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Is animal abuse allowed on Facebook?

Is animal abuse allowed on Facebook?

Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users worldwide, making it the largest social media platform globally. With such a massive userbase, Facebook aims to foster meaningful connections while keeping its community safe. However, with billions of users posting content daily, monitoring everything on Facebook can be challenging. One particularly concerning issue is animal abuse content posted on the platform. In this article, we will explore Facebook’s policies on animal abuse and whether such content is allowed on the social network.

What does Facebook say about animal abuse content?

Facebook outlines its policies on animal abuse and animal sales in its Community Standards under the Violence and Criminal Behavior section. Here are the key points:

  • Facebook removes content that depicts real-world animal abuse, including dog fighting and cock fighting.
  • Staged animal vs. animal fights are also not allowed.
  • Facebook prohibits attempts by users to create, sell, or purchase animals online, including endangered species.
  • Offering, soliciting, or expressing interest in purchasing illegally traded wildlife is banned.

So in summary, Facebook does not permit actual animal abuse content or illegal animal sales on its platform. Its policies explicitly prohibit depiction of real-world animal cruelty.

Examples of prohibited animal abuse content on Facebook

Based on Facebook’s policies, here are some examples of animal abuse content that is not allowed:

  • Videos of dogs being forced to fight each other.
  • Images of cock fights or dog fights.
  • Live streams of animal cruelty taking place in real-time.
  • Pictures of animals being tortured or killed.
  • Posts from users attempting to sell endangered wildlife.
  • Comments soliciting the purchase of illegal animals.

Depicting actual animal abuse either visually or in text format is against Facebook’s rules. The platform aims to prevent real-world harm to animals by removing this type of content.

What happens if you post animal abuse on Facebook?

If a Facebook user posts content depicting real animal abuse, here is what may happen:

  • The content will be removed as soon as Facebook identifies it, often within 24 hours.
  • The user who posted may get a warning or temporary ban from posting.
  • For severe or repeat violations, Facebook may disable the user’s account.
  • In some cases, Facebook will report the activity to law enforcement.

Facebook utilizes AI detection, user reports, and human review teams to identify policy-violating content. Those who repeatedly share animal cruelty risk losing account privileges or getting reported to legal authorities.

Does Facebook allow images/videos of animal cruelty if shared to condemn it?

An exception to Facebook’s policy on animal abuse imagery is when it is shared to condemn or raise awareness of cruelty. If the intent is clearly not to promote real-world harm, the platform may allow it under certain circumstances.

However, Facebook offers this caution: “Videos and photos showing animal abuse may still be disturbing to some audiences, even if shared to condemn it.” For this reason, extremely graphic content may still be removed out of sensitivity to viewers. The context and intent matter when evaluating these cases.

What animal sales are prohibited on Facebook?

Facebook’s Commerce Policies prohibit these types of animal sales:

  • Attempting to buy, sell, trade, gift, request, or donate pets on Facebook.
  • Offering or soliciting the sale of endangered species.
  • Trafficking or trading wildlife, including exotic animals.
  • Selling animals sourced through inhumane practices (puppy/kitten mills).

The only animal sales permitted are:

  • Individual rehoming posts for pets you own.
  • Ads by animal shelters/breeders following regulatory guidelines.

So Facebook aims to prevent animal exploitation, wildlife trafficking, and inhumane treatment through its sales policies.

How does Facebook detect animal abuse content?

Facebook utilizes these methods to detect prohibited animal abuse content:

  • AI technology – Automated systems scan for policy violations in text, images, videos.
  • User reports – People can report concerning posts to Facebook for review.
  • Review teams – Staff assess reported content for violations.
  • Partnerships – Work with animal welfare organizations to identify abuse.

Facebook is constantly updating its AI to better recognize banned material involving animal cruelty or sales. However, user reports remain crucial for alerting Facebook to inappropriate posts that may be missed by automated systems.

What happens when you report animal abuse on Facebook?

