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Is Facebook calling banned in Dubai?

Is Facebook calling banned in Dubai?

Facebook calling allows users to make voice and video calls over the Facebook platform. This feature was launched by Facebook in 2016 and has become popular worldwide as a free and convenient way to communicate with friends and family. However, Facebook calling is subject to regulations and restrictions in some countries. One question that arises is whether Facebook calling is allowed in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Background on Facebook Calling

Facebook calling utilizes the voice over IP (VoIP) technology to enable calls between Facebook users. Some key facts about Facebook calling:

  • Allows one-on-one voice and video calls through the Facebook app and Messenger app.
  • Calls are made over the internet, using a phone’s data connection or WiFi.
  • The service is free to use for Facebook users.
  • Supports group voice calls with up to 50 people.
  • End-to-end encrypted for security and privacy.
  • Rolled out worldwide since launch in 2016.

Facebook calling provides an alternative to traditional phone calls by leveraging the internet to transmit calls. It has grown popular due to being free and easy to use, especially for international calls. However, availability can be restricted by local regulations.

Regulations on VoIP Services in UAE

The UAE has regulations governing the use of VoIP services like Facebook calling. Some key points:

  • VoIP services are regulated by the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) in the UAE.
  • Public VoIP calling services require a license from TDRA to operate in the UAE.
  • The major telecom companies Etisalat and Du have exclusive rights to provide VoIP services in the UAE.
  • Unlicensed VoIP services are illegal to use in the UAE under the VoIP Policy and various cybercrime laws.
  • Penalties for using illegal VoIP range from fines to imprisonment and device confiscation.
  • However, there is an exception for VoIP calls made for private, personal use.

These laws essentially ban public use of unauthorized VoIP apps like Facebook calling in the UAE. The telecom regulators argue this is to protect the revenues of licensed telecom companies. However, individuals may be able to use Facebook calling for personal use without punishment.

Is Facebook Calling Completely Banned in Dubai and UAE?

Based on the VoIP regulations in the UAE, Facebook calling is restricted but not completely banned. Here are some key points on the current status:

  • Facebook calling is technically illegal to use in the UAE without a license from TDRA.
  • However, authorities seem to tolerate individuals using it for personal calls with friends/family.
  • Businesses and public venues are not allowed to use or provide Facebook calling.
  • Using Facebook calling could carry risks of fines if doing so openly in public areas.
  • Hotels and other locations may block access to Facebook calling on their networks.
  • Residents rely on VPNs to circumvent blocks and use Facebook calling discretely.

In summary, while unauthorized in the UAE, individuals can personally use Facebook calling at their own risk, using VPNs and discretion. Public or commercial use remains prohibited. Enforcement varies, but penalties are possible if caught misusing VoIP apps.

Government Blocks and Restrictions

The UAE government does employ certain blocks and restrictions that can impact using Facebook calling:

  • Etisalat and Du may block or throttle Facebook Messenger at times, disrupting calling.
  • Free public WiFi hotspots typically prohibit access to VoIP services.
  • Facebook website and apps have suffered outages during periods of regional political tensions.
  • Some business and hotel WiFi networks block Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp calls.
  • Calls made through VPN connections may suffer lower voice quality.

While not a complete ban, these intermittent blocks and restrictions make Facebook calling less reliable in the UAE compared to other locations.

Workarounds to Use Facebook Calling

Despite the restrictions, many residents in Dubai and the UAE continue to use Facebook calling through a few different workarounds:

  • Using a VPN to route calls securely past blocks.
  • Using private home or office internet connections instead of public WiFi.
  • Limiting call usage to avoid triggering blocks.
  • Using Messenger Lite app which may avoid throttling.
  • Enabling Facebok calling only when needed then disabling.
  • Using alternative services like WhatsApp calling which faces less restrictions.

