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Is Facebook Dating still a thing?

Is Facebook Dating still a thing?

Facebook Dating was launched in 2018 as a way for Facebook users to connect with potential romantic matches within their existing friend network on Facebook. Since its launch, Facebook Dating has seen moderate success but has not quite taken off to become the next major player in the online dating world.

How Does Facebook Dating Work?

Facebook Dating allows users to create a separate dating profile within the regular Facebook app. Users can specify their romantic preferences, interests, ideal match, and can choose to match with friends of friends and/or people not in their friend network. Facebook’s algorithm will then present users with potential matches based on preferences, interests, and other factors.

Once matched with someone, users can view each other’s profiles and exchange messages. Facebook Dating also allows users to share Instagram posts directly into their dating profile and add Instagram followers to their Secret Crush lists. Another key feature of Facebook Dating is that it does not match users with their existing Facebook friends, avoiding any awkward scenarios.

User Adoption and Growth

Since launching in 2018, Facebook Dating has seen moderate but not explosive growth. As of October 2020, Facebook reported that Facebook Dating had 55 million monthly users globally. That represents decent adoption but is still far less than the user bases of rivals like Tinder and Bumble, which have tens of millions of monthly active users just in the US and Canada.

Here are some key stats on Facebook Dating’s user growth:

October 2018 Launch in Colombia
September 2019 Launches in US
October 2019 12.5 million users
April 2020 54 million users
October 2020 55 million users

So the platform saw decent initial growth after launch, but that growth flattened out somewhat through 2020. While 55 million monthly users globally is respectable, it pales in comparison to the 100+ million users on Tinder or 70+ million on Bumble.

Demographics and Audience

Facebook Dating’s audience unsurprisingly mirrors Facebook’s overall demographics. It skews toward younger users, with nearly 50% of users being under age 25 according to Facebook’s internal data. It also has slightly more female members, with a 60/40 female to male ratio.

Geographically, Facebook Dating has achieved the most traction in Asia and Latin America. Markets like Vietnam, Thailand, and Colombia have proven to be especially strong for Facebook Dating adoption. It has not caught on quite as much in the US or Europe.

Because it is embedded within the regular Facebook app, Facebook Dating inherently attracts Facebook users who are comfortable building an online/social media presence. But some privacy-minded consumers may prefer other dating apps that are completely separate from their social media identities.

Revenue Model and Monetization

Facebook Dating relies on advertising for revenue. While the service itself is free to use, Facebook can target highly-specific demographics and interests based on users’ dating profiles. These targeted ads within Facebook Dating can command higher rates from advertisers.

Facebook also sees Facebook Dating as an important part of its overall strategy. By keeping users engaged for more aspects of their lives on Facebook properties (social media, events, dating, etc), Facebook hopes to maintain its dominance in digital advertising and social media.

Here are some of the advertising formats and targeting capabilities of Facebook Dating:

Ad Format Details
Sponsored ads Targeted text/image ads based on user’s profile and interests
Boosted profiles Let advertisers promote specific dating profiles to more users
Event ads Promote local events to interested dating app users
Interest targeting Target users based on hobbies, interests, travel, and other preferences

Privacy Concerns

As with all Facebook products, privacy concerns exist around Facebook Dating. Some watchdog groups have raised concerns about Facebook’s ability to aggregate so much personal data between Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and now Facebook Dating.

Others worry that Facebook Dating’s friend-of-friend matching could enable stalking or harassment. Facebook maintains that users have full control over their privacy settings and who can see their dating profile. Profiles are also separate from regular Facebook profiles.

That said, Facebook does not have the best reputation regarding privacy. The Cambridge Analytica scandal and other issues have plagued the brand. As a result, some consumers are wary of trusting Facebook with even more personal information through Facebook Dating.

Competitive Landscape

The online dating space is crowded and competitive. Facebook Dating faces stiff competition from established dating apps like Match Group’s Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge as well as newer arrivals like Grindr and Hily.

Here is how Facebook Dating stacks up versus some of its top competitors:

App Key Features Monthly Users
Tinder Swipe right/left, robust matchmaking algorithm, easily connect to Instagram 75 million
Bumble Women initiate, time limits on communication, career networking features 70 million
Hinge “Designed to be deleted”, personality quizzes, friend recommendations 55 million
Facebook Dating Integration with Facebook/Instagram, events, friend recommendations 55 million

As the table shows, Facebook Dating is roughly on par with Hinge in terms of user base, but lags behind supergiants like Tinder and Bumble. It will need to carve out a distinct niche to gain ground on those larger players.

Pros and Cons of Facebook Dating

Here are some key advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook Dating versus other dating apps:


  • Larger pool of potential matches through Facebook’s 2.5 billion monthly user base
  • Events and groups features help match people by interests
  • Users can express themselves through Facebook/Instagram integration
  • Trusted friends can recommend potential matches
  • Established brand name awareness for Facebook


  • Privacy concerns around Facebook’s data aggregation
  • Smaller user base than Tinder or Bumble
  • Potential for stalking/harassment through friends feature
  • Younger demographic may prefer apps perceived as more “cool”
  • Buggy or incomplete features on launch

The Future of Facebook Dating

It remains to be seen whether Facebook Dating will remain a relatively niche product or one day grow into a major revenue driver for Facebook. Some analysts are not bullish on its long-term prospects. They cite Facebook’s brand baggage around privacy, waning popularity with younger Americans, and stiff competition as challenges.

However, Facebook Dating has a few factors working in its favor. Facebook’s massive global user base provides a huge pool of potential dating candidates. Integrating real identity and events provides advantages over more superficial swiping apps. And Facebook’s unrivaled targeting data presents monetization opportunities.

Ultimately, Facebook Dating’s fate rests on its ability to differentiate itself from competitors while offering a uniquely compelling value proposition to users. With Facebook’s resources, it can likely find and attract a target demographic. But breaking through in the crowded dating space will require perfect execution and constant innovation.