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Is Facebook app for Windows no longer available?

Is Facebook app for Windows no longer available?

The Facebook app for Windows allowed users to access Facebook on their Windows devices, but in recent years it has become unavailable. This has led many to wonder if the Facebook app for Windows is no longer supported and what options remain for accessing Facebook on a Windows PC or laptop. In this article, we’ll examine the history of the Facebook app for Windows, discuss why it’s no longer available, and explore the alternatives for Windows users who still want to access Facebook.

A Brief History of the Facebook App for Windows

The Facebook app for Windows was first introduced in 2010 as Facebook for Windows and was only available for Windows 7 and higher. It allowed users to access their Facebook feed, messages, events, photos, and more from a desktop app rather than using the Facebook website in a browser.

The app went through several iterations over the years, with Facebook updating it to add features and improve performance. In 2016, the app was rebranded from Facebook for Windows to simply the Facebook app for Windows. At that time, the app received a visual refresh and had new capabilities like 360-degree photo viewing support.

While the app was popular with Windows users who wanted a native Facebook experience, by 2018 it was clear that Facebook was beginning to wind down support for the app. Updates became increasingly infrequent, and the app began suffering from performance issues on the latest Windows versions.

End of Life Announcement

This lack of attention to the Windows app culminated in February 2020 when Facebook announced it was discontinuing the app altogether. In a message to users, Facebook cited the availability of Facebook on mobile and on the desktop site as reasons for removing the Windows app.

The app would continue to work for existing users who already had it installed, but it was removed from the Microsoft Store and new users could no longer download it. Additionally, Facebook noted they would no longer be providing support or updates for the app.

Why Facebook Discontinued the Windows App

Facebook was never fully clear on why they shut down their Windows app, but a few key reasons seem likely:

Shift in Company Priorities

Facebook was pouring more resources into their mobile apps and saw desktop apps as less crucial to their success. The majority of Facebook users were on mobile, so the Windows app was a low priority.

Maintenance Burden

Maintaining and updating the Windows app required significant engineering resources. As Windows went through major revisions like Windows 8 and Windows 10, the app needed ongoing work to function properly.

Lack of Adoption

Despite being available for nearly 10 years, the Windows app never saw mass adoption. Most Windows users continued accessing Facebook through their browser, making the app less necessary.

Desktop Site Sufficient

Facebook knows most desktop users are satisfied using the desktop website. The desktop site provides a full set of Facebook features, making the app not very essential.

Alternatives for Accessing Facebook on Windows

With the demise of the native app, Windows users have a couple options to continue accessing Facebook:

Use the Desktop Website

The Facebook desktop website,, remains fully functional and provides the complete Facebook experience. It works on all popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari. The desktop site includes all of Facebook’s features like news feed, messaging, events, gaming, and more. It’s optimized for large screens and mouse/trackpad navigation.

Use Messenger Desktop Apps

While there is no longer a singular Facebook desktop app, there are standalone apps for Facebook Messenger and Workplace by Facebook. The Messenger desktop app allows you to chat, conduct video calls, and access Messenger features. And the Workplace app gives access to Facebook’s enterprise social network platform.

Try Third-Party Desktop Apps

Some third-party developers have created unofficial Facebook desktop apps for Windows. Options like MetroFace and Fireface mimic the look and feel of the official Facebook app. However, be cautious as third-party apps may have security, privacy, and reliability issues.

The Future of Facebook on Windows

Looking ahead, it seems unlikely Facebook will release a new Windows app anytime soon. They appear committed to supporting Windows only through the desktop site.

However, if enough Windows users request native app support, Facebook could reconsider their decision. For example, if enterprise customers want a Facebook app for Workplace integration, that could spur new app development.

It’s also possible Facebook could bring its other standalone apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, or Oculus to Windows in the future. For now, consumers and business users will need to use the web or third-party tools if they want a native Facebook experience on Windows.


The discontinuation of the Facebook app for Windows in 2020 disappointed many users who preferred having a desktop app over using a browser. However, Facebook seems unlikely to resurrect the Windows app due to shifting company priorities and sufficient support through the desktop site.

Windows users can still access Facebook’s core features through or try messenger apps and third-party solutions. But the future likely holds an increased emphasis on mobile and web access over desktop apps from Facebook. The convenience and ubiquity of mobile makes the loss of Windows app support less critical for most Facebook members.