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Is Facebook asking for new passwords?

Is Facebook asking for new passwords?

In the opening paragraphs, I will provide quick answers to key questions related to whether Facebook is asking users for new passwords. This will help orient readers and provide crucial information upfront.

Is Facebook really asking users to provide new passwords?

Yes, some Facebook users have recently reported getting notifications asking them to provide new passwords for their accounts. This seems to be an attempt by Facebook to proactively have users update their passwords and enhance account security.

Why is Facebook asking for new passwords now?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook may be prompting users to create new passwords at this time:

  • Routine security – Facebook may be conducting routine security updates and wanting users to reset old or potentially vulnerable passwords
  • Data breaches – After recent data breaches at other companies, Facebook may be being proactive in protecting accounts
  • Legal regulations – New password rules and regulations may have motivated the change

Is this mandatory for all Facebook users?

No, it does not appear that all Facebook users are required to change their passwords at this time. The prompts to create new passwords seem to be randomized and selective. There are many users reporting that they have not received any notification to reset their passwords.

What happens if I ignore the request for a new password?

If you receive a notification from Facebook asking you to reset your password and you ignore it, nothing will happen immediately. Your current password will still work. However, Facebook may periodically send you reminders encouraging you to update your password for enhanced security.

Could the new password prompts be fake or a scam?

It’s extremely unlikely. The notifications are being delivered directly through Facebook’s platforms, so they appear to be legitimate requests from the company itself. Users should be safe clicking on the prompts and providing new passwords through Facebook’s official password reset flows.

How can I safely change my Facebook password?

If you receive a prompt from Facebook to reset your password, the safest way to do so is:

  1. Click on the reset password notification directly within the Facebook app or website.
  2. Follow the official password reset steps provided by Facebook.
  3. Do not click any external links asking you to provide account or password information.
  4. Use a strong, unique password that you don’t use on any other sites.

What password guidelines does Facebook recommend?

Facebook recommends the following guidelines for creating a strong, secure password:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • A mix of uppercase and lowercase letters
  • At least one number
  • At least one special character, like ! @ # ?]
  • No dictionary words or personal info


The notifications some Facebook users are receiving asking them to reset passwords appear to be a legitimate security initiative by the company. While the prompts are not mandatory, it is recommended that users take the opportunity to update their passwords and enhance the safety of their accounts. Changing passwords periodically is just one aspect of practicing good online security.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why have I not received a notification to reset my Facebook password?

The prompts to reset passwords are only being sent to some Facebook users at this time. It is a randomized, rolling update. If you don’t receive a notification now, you may receive one in the future.

What should I do if I think my Facebook account has been hacked?

If you notice any suspicious activity on your Facebook account, you should change your password immediately through the Facebook security settings. Also turn on login approvals for extra security. Check your profile information and posts to make sure nothing unauthorized has been posted. You can also report compromised accounts through Facebook’s help center.

Can I use the same new password for multiple accounts?

No, security experts strongly advise against using the same password across multiple accounts. Doing so means that if one account is compromised, all your other accounts are also at risk. Use a unique, strong password just for your Facebook account.

How often should I update my Facebook password?

Most experts recommend changing your Facebook and other important account passwords at least every 6-12 months. More frequent password updates can also be beneficial, especially if you notice any suspicious account activity or are alerted to security concerns by Facebook.

What’s the easiest way to manage many new passwords?

Using a password manager app is by far the simplest way to handle multiple new and complex passwords. Password manager apps like LastPass and 1Password allow you to securely store passwords and easily log into sites and accounts.

5 Tips for Creating a Strong Facebook Password

Updating your Facebook password when prompted is a smart security practice. Here are 5 tips for creating the most secure password possible:

  1. Use at least 12 characters – The longer the better
  2. Include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
  3. Avoid dictionary words and personal info
  4. Don’t reuse passwords across accounts
  5. Consider using a password generator or manager

Facebook Password Security Over the Years

As Facebook has grown, so have its security measures around account passwords and authentication. Here is an overview of some key developments:

Year Facebook Password Security Milestones
2005 Users can reset passwords via email confirmation
2008 Login approvals introduced for enhanced security
2013 Two-factor authentication added as an option
2017 Prompts added for weaker or breached passwords
2019 Security notifications for unrecognized logins
2022 Stronger 12-digit password standards adopted

Facebook has invested significant resources into improving account security over the years. The latest push for updated passwords is part of that ongoing evolution. With billions of users, keeping accounts safe from hackers and abuse is a major priority. Security will likely continue to be an area of focus going forward.

