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Is classic Facebook still available?

Is classic Facebook still available?

Facebook has changed and evolved a lot over the years since it first launched in 2004. One of the biggest changes came in late 2020 when Facebook introduced a major redesign to the platform. This redesign changed the look and feel of Facebook profiles and pages, updated features, and did away with the classic Facebook layout that many users were accustomed to.

The classic Facebook layout featured a blue header bar at the top with the Facebook logo on the left side. Under that was a grey bar with different tabs like Home, Profile, Friends, Photos, etc. On the left side was the navigation menu where you could access things like Events, Groups, Pages, and more. The center column showed your news feed.

So with this major redesign in 2020, is the classic Facebook layout still available for those who prefer the original interface? Let’s take a look.

The 2020 Facebook Redesign

In October 2020, Facebook began rolling out a site-wide redesign which brought some of the biggest changes the platform had seen in many years. Some of the notable updates included:

  • A new simplified navigation menu on the left side
  • Centering the content rather than having it aligned left
  • Changing profile pictures from squares to circles
  • Updated, rounded fonts throughout the site
  • A darker blue color scheme

For many loyal Facebook users, these changes felt jarring at first. The look and feel of the platform was so different from the classic layout. It took some time to adjust to the new navigation and design elements.

Reasons for the Redesign

Facebook decided to do a major refresh of its platform for a few key reasons:

  • To streamline and simplify the interface – the classic design had become cluttered over the years as new features were added.
  • To make content more immersive – by centering the feed and making fonts bigger.
  • To facilitate discovery – updating the navigation to highlight Facebook’s newer features like Watch, Gaming, etc.
  • To create a more unified experience across Facebook’s apps like Instagram and Messenger which already had more modern designs.

Is the Classic Layout Still Available?

When the redesign first rolled out, there was no option to revert back to the classic Facebook layout. Users had no choice but to adjust to the new look.

In the following months, Facebook slowly began testing the waters with switching some users back to the classic view. However, it was not consistent and most people remained on the new layout.

By mid-2021, Facebook seemed committed to their major redesign and classic view was phased out for the vast majority of users.

Ways to Get Classic View

Today in late 2023, getting the old classic Facebook layout takes a bit of work and technical know-how. Here are a couple options:

  • Use Old Facebook extension – This browser extension will modify the interface to emulate classic Facebook. It works on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Brave. However, it’s not a perfect recreation and some features will still have the new styling.
  • Revert with Stylish extension – If you install the Stylish browser extension, you can install custom CSS styles to revert Facebook’s look back to classic view. The downside is it takes manual CSS skills.
  • Try Facebook Lite app – The pared down Facebook Lite app aimed at developing countries still retains some of that classic Facebook look and feel, though not completely.

So in summary – no, classic Facebook view is not readily available today to revert back to. You’d need to use unofficial workarounds which take effort and technical knowledge. Facebook is fully committed to their redesigned interface for the foreseeable future.

Why Facebook is Unlikely to Bring Back Classic View

Given the nostalgia some users feel for classic Facebook, could the company ever decide to bring back the original layout as an option? Probably not, and here are some reasons why:

Cluttered Interface

One of the reasons Facebook redesigned in the first place was that the classic interface had become cluttered and difficult to navigate over 15+ years of new feature releases. Bringing back classic view would reintroduce a lot of that clutter.

Ad Strategy

Facebook’s advertising strategy today centers around more immersive, attention-grabbing ads in the feed. The classic layout didn’t highlight ads as prominently. From a business perspective, Facebook likely wants to keep the focus on ads.

Development Resources

Maintaining two separate interfaces would require extra development resources. Facebook only wants to focus energy on evolving their new design rather than diverting resources to preserve classic view.

New Users

New users joining Facebook are accustomed to the current design already. Bringing back classic view would feel like a step backwards for them. Facebook wants to continually look forward.

While the original Facebook layout certainly holds nostalgia for many of those who grew up with it, the company has moved beyond that era. Constant evolution is part of Facebook’s identity. The updated design reflects where they are headed, not where they’ve been.


Facebook’s transition away from the classic design has been divisive, but the company is committed to their new interface direction. While some workarounds exist to emulate the old view, classic Facebook is never coming back officially. The 2020 redesign brought cleaner navigation, more prominence to key features like video and pictures, and a more immersive feed. Facebook sees this as the future, even if the past still tugs at the heartstrings for some loyal users.