Here are the steps taken when you report animal abuse content on Facebook:

  1. Click the three dots beside a post and select “Find Support or Report Post.”
  2. Choose “It Shouldn’t Be on Facebook” and select “Animal Abuse” as the issue.
  3. Add any extra context about why you’re reporting.
  4. Facebook reviews the post to determine if it violates policies.
  5. If it does violate, Facebook removes the post and takes action per its guidelines.
  6. You’ll get a notification letting you know the outcome of your report.

Reporting animal abuse helps Facebook identify concerning content its systems may miss. Though the platform removes most violations proactively, user reports are vital for catching everything.

How can Facebook better detect animal abuse content?

While Facebook has made strides in combating animal cruelty content, there are certain steps that could potentially improve detection:

  • Expand the databases used to train AI systems in recognizing prohibited material.
  • Hire more content moderators with expertise in animal welfare.
  • Proactively search for code words/keywords used by animal abusers.
  • Partner with additional animal protection groups to identify concerning posts.
  • Improve algorithms to better contextualize text alongside graphic images/videos.

Leveraging more data, human expertise, partnerships, and context-based analysis could strengthen Facebook’s abilities to combat animal abuse content. However, the platform faces the monumental challenge of monitoring billions of users.

Partnerships between Facebook and animal welfare groups

To better enforce its animal abuse policies, Facebook partners with animal protection organizations. Some partnerships include:

  • ASPCA – Facebook works with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on policy development, content review, and investigation of animal abusers online.
  • IFAW – The International Fund for Animal Welfare supports Facebook in identifying wildlife trafficking and guiding policy.
  • WAP – World Animal Protection collaborates with Facebook on initiatives to end animal exploitation and abuse.

These partnerships allow animal welfare experts to inform Facebook’s policies and content monitoring. However, some groups argue Facebook needs to be even more proactive against animal cruelty.

Criticism of Facebook’s efforts

While Facebook has made policy changes to address animal abuse, some advocates argue its enforcement is still lacking. Some key criticisms include:

  • Reactionary rather than proactive content removal.
  • Policies have loopholes that enable certain types of abusive content.
  • Too much reliance on users reporting violations.
  • Failure to consistently penalize users who post animal cruelty.

Facebook counters that its technical and human review capabilities make it difficult to catch everything, hence the need for user reports. But the platform recognizes it can still improve enforcement through partnerships, training, and policy updates.

Users promoting animal cruelty vs. documenting evidence

Facebook aims to make a distinction between users actively promoting animal cruelty versus documenting evidence for advocacy purposes. Some guidelines they consider:

  • Language and context around photos/videos – is the user condemning abuse or glorifying it?
  • Calls to action within posts – are they demanding justice or encouraging harm?
  • Account history and affiliations – are they connected to known animal welfare or animal fighting groups?
  • Fact-checking sources referenced in posts.
  • Following up with user if context is unclear.

Determining the intent behind graphic animal content can be challenging. Facebook claims it aims to be fair in distinguishing those sharing evidence from those sharing to promote harm.

The challenges of content moderation at Facebook’s scale

With billions of users across the globe, Facebook faces immense challenges in content moderation:

  • Over 300 hours of video and photos uploaded every minute.
  • Posts in over 150 languages – requiring translation for review.
  • Cultural nuances that impact policy interpretation.
  • Billions of user reports annually.
  • Adversarial networks constantly attempting to circumvent rules.

Facebook utilizes AI, user feedback, and enforcement teams to manage this vast amount of content. But at its size and speed, even social media giants struggle to balance free expression with safety. Animal abuse content moderation is an especially complex issue considering varying cultural contexts.


In summary, while Facebook officially prohibits animal abuse content like dog fighting or wildlife sales, its enforcement is imperfect at best. Challenges around detecting violations at scale and determining context make animal cruelty moderation especially difficult. However, through partnerships, improving technology, expanding teams, and regular policy updates, Facebook continues working to identify and remove graphic animal abuse content. The platform still relies heavily on user reporting to catch many violations its systems miss. Ultimately more openness around Facebook’s moderation capabilities could help keep public pressure on pushing the platform toward stronger animal welfare protections. But policing billions of users across cultural lines stands as one of the internet’s greatest challenges yet.