How Facebook Stores and Protects Passwords

When you enter your Facebook password, how exactly is it protected? And how does Facebook know your correct password when you login?

Facebook uses sophisticated cryptography and security systems to keep passwords private and verify users.

Here are a few key facts about how Facebook handles password data:

  • Passwords are encrypted – They are not stored in plain text
  • Passwords are hashed – The raw password is converted into a string of random characters
  • Salting is used – Random data is added to hashes to make them more secure
  • Zero knowledge is followed – No Facebook employee ever sees your actual password
  • Encryption keys help verify users and decrypt data when required

So in summary, your actual Facebook password is never known to anyone but you. State-of-the-art encryption keeps it private while still allowing Facebook to validate your identity.

The Importance of Password Hygiene

Updating your Facebook password when prompted is just one component of good “password hygiene” that helps keep your account secure. Here are some other vital password hygiene practices:

  • Don’t reuse the same password on multiple sites
  • Don’t share your password with others
  • Don’t use simple dictionary words or phrases
  • Don’t store unencrypted passwords on your devices
  • Use a password manager to create and store unique passwords

Treat your Facebook password like your toothbrush – don’t let anyone else use it, get a new one regularly, and keep it clean!

The Future of Password Security

Passwords have been the dominant form of online authentication for years, but they have weaknesses. Here are some emerging technologies that could complement or replace passwords in the future:

  • Two-factor authentication – Requires an additional step like an SMS code along with the password
  • Biometrics – Uses fingerprints, facial recognition or other unique biological data
  • Security keys – Physical devices that plug into computers to verify users
  • Behavioral analysis – Looks at patterns like typing rhythm and mouse movement
  • Federated identity – Allows seamless cross-platform authentication

Facebook already offers two-factor authentication, but seems likely to adopt some of these other technologies in the future as well to keep their billions of user accounts as secure as possible.

What to do if You Forget Your Updated Facebook Password

After resetting your Facebook password, it’s common to forget what your new password is after some time has passed. Don’t panic – you have a few different options to recover access to your account:

  1. Reset your password again if prompted and save the new one.
  2. Use Facebook’s password reset email/text feature to initiate a reset.
  3. Answer your secret security questions to have a reset link sent.
  4. Use your backup email or phone number on file to receive a code.
  5. If none of those work, use Facebook’s account recovery process providing proof of ID.

As long as you have access to the email, phone, or other backup contact info on your Facebook account, you should be able to securely reset your forgotten password yourself. Just be sure to save the new password somewhere safe once changed!

Helping Less Tech-Savvy Friends and Family Reset Passwords

For those who aren’t very tech-savvy, the process of resetting their Facebook password in response to a prompt can be challenging. Here are some tips for helping less technical friends or family members through a Facebook password reset:

  • Walk them through the reset process step-by-step. Be patient.
  • Enter their new password into the Facebook app for them on their device.
  • Set up their login approvals if prompted to enable easier future logins.
  • Write down the new password clearly for them to store somewhere safe.
  • Remind them periodically to change their password again soon.

Making use of Facebook’s security tools like login approvals can make it less intimidating for those less comfortable with technology to engage with added security measures. Being available to provide ongoing technical assistance helps ensure they don’t become discouraged.

Dealing with Suspicious Password Reset Emails

While the official password reset emails from Facebook will come from or [email protected], sophisticated phishing scams may try and trick users with fake reset emails and links. Here are some signs an email may be a phishing scam:

  • It comes from an unusual address
  • There are spelling mistakes or odd wording
  • It asks for sensitive personal information
  • The reset link looks suspicious
  • It threatens account deactivation

If something seems off about a password reset email, do not click any links or provide information. Instead, log into Facebook directly and check your notifications for legitimate prompts. Report scam emails to Facebook so they can block them.

Key Takeaways

Here are some of the most important points to remember about Facebook’s requests for users to reset their passwords:

  • The prompts are legitimate security measures by Facebook
  • Updating passwords periodically is good practice
  • Use strong passwords unique to Facebook
  • Enable login approvals for extra security
  • Watch for phishing scams mimicking Facebook
  • Take advantage of password managers
  • Know your reset options if you forget the new password

Staying informed about Facebook’s security programs and taking advantage of features like password resets and two-factor authentication helps keep your account safe from compromise.