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Is Facebook available in Cambodia?

Is Facebook available in Cambodia?

Facebook is available and widely used in Cambodia. As of 2023, Cambodia has around 7.4 million Facebook users, representing around 45% of the country’s total population. Cambodians were relatively early adopters of Facebook, with the platform gaining popularity in the country in the late 2000s.

Background on Internet and Social Media Usage in Cambodia

Internet usage has grown rapidly in Cambodia over the past decade. In 2012, only around 4% of Cambodians were internet users. By 2022,internet penetration had increased to around 70% of the population.

The growth of inexpensive smartphones and mobile broadband has facilitated increased internet access. Most Cambodians now access the internet solely via smartphones.

Social media usage has followed a similar trajectory. Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Telegram and TikTok are all popular. Facebook is by far the most dominant platform though.

Facebook’s Popularity in Cambodia

Facebook is ingrained in daily life for many Cambodians. It serves as a key source of news and information, as well as entertainment and connecting with friends and family. Some of the main reasons for Facebook’s popularity in Cambodia include:

  • It’s free – there are no data charges to use Facebook via smartphones for the majority of users.
  • User friendly interface – Facebook is easier for many to use compared to traditional media websites.
  • Connecting with diaspora – It allows Cambodians to stay in touch with family and friends living overseas.
  • Small business marketing – Facebook is an important marketing platform for Cambodian small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • News and entertainment – Many Cambodians get updates on current events, watch videos, listen to music and more via Facebook.
  • Political engagement – Facebook has become a highly politicized environment and key outlet for political speech in Cambodia.

Much of Cambodia’s population was born after the Khmer Rouge regime in the late 1970s. This demographic is digitally savvy, and enthusiastic early adopters of social media like Facebook which was previously unavailable.

Facebook Usage Statistics

Here are some key statistics on Facebook usage in Cambodia as of 2023:

Total users 7.4 million
Penetration rate 45% of total population
Gender split 54% male, 46% female
Age split
  • 13 – 17 years: 9%
  • 18 – 24 years: 28%
  • 25 – 34 years: 33%
  • 35+ years: 30%
Usage frequency
  • Daily: 76%
  • Weekly: 12%
  • Monthly: 5%
  • Less than monthly: 7%

This data shows the importance of Facebook for people of all ages in Cambodia, but particularly for younger demographics. The high daily usage rate also highlights how engrained Facebook is in Cambodian society.

Accessing Facebook in Cambodia

There are no restrictions on accessing Facebook in Cambodia. Users can freely visit or use the Facebook app without needing a VPN or other tools to circumvent blocking.

Facebook is available across all major local telecommunications networks including Metfone, Smart, Cellcard and qb.

Public WiFi hotspots often provide complimentary access to Facebook, even when charging for general internet usage. This further facilitates access.

Is Facebook Ever Blocked in Cambodia?

While Facebook is not blocked in general, there have been a handful of instances where access has been restricted, typically in relation to political events or crises. For example:

  • In January 2021, Facebook was temporarily blocked for around 24 hours across most internet providers during a showdown between political factions.
  • Leading up to the 2018 elections, access was disrupted to Facebook and election monitoring sites at different points.
  • During periods of political tension or protests, social media sites including Facebook have faced temporary outages or throttling.

However these restrictions are not the norm, usually only lasting for a short period. For the most part Cambodian authorities allow unfettered access to Facebook.

Importance of Facebook for Digital Marketing in Cambodia

Facebook is the preeminent platform for digital marketing and communications in Cambodia. Some key advantages for marketers include:

  • Large audience – Around 13 million Cambodians are on Facebook.
  • Targeting capabilities – Options to target ads by location, age, interests and behaviors.
  • Engagement – High levels of user engagement and content sharing.
  • Ad options – Can utilize all major Facebook ad formats from video to carousel.
  • Metrics – In-depth metrics available on reach, clicks and conversions.

Savvy Cambodian businesses integrate Facebook into their marketing mix. Strategies can range from simple free posts to large paid advertising campaigns. Different industries from e-commerce brands to restaurants rely on Facebook to connect with audiences.

Risks and Negatives of Facebook Usage in Cambodia

While Facebook has many positives, experts also point to risks and drawbacks to its widespread use in Cambodia such as:

  • Misinformation – The spread of “fake news” and propaganda is a concern.
  • Social pressure – Some feel pressure to present an exaggerated version of their life.
  • Political polarization – Facebook has contributed to increased divisions.
  • Addiction – Overuse can be detrimental to mental health and relationships.
  • Privacy – Users may share more personal data than is safe.

Moderating content and teaching media literacy are challenges given Facebook’s immense popularity and reach in Cambodia relative to still-developing regulatory systems.


Facebook has become deeply integrated into Cambodian society. It is the nation’s most widely used social media platform with over 7 million users. Facebook serves as a hub for news, entertainment, business and politics in Cambodia.

While immensely popular, Facebook also presents risks like misinformation and overuse. Overall though, it has connected Cambodians to each other and the world like never before. While sporadic restrictions occur during politically turbulent periods, in general Cambodians have open access to all Facebook has to offer.