With care and discretion, most individuals are able to use Facebook calling on personal devices in the UAE through a combination of these workarounds. However, access remains inconsistent due to the legal grey area.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, the status of Facebook calling in the UAE remains uncertain:

  • No major shift in VoIP regulations expected in the near future.
  • Facebook calling unlikely to be officially authorized unless Facebook partners with a licensee.
  • Sporadic blocks on Facebook/WhatsApp calling will likely persist.
  • Acceptable personal usage will depend on level of discretion.
  • Free WiFi hotspots to continue prohibiting VoIP access.
  • New licensing deals could enable Facebook calling through telecom partners.

While concrete legal changes appear unlikely soon, shifts in enforcement policies and technical workarounds will continue to shape access to Facebook calling in the UAE. Users are advised to exercise judgement and caution when using unauthorized internet calling apps given the legal grey area.


In conclusion, Facebook calling remains in a prohibited but tolerated status for personal usage in Dubai and the UAE. While technically illegal without a license, individuals are generally able to use Facebook calling discreetly through VPNs and personal internet connections. However, public use by businesses faces greater risks. The government continues employing blocks which disrupt Facebook calling, but workarounds allow residents to utilize it for private calls. While legal reforms may eventually enable licensed access, Facebook calling exists in a legal grey area for UAE users. With care and technical savvy, residents are likely able to maintain personal usage, but restrictions will persist.

Comparison of VoIP Regulations in Other Countries

For context, here is a comparison of how other countries regulate VoIP services like Facebook calling:

Country VoIP Regulation
United States Allowed with no major restrictions
United Kingdom Allowed, regulated as regular phone services
China Prohibited without government license
India Allowed but may be blocked during riots or unrest
Indonesia Blocked completely by government
Egypt Permissions required, often blocked
Thailand Officially prohibited but not strictly enforced

These examples illustrate that VoIP and internet calling restrictions vary around the world based on government policies. The UAE is relatively strict but many countries take a more relaxed approach. Privacy concerns, security, and pressures on telcos often shape regulations on services like Facebook calling.

Impact of Bans on Businesses

Bans on internet calling apps like Facebook calling have a notable impact on businesses in countries where they are prohibited:

  • Blocks communications between local and overseas offices.
  • Forces reliance on expensive international call plans.
  • Restricts options for inexpensive customer support calls.
  • Causes losses if sales/bookings rely on internet calling.
  • Creates need to contract local phone services at added cost.
  • Drives investments in VPNs and other technical workarounds.

Despite the typical freedom for personal usage, the commercial restrictions on VoIP in the UAE likely impose costs and operational challenges for multinational companies and startups operating in Dubai and the wider country.

Impact on Individuals and Daily Life

For individuals living under VoIP bans, the everyday impact may include:

  • Less choice in communication tools and need for workaround tech skills.
  • Limitations communicating with overseas contacts and services.
  • Potential legal risks if violating unclear usage policies.
  • Poor call quality/reliability when using VPNs to circumvent blocks.
  • No access to internet calling in public spaces like malls and transportation.
  • Reduced competitiveness in tech infrastructure compared to other economies.

People adapt their daily communication habits to account for restrictions on useful internet calling tools. While manageable with effort, the bans degrade quality, reliability, and skills development relative to markets with open competition and choice in voice/video services.

Cost Saving Benefits of Internet Calling

Expanding access to internet calling options like Facebook provides well-known cost savings:

  • Avoid expensive international call charges — calls use local data plans.
  • Calling through WiFi incurs no cellular data costs.
  • No need for costly separate business phone services.
  • Group messaging lowers coordination costs.
  • Enables remote work without location-based charges.
  • Freemium models mean no subscription or usage fees.

By leveraging the internet, innovators like Facebook deliver communications at near-zero cost across borders and distances. However, restrictive regulations in some nations continue delaying access to these benefits for many consumers and businesses.

