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Is code generator no longer supported by Facebook?

Is code generator no longer supported by Facebook?

There has been some discussion recently about whether Facebook is no longer supporting its code generator tool. The code generator allowed developers to quickly generate code snippets for various Facebook features like the Like button, Login, Share, and more. It was a useful tool for integrating Facebook functionality into websites and apps. However, some developers have reported issues accessing the code generator on Facebook’s Developers site, leading to speculation that Facebook may have discontinued the tool. In this article, we’ll examine the evidence around whether the Facebook code generator is still supported or not.

Background on the Facebook Code Generator

The Facebook code generator was a tool available on that allowed developers to easily generate code snippets for Facebook features. Developers could choose a feature like Login or Share, configure options like size and color, and the generator would output the necessary code to copy/paste into a project. This saved developers time since they didn’t have to look up documentation and write all the code from scratch. The code generator supported most major Facebook features including:

  • Like button
  • Share button
  • Login button
  • Comments
  • Page plugin
  • Embedded posts
  • Send button
  • Profile

The generator was available for years and many developers came to rely on it for quickly integrating Facebook tools into their sites and apps. Recently however, some developers have found the generator doesn’t load anymore.

Developer Reports of Issues Accessing Generator

In the past few months, a number of developers have reported problems accessing Facebook’s code generator tool. For example:

  • In October 2022, a user posted on StackOverflow that when trying to access the code generator, they get redirected to the Facebook for Developers homepage. The generator tool itself does not load.
  • Other users replied confirming they also could no longer access the generator and were redirected to the homepage.
  • On Twitter in September 2022, a user tweeted that the code generator was returning a 404 not found error. They asked if the tool was deprecated.
  • On Reddit in August 2022, a user made a post saying the code generator was no longer working for them and asking if others could access it.

While not completely definitive, these reports seem to suggest many developers are having issues accessing the Facebook code generator tool starting around August/September 2022. The tool appears to not be loading for many developers.

No Official Announcement from Facebook

Despite the developer reports, Facebook has made no official announcement regarding the status of their code generator tool. The Developers site still has documentation referring developers to use the code generator for many features. However, the links to the actual generator result in errors or redirects for many users.

Some key points:

  • The Facebook for Developers changelog has no mention of the code generator being deprecated.
  • The code generator is still referenced in Facebook’s official documentation with links, but the links fail.
  • Facebook’s Developer Support has not acknowledged any issues with the code generator.
  • No statement on potential deprecation has been made on Facebook’s developer forums.

So while it appears the tool may not be functioning based on developer reports, Facebook itself has not confirmed anything. They even still advertise the tool in docs. This had led to confusion around whether the issues are a bug or an intentional shutdown.

Hypotheses on Why Code Generator May Have Been Discontinued

In the absence of official word from Facebook, developers have put forward a few hypotheses for why Facebook may have discontinued its code generator tool:

Promoting Facebook Business Suite and Meta for Developers

Some speculate the code generator may have been discontinued to promote Facebook’s other developer tools:

  • Facebook Business Suite – The Suite provides SMBs self-service tools for ads, pages, and Instagram.
  • Meta for Developers – This encompasses Facebook’s newest technologies not tied to the main app, like augmented reality and the metaverse.

With Facebook’s focus expanding, they may want developers utilizing their newest toolsets rather than the legacy code generator.

Encouraging Use of SDKs and APIs

Rather than simple copy/paste code, developers believe Facebook wants to promote more robust usage of their SDKs and APIs:

  • Facebook SDK – For iOS and Android development, deeper Facebook integration.
  • Facebook APIs – For websites, apps, and backend development, advanced API usage.

The code snippets from the generator provided lightweight integration. The SDKs and APIs require more customization but unlock more capabilities.

Reducing Support Costs

Some developers think the generator may have created overhead costs in supporting it:

  • Developer questions – Many developers may have contacted Facebook support about code generator issues.
  • Updating code – The static snippets required updates as Facebook features changed.

By promoting SDKs/APIs instead, support can focus on those more robust tools.

Evidence the Code Generator is Still Supported

While many signs point to the code generator being discontinued, some evidence remains that it still may be supported:

  • The tool is still findable on Google and advertised in Facebook’s docs, it just fails to load.
  • Facebook has not removed references to the tool, they could easily take down all mentions if discontinued.
  • The lack of official announcement is the strongest indicator the tool may remain supported.
  • Issues experienced could be temporary technical problems rather than full deprecation.

The most compelling evidence is the lack of acknowledgement from Facebook. One would expect more formal deprecation if they intended to end support. So this leaves the door open that the problems are fixable bugs.

Recommendations for Developers

Based on the available information, what should developers do regarding the Facebook code generator? Here are a few recommendations:

  1. Don’t rely solely on code generator snippets – Utilize Facebook’s SDKs and APIs where possible for more robust integrations.
  2. Check generators for other platforms like Instagram – Some generators may still work even if Facebook’s is having issues.
  3. Keep an eye out for updates from Facebook – Eventually formal notice should be given if deprecated.
  4. Provide feedback to Facebook – Constructive feedback may help Facebook improve their developer tools.

Following these tips will ensure you have alternatives if the code generator remains down while also providing Facebook useful input on how developers utilize their tools.

Tables Comparing Top Facebook Tools

Here are some tables visually comparing top tools from Facebook for developers:

Facebook Code Generator vs SDKs

Tool Code Generator Facebook SDK
Platforms Web only iOS, Android, Web
Features Basic snippets Robust integrations
Customization Minimal Extensive
Support Level Minimal Full docs & support

Facebook Code Generator vs APIs

Tool Code Generator Facebook APIs
Usage Copy/paste code Call APIs in app
Audience Frontend devs Fullstack devs
Capabilities Basic integrations CRUD data
Learning Curve Low High


In summary, while no official word has come from Facebook, there are strong signs indicating their code generator tool is likely deprecated based on issues developers have reported accessing it over the past few months. The tool often fails to load and Facebook has not acknowledged any bugs.

Some possible reasons for removing the generator include pushing developers towards Facebook’s newest tools, promoting more advanced usage of their SDKs and APIs, and reducing overhead costs.

However, the lack of an announcement means the door is still open this could be temporary. Developers should utilize other tools like the Facebook SDK and APIs when possible. Constructively communicating with Facebook may help resolve the situation.

While disappointing to lose a useful resource, discontinuation of the code generator could lead to more innovation by Facebook and more robust developer integrations leveraging the newest tools. Hopefully Facebook provides clarity soon on the status of the generator.