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Is Donate Life America legit?

Is Donate Life America legit?

Donate Life America is a nonprofit organization focused on increasing organ, eye, and tissue donation in the United States. They work to educate people about the importance of donation, manage the national donor registry, and provide support to donor families. But is Donate Life America a legitimate and trustworthy organization? Let’s take a closer look at their background, mission, and operations to find out.

What is Donate Life America?

Donate Life America (DLA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 1992. Their stated mission is to “increase the number of donated organs, eyes and tissue available to save and heal lives.” Some key facts about Donate Life America include:

  • Headquartered in Richmond, Virginia
  • Manages the national donor registry, which contains over 140 million donor enrollments
  • Network of affiliate Donate Life organizations in all 50 states and the District of Columbia
  • Partners with state motor vehicle agencies to register organ donors
  • Provides education and awareness campaigns about donation
  • Advocates for policies that support donation and transplant

Donate Life America was formed through the merger of four predecessor organizations – the Coalition on Donation, the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations, the National Kidney Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It brought these groups together to create a unified effort focused on organ donation.

Donate Life America’s Programs

Donate Life America runs a number of initiatives and programs in support of its mission:

  • National Donate Life Registry – DLA manages the database of registered organ, eye, and tissue donors. When individuals register as donors through their state motor vehicle agency or directly with Donate Life America, they are added to the registry. At the time of death, this registry is checked to determine if the individual consented to be a donor.
  • Public Education and Awareness – DLA provides resources and campaigns focused on educating the public about organ donation and motivating people to register as donors. Some of their awareness campaigns include National Donor Day, National Pediatric Transplant Week, and the Workplace Partnership for Life.
  • Professional Education and Standards – For medical professionals and those involved in the organ procurement process, DLA offers education on best practices related to donation, transplantation, and support of donor families.
  • Donor Family Support – DLA connects donor families with resources to help support them through the donation process. This includes assisting families with their grief and honoring the gift donation.
  • Research and Data Analysis – DLA funds research on organ donation and transplantation. They also compile donation/transplantation statistics and data to help improve the overall system.
  • Policy and Advocacy – DLA advocates for policies at the state and federal level that will increase donations, improve equity in transplantation, and support donor families.

Through these programs and services, Donate Life America works to coordinate and strengthen the national organ donation system.

Relationship with State Registries

While Donate Life America manages the national registry, it does not directly run the state-level donor registries. Each state has its own registry typically operated by the state’s motor vehicle department. When someone registers as an organ donor through the DMV, that information gets shared with both the state registry and the national registry managed by Donate Life.

This federated system allows states to control their own registries and processes, while still having registration information flow up to the central national database. So Donate Life America facilitates coordination and information sharing between state registries rather than administering everything directly.

Funding and Financials

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Donate Life America relies on grants and contributions to fund its programs. According to Charity Navigator, DLA reported $25.8 million in revenue and $21.4 million in expenses for 2020. Some key sources of funding include:

  • Grants from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
  • Support from hospital organizations and transplant centers
  • Corporate sponsorships and partnerships
  • Public donations from individuals

Donate Life America publishes audited financial statements and annual IRS Form 990 tax returns on their website. These documents provide transparency into DLA’s financial activities and show how they utilize funds.

Donate Life Leadership

Donate Life America’s leadership team includes:

  • David Fleming, PhD – President and CEO since 2014. Prior experience in public health and organ donation at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Kurtis McCowan – Chief Operating Officer since 2019. Background in operations and technology leadership.
  • Charles Alexander – Chief Medical Officer since 2001. Transplant surgeon who has worked in the organ donation field for over 30 years.
  • Christy Anderson Brekken – VP of Communications. 20+ years of communications experience with health nonprofit organizations.

The organization is governed by a multi-stakeholder Board of Directors that includes transplant surgeons, organ procurement organization leaders, corporate executives, and individuals personally impacted by organ donation and transplantation.

Criticisms and Controversies

There are few major controversies associated with Donate Life America. As a well-established nonprofit focused on an inspirational mission, they generally have a positive public reputation. However, some criticisms have been raised over the years:

  • High compensation – Executive compensation at DLA is toward the high end for nonprofit organizations. Total annual compensation for the CEO reached over $500K per year which some have argued is excessive.
  • Ineffective campaigns – Despite over 25 years of public education campaigns, organ donor registration rates remain below 60% nationally. Some say DLA’s marketing has failed to motivate more people to register.
  • Bias in transplant system – Critics argue that DLA does not do enough to address racial and income disparities in access to transplants. The process may favor those who are wealthier, white, and better educated.

However, most experts consider these to be challenging systemic issues not entirely within DLA’s control. Overall, the organization has maintained a trusted reputation and is not typically viewed as unethical or controversial in its practices.

The Verdict: Legitimate and Trustworthy

Based on Donate Life America’s history, mission, operations, and reputation among organ donation professionals, they can safely be considered a legitimate and trustworthy organization. Some key points supporting their legitimacy:

  • Nonprofit 501(c)3 with publicly available financial documents showing appropriate use of funds.
  • Clear focus on public education and supporting the national organ donation system since 1992.
  • Manages the official national organ donor registry in partnership with state registries.
  • Led by reputable professionals with expertise in organ donation and transplantation.
  • Relatively few criticisms or controversies over their 25+ year history.

While no organization is perfect, Donate Life America exhibits the expected accountability, ethics, and focus on their nonprofit mission. People can feel confident registering as organ donors either through state registries or directly via Donate Life America’s website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Donate Life America associated with the government?

No, Donate Life America is an independent nonprofit organization. However, they work closely with state and federal agencies to facilitate organ donation.

How is Donate Life funded?

Donate Life America is funded through grants, corporate partnerships, private contributions, and fees for services. They publish full financial statements.

Is my information safe if I register as an organ donor?

Yes, donor registries use secure systems and protect personal information. Registering will not lead to identity theft or misuse of your data.

Can my family override my decision to be an organ donor?

It depends on the state. In most states, your legal next of kin cannot automatically override your documented choice to be a donor. But it’s best to discuss your wishes with family.

Does registering with Donate Life cost money?

No, registering as an organ donor through Donate Life America or state registries is always free. There is no cost associated with signing up.

Table Comparing State Donor Registries

State Registry Agency Active Donors
California CA Department of Public Health 22 million
Texas Texas Department of Public Safety 11 million
Florida Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 15 million
New York NYS Department of Health 11 million
Pennsylvania PA Department of Transportation 8 million

This table compares the state agencies that manage organ donor registries across 5 of the most populous states. It provides examples of how each state handles their own in-state registry while integrating with the national Donate Life America registry.


In summary, Donate Life America has a long track record as a respected nonprofit organization at the forefront of promoting and facilitating organ donation. They manage the national donor registry, coordinate closely with state agencies, and provide public education and resources to save lives through donation. While no nonprofit is perfect, the available evidence indicates that Donate Life America is a legitimate and trustworthy organization in the organ donation field.