Estimated Consumer Savings

Enabling free internet-based calling in a country like the UAE could provide substantial consumer cost savings. The table below estimates potential savings versus traditional international calls:

Caller Location Call Destination Savings vs. Telco Rates
Dubai London $1.15 per minute
Dubai New York $1.45 per minute
Abu Dhabi Mumbai $0.80 per minute
Sharjah Manila $1.70 per minute

These figures indicate the major cost reduction if residents had open access to internet calling rates relative to typical observed prices charged by licensed telecom operators for international calls from the UAE.

Environmental Benefits

Enabling internet-based calling could also support environmental goals in Dubai and the UAE:

  • Reduces infrastructure materials needed for traditional telephony.
  • Avoids energy usage and waste from legacy phone switch equipment.
  • Supports operation from renewable energy powered data centers.
  • Fits with environmental directives to adopt green technologies.

As a video and data focused service, Facebook calling produces only a fraction of the physical footprint compared to legacy telephony. Wider adoption would align with Dubai’s desires to lower its carbon impact through newer internet-enabled technologies across sectors.

Carbon Emissions Reduction

One estimate from 2020suggested migration to internet calling in a hypothetical 1 million user market could provide these carbon savings:

Service Tonnes of CO2
Traditional Telephony System 24,000 tonnes
Internet-Based System 3,600 tonnes

While the figures are hypothetical, they illustrate the potential environmental benefits if instead of operating their own infrastructure, telecom regulators enabled citizens to access globally developed internet calling solutions.

Economic Impacts

Broader access to internet calling could promote economic development by:

  • Accelerating startup growth by lowering costs.
  • Supporting remote work for industries like technology and financial services.
  • Strengthening employee collaboration and productivity.
  • Increasing competitiveness relative to regions with better infrastructure.
  • Creating opportunities for local tech companies as partners or providers.

However, the impacts would not all be positive:

  • Loss of revenue for licensed international call providers.
  • Requirement to improve broadband infrastructure to support VoIP traffic.
  • Need to develop clear regulations for internet calling.
  • Cybersecurity threats from enabling a new potential attack vector.

Policymakers would need to balance these complex tradeoffs. But done strategically, moving toward open authorized access to services like Facebook calling could drive economic gains.

Potential New Local Jobs

If internet calling access expanded, new jobs and opportunities could emerge in areas like:

  • Local startups building tools and apps optimized for VoIP.
  • Network engineers to manage increased data broadband load.
  • Cybersecurity experts to provide required safeguards.
  • Customer support to assist consumers with internet calling usage.
  • Developers optimizing international business workflows around VoIP.

Rather than simple job displacement,thoughtful adoption of internet calling could lead to skills development and new roles to support an advancing digital economy.

Policy Recommendations

To balance the issues around Facebook calling and internet VoIP usage in the UAE, the following policy steps are recommended:

  1. Conduct thorough multi-stakeholder economic impact analysis of opening VoIP access.
  2. Commission detailed technical review of options to assure quality and security of open internet calling.
  3. Authorize licensed use initially in special economic zones to contain risks.
  4. Partner with telecom operators to develop competitive calling packages using VoIP.
  5. Develop clear consumer protections and rights related to internet calling.
  6. Implement K-12 and university training programs to build critical VoIP workforce skills.

With measured efforts to enable innovation while controlling risks, Dubai and the UAE could work toward consumer and business benefits from regulated Facebook calling and internet telephony services.


In summary, Facebook calling currently exists in a gray area – technically prohibited by telecom regulators but often usable discreetly by individuals in practice. It enables significant cost savings but lacks reliability. Clear policy shifts to allow access under license could drive economic gains but require adjusting existing government and business models. Movement appears gradual, but pressure grows for change to keep pace with global digital advancement. The ideal path forward likely involves phased reforms providing controlled innovation opportunities balanced against protections for economic, security and environmental interests. When strategically enabled, services like Facebook calling illustrate the power of internet technologies to efficiently connect human voices and accelerate development.