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Instagram reels views count not showing?

If you’ve recently posted a reel on Instagram but aren’t seeing the view count, don’t worry – there are a few possible reasons for this.

Instagram actually hides the views on reels for the first 7 days after posting. This is done to help focus engagement on the content itself, rather than just the view count. After 7 days, the view count will become visible.

Why are my Instagram reels views hidden?

When Instagram first launched reels back in 2020, all view counts were shown publicly. However, Instagram found that this put too much focus on the view count and incentivized creators to try artificially inflating views instead of focusing on content.

So now, Instagram hides the view count for the first 7 days after posting. This encourages creators to focus on engagement and content quality rather than just view numbers.

When will my Instagram reels views be shown?

Your Instagram reels view count will become public 7 days after you originally posted the reel. On the 8th day, you’ll be able to see the total number of views your reel has received.

Until then, you can still see some limited metrics – likes, comments, shares, etc. But the total view count will remain hidden.

What if my reel views are still hidden after 7 days?

If it has been over 7 days since posting your reel and the view count is still not visible, here are some things to try:

  • Double check when you originally posted the reel – it needs to have been at least 8 days ago for the views to show.
  • Log out and back into your Instagram account. Sometimes refreshing the app resolves glitches.
  • Check that your Instagram app is fully updated to the latest version.
  • Try viewing your reel from a different device like a phone, tablet, or computer.
  • Republish the reel – this resets the 7-day counter.
  • Contact Instagram support directly to report the issue if it persists.

Why are my Instagram reels views stuck?

If your reel’s view count seems stuck or frozen after it becomes public, there are a few possible explanations:

  • Delay in updating count – The view count doesn’t update in real time. Refreshing the page after some time usually resolves this.
  • Views from bots or spam accounts – Instagram filters these out of public view counts.
  • Video longer than 60 seconds – Over 60s reels don’t show view count publicly.
  • Banned hashtags – Using banned hashtags can affect view counts.
  • Glitch – Like any software, Instagram can glitch. Trying republishing the reel.

If the problem persists over several days, contact Instagram support for help troubleshooting.

Should I be concerned about low Instagram reels view counts?

Don’t get discouraged if your view counts seem lower than expected. Many factors affect how many views a reel gets:

  • Niche appeal – Mass appeal reels get more views.
  • Time of posting – Post at peak times when more people are online.
  • Hashtags and captions – Include relevant hashtags and captivating text.
  • Follower count – More followers means more potential views.
  • Account engagement – Highly engaged accounts tend to get more reel views.
  • Quality and entertainment value – Well produced, fun reels perform better.

The Instagram algorithm also controls which reels get shown. Making high-quality, engaging reels tailored to your audience is the best way to increase views over time.

How to increase views on Instagram reels

Here are some proven tips to get more Instagram reels views:

  • Engage with your followers – Like, comment and follow back. This raises your visibility in the algorithm.
  • Post at optimal times. Track when your followers are most active online.
  • Use relevant hashtags. Include a mix of popular and niche hashtags.
  • Tag other accounts. Genuinely tag others who may be interested in your reel.
  • Run a reels challenge. Invite others to participate in a reel challenge.
  • Cross-promote. Share your reel to feed and stories.
  • Make entertaining content. Funny, helpful and engaging reels perform best.
  • Leverage trends and audio. Use popular songs or participate in trends.
  • Ask people to share. Have a call to action inviting shares and tags.

Growing an engaged audience with high-quality reels tailored to them is key. With time and consistency, your views will increase.

Why did my old reels suddenly lose views?

If you notice an older reel suddenly lost a significant number of views, there are a couple potential reasons:

  • Instagram deletion of fake accounts – Views from spam or bot accounts removed.
  • Instagram algorithm updates – Changes decreasing reach of certain content.
  • Removal of fraudulent views – Instagram combats artificial view inflation.

Don’t worry too much if old view counts drop – it’s often just Instagram cleaning up their platform. The key is to focus on creating genuinely engaging content that connects with real people.

Should I buy views for my Instagram reels?

Purchasing fake views from third-party services is strongly discouraged. It goes against Instagram’s terms of service and could risk getting your account banned. The fake engagement also won’t actually help your content perform better long-term.

Instead, focus on the quality of your content and building authentic engagement. Some acceptable ways to get more views include:

  • Using relevant hashtags so your content is discoverable
  • Running reels challenges to generate interest
  • Promoting your reels organically by sharing to feed and stories
  • Collaborating with others to tap into new audiences
  • Engaging genuinely with similar accounts

While buying views may seem tempting, it won’t actually benefit your account. Secure real views through creativity and consistency instead.

What are average reels view counts?

It’s difficult to determine average view counts, as it depends heavily on factors like number of existing followers, content type, and overall engagement. However, here are some general benchmarks:

  • 100-500 views – Typical for smaller accounts just starting out with Reels.
  • 500-5,000 views – Average for accounts with an engaged following in the thousands.
  • 5,000-50,000 views – Considers good engagement for mid-sized accounts.
  • 50,000-500,000 views – Seen for larger influencer/brand accounts.
  • 500,000+ views – Rare viral hits even among top creators.

These numbers can vary dramatically though based on an account’s followers and content. The key is paying attention to your own growth and engagement metrics week-over-week rather than comparing to others.

How many views equals one Instagram reel view?

Instagram defines a reel “view” as watching at least one full loop of the reel or spending at least 3 seconds viewing it. This means:

  • Looping the reel 3 times counts as 3 views
  • Watching the whole reel once counts as 1 view
  • Watching the first 3 seconds counts as 1 view
  • Simply scrolling past without pausing doesn’t count as a view

So don’t worry about inflating views by looping – Instagram’s algorithm is sophisticated enough to identify real vs fake engagement. Focus on creating content people genuinely want to watch.

How long do Instagram reels views last?

Unlike Instagram feed posts or stories, reels don’t expire. They remain on your profile indefinitely, unless you choose to delete them. This means the view count also does not reset or expire over time.

Views accumulate from the first day your reel is published. The count you see reflects the total lifetime views. Older reels can continue getting views as long as people discover them through hashtags, direct links, etc.

This persistent nature allows reels to keep generating engagement and reach over time. For example, an evergreen helpful tips reel could get views for months after initial posting.

Key takeaways

  • Instagram hides reel view counts for the first 7 days, so be patient.
  • Focus on high-quality content vs obsessing over view counts.
  • Get more authentic views via hashtags, sharing, and community engagement.
  • Average view counts vary greatly based on audience size and content type.
  • Reels views persist over time rather than resetting like stories.

Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of how Instagram reels view counts work! The most important thing is to consistently create great content that your audience loves watching and engaging with.