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Instagram reels size in inches?

Instagram Reels have a maximum width of 1080 pixels. When converted to inches, this equates to a width of around 18.6 inches on most mobile devices. The exact width in inches may vary slightly depending on the device’s screen resolution and pixel density.

Understanding Instagram Reels Dimensions

Instagram Reels are designed to be shot and viewed in a vertical 9:16 aspect ratio. This tall, narrow orientation is optimized for mobile devices held vertically. When uploading Reels, the maximum resolution allowed is 1080 x 1920 pixels.

The 1080 pixel width equals a horizontal screen measurement of around 18.6 inches on most smartphones and tablets. This value is calculated by converting the 1080 pixel width using each device’s pixel density. Pixel density measures how many pixels fit into a physical inch of screen. Most mobile devices today have pixel densities between 300 to 500 pixels per inch.

For example, on a phone with a pixel density of 400ppi, one inch of screen contains 400 pixels. So 1080 pixels would take up 1080/400 = 2.7 inches of physical screen width. Adjusting for the total 18:9 screen aspect ratio gives the final 18.6 inch horizontal Reels width on this device.

Therefore, while 1080 pixels equates to a maximum of around 18.6 inches, the actual physical width depends on each device. On higher density screens, the width in inches may be slightly less. And on lower density screens, the width may be slightly more.

Shooting Reels to 1080p Resolution

To take full advantage of the maximum Reels size, users should set their camera resolution to 1080p when filming. This captures video at the 1080 pixel width maximum. Shooting at lower resolutions like 720p will result in a narrower Reels width when uploaded.

The camera settings are typically found in the video recording section of your smartphone’s camera app. Make sure 1080p is selected before shooting your Reels. This records natively at the ideal 1080 pixel width.

When shooting Reels, it’s also important to hold your phone vertically in portrait orientation. Recording horizontally can limit the height to 720 pixels instead of the full 1920 pixel Reels height.

Uploading 1080p Reels to Instagram

After shooting Reels at 1080p, the full resolution will be retained when uploading directly through the Instagram app. The Instagram interface is designed specifically for vertical 1080 x 1920 Reels.

If uploading from your camera roll, make sure the 1080p Reels video isn’t compressed or downscaled. Instagram does not resize or alter the resolution on upload, so high quality 1080p footage will remain full size.

On the upload screen, users can preview how their Reels will appear in the feed. Check that your Reels are utilizing the maximum 1080 pixel width for best visual quality.

Viewing Reels on Different Screen Sizes

One advantage of the consistent 1080 pixel width is that Reels stay a similar horizontal size when viewed on different devices. Whether watching on a small phone screen or a larger tablet, Reels maximize each display while retaining their vertical 9:16 shape.

For example, 1080 pixels may take up 18.6 inches on a phone, but show at a wider 27.9 inches on a tablet. So while the absolute width in inches changes, the 1080 pixel width remains constant relative to each display size.

This means creators don’t have to worry about how their Reels content will adapt to differently sized screens. The immersive vertical 9:16 views are maintained regardless of the device used for viewing.

Cropping Reels to Fit Horizontal Video

If you have existing horizontal 16:9 video, Instagram provides tools to crop it vertically for Reels. However, this involves scaling down the 1080 pixel width to fit in the narrower 1920 pixel height.

For a 1920 x 1080 landscape video, cropping vertically reduces the width to 1080 pixels. So horizontal footage can be adapted for Reels, but won’t utilize the full 1080 pixel maximum.

For best quality, shooting natively in 1080 x 1920 portrait orientation is recommended. But Instagram’s built-in cropping makes it possible to repurpose landscape video if needed.

Instagram Recommendations for Reels

Instagram provides the following best practice tips for creating high quality Reels:

  • Shoot vertically at 1080 x 1920 resolution
  • Hold your phone steady and avoid too much motion
  • Use good lighting conditions to properly expose footage
  • Pick an engaging audio track or use your own original sound
  • Time effects and transitions to match the audio beats
  • Keep video clips short and pace your Reel to keep viewers interested

Following these guidelines will produce compelling Reels content optimized for mobile screens at the ideal 1080 pixel width maximum.

Creative Uses for the Full Reels Size

With up to 18 inches horizontally, Reels enable more creative and immersive video content. Wider angles and panning shots can better highlight subjects while still fitting the vertical frame. The added width also improves legibility when including text overlays.

Some creative ways to take advantage of the 1080p width include:

  • Wider establishing shots to set a bold scene
  • Panning across a large subject or environment
  • Steadicam tracking shots following a subject
  • Room-filling sketches or choreographed dances
  • Unique angled point-of-view shots
  • Larger text size for key words and phrases

With 1080 pixels to work with, Reels enable bolder and more dynamic visual storytelling tailored to vertical mobile viewing.

Exporting Reels for Other Platforms

Instagram Reels are formatted specifically for sharing directly to Instagram feeds. But creators may also want to repurpose Reels content for other platforms.

When exporting Reels, the 1080 x 1920 resolution should generally be maintained. However, some resizing and cropping options include:

  • Adding pillarbox bands to fit 16:9 landscape formats
  • Cropping vertically to a square 1:1 aspect ratio
  • Extracting a landscape clip to use as a short form horizontal video

Try to avoid stretching or distorting the original framing during export. Pillarboxing and cropping are best for retaining image quality and adapting Reels for external use.

Resolution Considerations for Facebook and YouTube

Two common Reels reposting destinations are Facebook and YouTube. Both platforms have different recommended specifications:

  • Facebook – Recommended 1280 x 720 landscape
  • YouTube – Optimal 1920 x 1080 landscape

For Facebook, pillarboxing Reels is a good option to fit the 1280 pixel width. On YouTube, Reels can be cropped to 16:9 and expanded back to 1080p.

Check each platform’s newest requirements when exporting Reels to ensure technical compatibility. But overall, maintaining the full 1080 Instagram resolution provides maximum flexibility.

Instagram Reels Audio Specifications

Along with 1080p video, Instagram Reels also support high quality audio:

  • AAC audio encoding
  • Up to 192 Kbps bitrate
  • Stereo channel L+R

For best sound, record using your device’s native microphone at maximum quality settings. Avoid downsampling audio when exporting Reels.

Pro-level external microphones can also enhance Reels production value. Limit background noise and use microphone techniques to capture clean audio aligned with visuals.

Resolution Compared to Other Instagram Video Formats

Instagram currently supports three main types of video content, each with their own resolution specs:

  • Reels – 1080 x 1920 pixels (9:16 vertical)
  • Feed Video – 1080 x 1080 pixels (1:1 square)
  • IGTV – 720 x 1280 pixels (9:16 vertical)

Reels offer the largest maximum resolution at 1080p width. IGTV has a reduced 720p width, while feed video is limited to 1080p square.

So for vertical video, Reels provide the highest quality and most immersive experience. IGTV is better suited for longer vertically shot content.


Instagram Reels are displayed at a consistent maximum 1080 pixel width. This equates to around 18 inches horizontally on most mobile screens depending on the device resolution.

Shooting natively at the 1080 x 1920 pixel Reels size ensures full-quality uploads. Viewers experience the same vertical 9:16 content regardless of screen size.

Leveraging the extra width enables more creative videography and compelling visual storytelling. Exporting Reels to other platforms may require cropping and pillarboxing while retaining 1080p resolution.

Following Instagram’s recommended guidance allows creators to produce stunning Reels content that stands out in feeds and showcases their skills to the fullest.