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Instagram reels views hack?

Getting more views on Instagram Reels can seem like a daunting task, but there are legitimate ways to increase your views without resorting to shady tactics or buying views. The key is understanding how the Instagram algorithm works and optimizing your content and strategy to take advantage of it.

Optimize Your Reels

The Instagram algorithm rewards reels that keep viewers engaged. Here are some tips for creating optimized reels that will get more views:

  • Use eye-catching thumbnails – The thumbnail is the first thing viewers see, so create something colorful and compelling to capture attention.
  • Hook viewers in the first 3 seconds – Use an attention-grabbing opening with text, music, or effects to get viewers to keep watching.
  • Use popular music and audio – Reels with trending music and viral audio tend to get more views.
  • Add interactive elements – Encourage viewers to engage with polls, quizzes, AR effects, and other interactive features.
  • Follow best practices for video – Shoot horizontal, use good lighting, stabilize shaky shots, etc. High quality video keeps viewers watching.
  • Edit clips to the beat – Syncing cuts and transitions to the music creates a more engaging viewing experience.
  • Keep it short – 15-30 seconds is the ideal length to hold viewer attention and fully deliver your message.

Leverage Trends and Challenges

Jumping on trending hashtag challenges and audio memes is one of the best ways to get reels in front of lots of new viewers who are looking for that specific content. Some examples include:

  • Dance challenges like #dancechallenge
  • Lip sync trends like #ilovethissong
  • Comedy audio memes like the He He He Ha pirate laugh
  • “POV” trends like #pov you’re in the club with me
  • Outfit trends like #iwokeuplikethis

Search for trending challenges and audios relevant to your niche and put your own spin on them. But make sure to use the correct hashtags so your reel is findable by people following the trends.

Cross-Promote Between Channels

Leverage your other social media channels to drive viewers to your Instagram reels:

  • Share reels to your Instagram feed and Stories
  • Post reel links or embed in YouTube videos
  • Link to your reels in your TikTok bios and posts
  • Share short reel clips on Twitter and Facebook
  • Promote your best reels in your email newsletter or blog

Encouraging viewers to check out your reels from multiple sources will expose them to a broader audience beyond just Instagram users.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Partnering with others in your niche allows you to tap into each other’s audiences. Some ideas:

  • Do an Instagram collab reel together
  • Have them repost your reels to their own feed or stories
  • Shoutout their account in your captions and ask them to do the same
  • Plan an Instagram Live together to promote your collaboration reel

Choose creators who create similar content and have an engaged but non-identical audience. Aim to collaborate with accounts slightly bigger or similar in size to yours.

Engage With Your Audience

Having lively engagement on your reels signals to the algorithm they are interesting content worth showing to more users. Some tips:

  • Ask a question or prompt discussion in the caption
  • Respond to comments and have conversations
  • Ask viewers to tag friends they think would like the reel
  • Run an Instagram giveaway connected to reels engagement

The more likes, shares, comments, and other engagement your reels get, the more visibility they will receive in the long run.

Post Consistently

Posting fresh reels frequently keeps you top of mind and teaches the algorithm to show your content. Aim for:

  • 1-2 reels per day for smaller accounts
  • 3-5 reels per day for established accounts
  • 7+ reels per day for influencer/celebrity accounts

Space out your posting over the course of the day when your audience is most active. Scheduling content allows you to maintain a consistent workflow.

Limit Low-Quality Content

Avoid flooding Instagram with lots of mediocre reels. Focus on quality over quantity. Ask yourself:

  • Is this reel truly engaging and entertaining?
  • Am I repetitive or stale in my content/captions?
  • Does this reel look polished and appealing?
  • Would I watch this if someone else posted it?

Reposting all your TikToks as Reels likely won’t get great results either. The platforms have different audiences and algorithms.

Use Relevant Hashtags

Strategic use of hashtags helps the right viewers find your reels. Best practices include:

  • Mixing niche hashtags with a few popular general ones
  • Finding hidden gem hashtags in your niche without huge competition
  • Using enough hashtags to increase reach but not spamming endlessly
  • Trying new hashtags and dropping ones with low engagement

Research hashtags thoroughly and be willing to test out new options to see what drives the most views and engagement.

Consider Paid Promotion

Putting some budget behind your best reels can give them a quick boost. Options include:

  • Instagram reels ads within the app
  • Influencer promotions and shoutouts
  • Running an Instagram giveaway around your reel
  • Facebook/Instagram ad campaigns driving to your reels
  • Promoted posts to push your reels further in-app

Start small with paid promotion as you test what provides the best return on spend for your audience and content style.

Analyze Performance

Pay close attention to which types of reels get the most traction with your audience. Look at:

  • Views, likes, comments, and saves data
  • Highest performing hashtags and audio
  • Best times of day/days of week for engagement
  • Top traffic sources driving viewers

Let this data guide your future reel production and distribution tactics towards what works best.

Avoid Buying Fake Views

Stay far away from shady websites offering to “boost” your views, likes, and comments through inorganic means. This includes:

  • Bots that mass view, like, and comment on reels
  • Click farms with people blindly engaging
  • Hacked/compromised accounts used to inflate numbers

Not only are these tactics against Instagram’s terms, but the platform’s algorithm can detect and penalize inauthentic activity. Focus on legitimately earning views through great content and promotion.

Be Patient and Persistent

Gaining traction on Instagram happens gradually over time, not overnight. Some final tips:

  • Stick with a consistent posting schedule
  • Continuously engage with your audience
  • Keep innovating with fresh content formats
  • Learn from your top performing reels
  • Stay patient and keep improving

With the right strategy tailored to your audience, your Instagram reels views will start climbing week after week.