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Is Facebook ads 4 5 vs 1 1?

Is Facebook ads 4 5 vs 1 1?

When it comes to Facebook advertising, one of the most common questions is whether it’s better to use single image ads or multi-image carousel ads. The debate of Facebook ads 4/5 vs 1/1 refers to posting either 4 or 5 images in a carousel ad compared to posting just a single image. There are pros and cons to both options, and the right choice depends on your specific goals, target audience, and type of product or service.

The Case for Single Image Ads (1/1)

Posting a single compelling image allows you to tell a clear, focused story in your ad creative. With just one image, you can direct all attention to your strongest visual asset. This can help reinforce your brand identity and make your messaging immediately clear to viewers.

Single image ads also take up less space in the Facebook newsfeed compared to multi-image carousels. When viewers are quickly scrolling, a single visual can stand out more and catch their attention. The image itself can also be larger and higher quality without having to squeeze in several photos.

In some situations, single image ads simply perform better. If you’re promoting a product like jewelry or apparel, zoomed in photos showing details tend to convert better than wider product shots. For ads driving traffic to your website or posts, an engaging graphic or photo relevant to the content can be more effective than multiple images.

Essentially, if you have one very strong photo that represents your brand or campaign, a 1/1 ad can be the way to go. This strategy works best when you want viewers to focus on one clear message or offering.

The Case for Multi-Image Ads (4/5 or 5/5)

Carousel image ads allow you to tell a more robust story and showcase different features, visuals, or offerings. With multiple images, you can highlight various products, provide before-and-after examples, or show your product or service being used in different contexts.

Carousels stand out more in the newsfeed, taking up more visual space. The sliding image format commands attention as viewers interact with your ad. You can pair strong visually-focused images with complementary text overlays.

This ad format works very well for ecommerce brands with a catalog of product images. Showcasing multiple products in one ad allows you to appeal to a wider audience. For service-based businesses, a carousel can demonstrate the breadth of what you offer.

Carousels also provide more real estate for you to convey information. You can use the image captions to tell a story across 5 frames, or highlight key features, details, or specifications in each individual image.

When to Use Single Image Ads

Here are some of the best cases for when to stick with a single image ad strategy:

  • Promoting a single product, especially one with a strong lifestyle-oriented brand
  • Bringing attention to a specific promotion or sale
  • Advertising content like a blog post, video, or website
  • Trying to convey a singular clear message
  • Testing new ad creative or a new campaign
  • Targeting a busy audience likely to quickly scroll past multiple images
  • Sending traffic to your website homepage or landing page

When to Use Multi-Image Ads

Here are instances when multi-image carousel ads tend to work best:

  • Showcasing a catalog of products
  • Demonstrating before-and-after imagery
  • Displaying product or service features in action
  • Advertising a variety of offerings from your brand
  • Comparing variations of products
  • Educating viewers on a multi-step process
  • Promoting a collection, product bundle, or product line
  • Advertising an event with many visual details

Best Practices for Multi-Image Ads

When creating effective carousel ads, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use 5 images if you have enough high-quality visual assets – maxing out the image count leaves the biggest impression.
  • Ensure imagery is cohesive and reinforces the broader message or story being told in your ad.
  • Pick visually striking images that will catch attention as people scroll.
  • Use text overlays sparingly – let the images tell the story.
  • Make the first image your “hero” visual that represents the essence of your brand or campaign.
  • Place important information like price or sale details in the first image.
  • Keep image file sizes small for faster load times.
  • Test different image combinations and orders to see what sequence resonates most.
  • Send traffic to a relevant landing page tailored to your ad.

Facebook’s Guidance on Image Ads

According to Facebook’s own recommendations, carousel image ads tend to see higher engagement and conversion rates compared to single image ads. However, they note that single image ads still have their place when you have one very strong photo or need a simple clean ad execution.

Facebook suggests testing both ad formats as there is no universally better option. The right approach depends on your objectives. Single image ads offer simplicity while carousels allow you to tell a more elaborate visual story.

One key advantage Facebook points to for multi-image ads is the ability to showcase diversity. For example, you can demonstrate the various types of customers who use your product across ages, genders, and backgrounds. You can’t convey this diversity as effectively in a single static image.

Sample Ad Creative Examples

To illustrate the different strategies, here are some examples of how brands have approached Facebook ad creative:

Single Image Ad

This lifestyle ad from jewelry brand Mejuri uses a single beautiful hero image to promote their croissant dome ring. The close-up product visual lets the ring design shine.

Carousel Ad

This 5-image carousel ad from Two Trees Furniture effectively demonstrates the quality and functionality of their convertible sectional sofa from different angles and in different room settings.

Making the Right Choice for Your Goals

When deciding on single image vs multi-image ads, consider your overall marketing objectives. Ask yourself:

  • Do I need to grab attention quickly or tell an in-depth visual story?
  • Am I promoting a single specific product or a range of products/services?
  • Do I have enough high-quality visual assets for a carousel?
  • Is my goal brand awareness or direct conversions?

Ideally, test both ad formats with the same target audience to see which option delivers the strongest results based on your KPIs. You may find a single hero shot outperforms a crowded carousel or vice versa. Be sure to optimize based on the data.

At the end of the day, there is no universally superior Facebook ad format. The visual story you need to tell should dictate whether you select a single image or multi-image carousel ad. With strategic testing and optimization, you can determine the best approach to reach your marketing goals on Facebook.


Facebook image ads come down to two primary options – single image ads (1/1) or multi-image carousel ads (typically 4/5 or 5/5). Each format has advantages and use cases. Single image ads offer simplicity and focus, ideal for lifestyle branding or promotional messaging. Carousels provide more space to demonstrate products, tell visual stories, and highlight different selling points.

Factors like your objectives, target audience, type of product/service, and visual assets should determine which ad approach you choose. Test different image combinations in both formats to see which best fits your needs. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The ideal Facebook image ad strategy depends on crafting the visual story and messaging that will resonate most with your goals and audience.