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Is Facebook chat different from Messenger?

Is Facebook chat different from Messenger?

Facebook chat and Messenger are two messaging services offered by Facebook. While they share some similarities, there are some key differences between the two platforms.

Facebook chat and Messenger allow users to send messages to friends and contacts on Facebook. Both services support text messaging, photo sharing, stickers, emojis, and more. So what sets them apart?

The main difference is that Facebook chat is built into the Facebook app and website, while Messenger is a standalone app. Facebook chat offers basic messaging capabilities alongside the rest of the Facebook experience. Messenger provides a more robust messaging experience with additional features not available in Facebook chat.

Understanding the distinctions between Facebook chat and Messenger can help users choose the best platform for their messaging needs.

Availability and Access

One of the most significant differences between Facebook chat and Messenger is where each service is available.

Facebook chat is only accessible within the Facebook app or website. It does not exist as a separate app. So you can only exchange Facebook chats when you are logged into your Facebook account on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Messenger is a standalone cross-platform app available for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and the web. While you need a Facebook account to use Messenger, you do not need to have the Facebook app or be logged into the Facebook website to use Messenger. This gives users much more flexibility to communicate via Messenger across devices.

Platform Availability Comparison

Platform Facebook Chat Messenger
iOS app Available via Facebook app Standalone Messenger app
Android app Available via Facebook app Standalone Messenger app
Desktop app Available on Facebook website Standalone Messenger desktop app
Web access Available on Facebook website Messenger website

As this table illustrates, Messenger provides much broader access across devices and platforms compared to Facebook chat.

Messaging Features

While the core messaging experience is similar between the two platforms, Messenger offers some more advanced features that differentiate it from Facebook chat.

Messenger-Only Features

  • Messenger Day – Share photos/videos that disappear after 24 hours
  • Messenger Rooms – Group video calls for up to 50 people
  • Messenger Kids – Parent-controlled app for kids
  • Messenger Desktop App – App for Windows and macOS
  • Enhanced Group Chats – Admin tools, nicknames, chat themes
  • Message Reactions – New ways to react to messages

These features expand the messaging experience in ways that standard Facebook chat does not. Facebook chat offers a more basic messaging toolkit. Messenger aims to provide a robust standalone messaging platform.

User Experience

Facebook chat and Messenger also differ in their user experience and interface design.

Facebook chat uses a sidebar interface inside the Facebook app. All chats appear in this sidebar, mixing both active conversations and inactive ones. This can sometimes make Facebook chat feel cluttered with old chats.

Messenger uses a full-screen interface focused just on messaging. Active conversations get prominence. Messenger offers tabs to switch between chats, stories, calls, people/groups, and more. Everything is organized around messaging rather than the broader Facebook experience.

For some users, Messenger’s dedicated messaging interface provides a better user experience compared to Facebook chat. But others may prefer keeping messaging within the main Facebook app.

Privacy and Security

Facebook chat and Messenger offer similar security features:

  • End-to-end message encryption
  • Authentication and account verification
  • Blocking unwanted contacts

Both platforms provide strong security for messaging. However, there are a few privacy differences to note:

  • Facebook chat history is logged within your broader Facebook activity. Messenger chat history is separate.
  • Facebook allows chat syncing across devices. Messenger requires actively linking devices.
  • Messenger allows chat archiving to store old chats. Facebook chat does not have archiving.

These factors give Messenger a slight edge for users who want their messaging kept more private from their broader Facebook account.

Advertising Differences

One final key difference between Facebook chat and Messenger is advertising:

  • Facebook chat shows no ads. You will only see ads in the Facebook app/website outside of chat.
  • Messenger inserts ads natively into chats. You will occasionally see banner ads between messages.

Facebook leverages Messenger’s audience for additional advertising revenue. But some users may find Messenger ads intrusive compared to the ad-free Facebook chat experience.


While Facebook chat and Messenger share similarities as messaging platforms, Messenger differentiates itself through:

  • Broad platform availability as a standalone app
  • Advanced messaging features
  • Dedicated messaging interface
  • More private chat history

But Facebook chat offers a simpler messaging experience integrated natively into Facebook. Ultimately, choosing between the two comes down to user preferences around accessibility, features, privacy, and advertising.