others’ intellectual property. Also get permission before posting any identifying information about other people.

Ignorance doesn’t exempt you from copyright or privacy rules. So be cautious to avoid content removals and account restrictions.

You’re Experiencing Shadowbanning

Shadowbanning is when your account and posts seem normal to you but are hidden from everyone else as a form of censorship. It’s often used for spam accounts.

You may be shadowbanned if:

  • No one engages with your posts anymore
  • Your follower/friend count suddenly drops
  • Your posts don’t show up in hashtags or feeds

Shadowbanning is meant to choke off spammers, scammers, and abusive accounts by isolating them. But sometimes real accounts get caught up too.

Try posting from a different account to see if your main profile’s posts are now hidden. Or ask a friend to check if they see your posts from their end.

If you seem to be shadowbanned, submit an appeal explaining you are a real person posting legitimate content. But this may not always work, as the ban is intentional on Facebook’s end.

You’re Using the Wrong Account

Do you manage multiple Facebook accounts— perhaps one for business and one for personal use? Or maybe multiple profiles for different purposes?

If so, double check you’re logging into the proper account before assuming your posts have vanished.

It’s easy to accidentally post from the wrong profile then wonder why you can’t find that post later when logged into a different account. The post still exists but under that other name.

Keep your accounts and profiles organized to ensure you don’t mistake which one you’re actively posting from at the moment. Facebook does allow some merging of extra pages and profiles if things get messy.

But in general, try to keep a single primary account where you share most updates and memories. Use other profiles just for specific business or organizational functions to avoid confusion.


There are many potential reasons Facebook posts may seem to disappear or become unavailable to viewers. The cause usually falls into one of these categories:

  • Removal for violating Facebook’s guidelines
  • Hidden by your privacy settings or audience selector
  • Technical glitches or platform bugs
  • Accidental deletion on your end
  • Account restrictions or banning
  • Compromised accounts and unauthorized changes

Knowing these common causes can help diagnose what’s going on if your content seems to vanish. The fixes may involve adjusting your posting approach, tightening up security, or simply waiting out temporary technical issues.

Stay aware of Facebook’s rules, think carefully about what you share, use privacy settings intentionally, and be quick to contact support if posts inexplicably disappear for sustained periods. With some diligence, you can help ensure your Facebook presence stays visible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my old Facebook posts disappear?

Old Facebook posts may disappear because you changed your privacy settings, accidentally deleted content, or your account was hacked. Posts also may be removed if Facebook found them in violation of current policies, which change over time.

Can a Facebook admin delete my posts without me knowing?

Yes, if you posted in a Facebook Group or Page as opposed to your own Timeline, the admin or moderator can delete your post without notifying you. However, you would be notified if your own post on your own Timeline was deleted by Facebook for policy violations.

How far back can Facebook delete your posts?

Facebook can technically remove any post on your current Timeline at any time if it is found to violate standards. Their enforcement goes back as far as content exists on your profile, with no limit. However, they focus more on current violations versus old posts.

Does Facebook delete inactive accounts?

Facebook can delete inactive accounts after an extended period of no use, such as years with no logins or new content. However, they tend not to remove truly inactive accounts that are not causing harm. Accounts engaged in prohibited behavior may get deleted more quickly though.

Can old Facebook posts be recovered?

Unfortunately, once a Facebook post is deleted either by you or Facebook itself, that content cannot be recovered or restored. Facebook does not have an internal archive or recycle bin to access old deleted posts. The best preservation method is to screenshot or download your posts.

Should I delete old Facebook posts?

It’s generally wise to review and delete older online content that no longer reflects who you are or that you simply no longer want public. However, deleting too many old Facebook posts could backfire by making your profile seem suspicious. Use common sense when pruning old content.

Reason for Disappearing Facebook Posts Fix or Solution
Removal for violating Facebook’s policies Review Community Standards, appeal if you feel the removal was incorrect
Hidden by audience selector or privacy settings Adjust settings and sharing options
Technical issues or glitches Try reposting, refresh page/app, or wait for fixes
Accidental deletion Unfortunately posts can’t be recovered
Active blocks or bans Appeal bans, blocked users will remain unable to see posts


Investigating why Facebook posts disappear or seem hidden to other users involves checking your settings, troubleshooting technical issues, and understanding Facebook’s rules and restrictions. While frustrating, most causes can be corrected by adjusting your posting approach, privacy controls, and account security practices.


Here are some key points to remember:

– Check if your post was removed for violating Facebook’s Community Standards and appeal if it was a mistake.

– Make sure your audience selector or privacy settings are not hiding your posts from public view.

– Technical problems may briefly prevent posts from displaying properly.

– You can’t recover accidentally deleted posts, so be careful before removing content.

– Blocks, bans, and restrictions can limit who sees your posts depending on account status.

– Compromised accounts, malware, and hacking can sometimes cause disappearing posts.

– Know Facebook’s rules thoroughly to avoid removals and stay visible.