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Is Facebook Dating in other countries?

Is Facebook Dating in other countries?

Facebook Dating is Facebook’s integrated dating service that was launched in the United States in 2018. Since then, Facebook Dating has expanded to various other countries around the world. Here is an overview of where Facebook Dating is currently available globally.

Countries where Facebook Dating is available

As of October 2022, Facebook Dating is available in the following countries:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Guyana
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Suriname
  • Uruguay
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Laos
  • Cambodia
  • Indonesia
  • Europe:
    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Bulgaria
    • Cyprus
    • Czechia
    • Denmark
    • Estonia
    • Finland
    • France
    • Germany
    • Greece
    • Croatia
    • Hungary
    • Iceland
    • Ireland
    • Italy
    • Latvia
    • Liechtenstein
    • Lithuania
    • Luxembourg
    • Malta
    • Netherlands
    • Norway
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Spain
    • United Kingdom
  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • Hong Kong

So in summary, Facebook Dating is currently available in North and South America, Southeast Asia, Europe, and parts of East Asia.

Countries where Facebook Dating is not yet available

Facebook has not yet launched Facebook Dating in the following major countries and regions:

  • China
  • India
  • Russia
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • Australia/New Zealand

So Facebook Dating is not yet available in the two most populous countries in the world, China and India. The service is also not available throughout Africa, the Middle East, or Australia/New Zealand yet.

The launch and growth of Facebook Dating

Let’s take a closer look at how Facebook Dating has rolled out globally since it first launched:

September 2018: Launch in Colombia

Facebook Dating first launched in Colombia in September 2018. This initial launch was limited to a small test in one Latin American country.

May 2019: United States Launch

In May 2019, Facebook launched Dating widely in the United States. This marked the first major launch for Dating, bringing the product to its largest market.

October 2019: Europe Launch

In October 2019, Facebook launched Dating across 19 European countries simultaneously. This included large markets like the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and more.

2020: Expansion in Asia and South America

Throughout 2020, Facebook continued expanding Dating’s availability, including:

  • Launch in Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, and Philippines in Southeast Asia
  • Launch in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Guyana in South America

2021: Further growth

Facebook’s Dating expansion continued in 2021:

  • Launch in Taiwan and Hong Kong
  • Launch in Japan
  • Additional European countries added

So Facebook took an incremental approach to launching Dating globally, starting in the Americas, then expanding to Europe and Asia. The service continues growing its footprint today.

Is Facebook Dating popular outside the US?

Facebook has not released official user numbers for Facebook Dating. However, there are some signs that Facebook Dating has found popularity in countries outside the United States:

  • 5 million downloads in first week in Europe: When Facebook Dating launched across 19 European countries in 2019, it was downloaded over 5 million times in its first week according to AppAnnie data.
  • #1 dating app in Thailand: As of 2020, Facebook Dating was the most downloaded dating app in Thailand according to AppAnnie.
  • 1 million users in Southeast Asia: Facebook claimed to have over 1 million users across its Southeast Asian markets in 2020.
  • Vietnam popularity: Data in 2020 showed Facebook Dating generating twice as many downloads as Tinder in Vietnam.

While explicit user numbers are not available, these reports suggest Facebook Dating has found significant popularity in Asia and Europe, beyond just the US market.

Why isn’t Facebook Dating available in some countries?

Facebook has not provided official explanations for why Dating is not yet available in certain markets. However, some likely reasons Facebook has not launched dating include:

  • Regulatory issues: Some countries have strict regulations around internet and dating services, which creates barriers to launching Dating.
  • Cultural norms: In some cultures, dating and online dating is highly stigmatized, which may limit demand for Dating.
  • Userbase size: Facebook may be prioritizing countries that have large populations of young Facebook users who are likely to use dating services.
  • Testing and iteration: Facebook appears to be taking an incremental approach to launching Dating globally, starting in countries where they can test and refine the product.

Countries like China, India, and much of the Middle East represent challenges from a regulatory and cultural perspective. Facebook will likely continue gradually expanding the service to new countries over time.

The future of Facebook Dating globally

Facebook has stated its intention to eventually expand Dating to more countries globally. Some analysts predict Facebook will target the following countries/regions next for dating:

  • India: A massive market, but one that presents regulatory hurdles.
  • Australia/New Zealand: English-speaking countries that are similar to other markets Dating has launched in.
  • Russia: A large market, though internet regulation creates challenges.
  • Africa: Rapidly growing Facebook userbase across Africa makes it a logical expansion point.

However, Facebook is also continuing to refine Dating itself before further global growth. In late 2021, Facebook integrated some Instagram features into Dating to allow matching based on Instagram interests and profiles. Facebook will likely continue improving Dating and adding new features before launching the product in its most challenging potential markets like India and China.


In summary:

  • Facebook Dating is currently available in ~50 countries across North and South America, Europe, and East/Southeast Asia.
  • Major markets where Facebook Dating is not yet available include China, India, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, and Australia/NZ.
  • Facebook took an incremental approach to launching Dating globally, starting in Colombia in 2018 and gradually expanding over the last four years.
  • Early data indicates Facebook Dating has found strong popularity in Asia and other markets outside the US.
  • Regulatory hurdles, cultural norms, testing, and other factors have likely influenced why Facebook Dating is not yet global.
  • Facebook will likely continue expanding Dating to additional countries over time as they seek to make the product truly global.

Facebook Dating provides Facebook with a product to expand its reach in the online dating industry, while giving users a new way to connect. As Facebook continues refining Dating and entering new markets, the service appears poised for significant global growth in the coming years.