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Instagram reels music glitch?

If your Instagram reels have audio or music that cuts out unexpectedly, gets distorted, speeds up, slows down, or encounters various other sound issues, you may be experiencing the Instagram reels music glitch. This refers to problems with the audio in Instagram reels not playing properly. There are several potential reasons why this happens and some steps you can take to try and resolve it.

What Causes the Instagram Reels Music Glitch?

There are a few possible causes behind Instagram reels having audio or music issues:

  • Poor internet connection. If you or the viewer has a spotty internet connection, the music may glitch or cut out as the video tries to load.
  • Audio codec issues. Certain audio codecs may not play nicely with Instagram’s system, leading to audio glitches.
  • Corrupted or problematic audio file. The source audio file itself that you uploaded may be corrupted or encoded improperly.
  • App issues. Bugs or performance problems with the Instagram app can also interfere with audio playback.
  • Account restrictions. In some cases, restrictions on your specific Instagram account could affect audio use.

In most cases, the root cause stems from technical issues like poor connectivity, codec incompatibilities, or corrupted audio files. But app bugs and account restrictions can also contribute in some situations.

How to Fix Instagram Reels Music Glitch

If you notice your Instagram reels having music or audio issues, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Check your internet connection and retry. An unstable internet connection is a common cause of audio glitches. Restart your device, connect to a different WiFi network, or switch to mobile data.
  2. Re-encode the audio file. Convert the audio file to a different format like AAC or MP3 and re-upload.
  3. Use different audio file. Try uploading a different audio track and see if the issue persists.
  4. Edit audio in third-party app. Import the reel into an editing app, fix the audio, then re-export and re-upload.
  5. Trim audio track. Sometimes trimming the start and end points of the audio can help.
  6. Lower audio bitrate. For larger audio files, try lowering the bitrate and re-uploading.
  7. Update Instagram app. Install the latest version of the Instagram app in case it’s a bug.
  8. Clear Instagram cache. This can help remove any corrupted temporary audio files.
  9. Try different Instagram account. Post the same reel with the same audio on a different account as a test.
  10. Report issue to Instagram. If all else fails, report the problem directly to Instagram for further troubleshooting.

Testing different audio files, re-encoding the audio, editing in a third party app, and clearing caches are good first steps. If the issue persists across accounts, also report the bug directly to Instagram through their in-app support.

Why Does the Instagram Reels Music Glitch Happen?

There are a few technical reasons why you may encounter audio glitches or music not playing correctly on Instagram reels:

  • Codec issues: Certain audio codecs like WAV, FLAC, etc may not be fully compatible with Instagram’s audio infrastructure, causing playback issues.
  • Audio bitrate too high: Very high bitrate audio files can have trouble properly loading and streaming on Instagram’s servers.
  • Corrupted audio file: If the source audio track is corrupted, glitched, or improperly encoded, those issues carry over.
  • Audio settings mismatch: If the sample rate, bit depth, channels, etc. don’t match Instagram’s specs, it can lead to problems.
  • Peak normalization issues: Improper peak normalization levels on the audio file may interfere with playback.
  • Instagram app bugs: Glitches, codecs, changes to audio infrastructure in app updates can also cause unexpected issues.

Essentially technical limitations around audio codecs, audio settings, and potential app issues can all contribute to the Instagram reels music glitch. Using proper audio formats encoded to Instagram’s specifications can help minimize problems.

How to Avoid Instagram Reels Music Glitches

You can sidestep many of the common Instagram reels music glitches by following best practices:

  • Use recommended audio codecs like AAC and MP3 which Instagram supports well.
  • Keep audio bitrate reasonable – 128kbps is a good target.
  • Trim any unused portions of the audio clip.
  • Carefully peak normalize volume levels before uploading.
  • Double check audio settings match Instagram’s specs if re-encoding.
  • Edit in a third-party app if needed to fix glitches.
  • Upload from a phone rather than desktop if possible.
  • Use the latest version of the Instagram app.
  • Clear caches and restart device before uploading.

Sticking to AAC or MP3 formats, peak normalizing properly, uploading from your phone app, and clearing caches can help prevent a lot of common music glitches in Instagram reels.

Additionally, here are some of the key technical audio specifications to follow for Instagram reels:

  • Codec: AAC or MP3 recommended
  • Bitrate: 128kbps
  • Sample rate: 44.1kHz
  • Bit depth: 16-bit
  • Channels: stereo
  • Peak normalization: -1 dB to -3 dB optimal range

Ensuring your audio files meet these parameters before uploading can prevent many of the issues that lead to the Instagram reels music glitch occurring.

Troubleshooting Instagram Reels Music

If you do run into Instagram reels audio issues, follow these tips to troubleshoot:

  1. Check audio plays properly in source file first.
  2. Try re-exporting audio with different settings.
  3. Lower bitrate, change codec, adjust normalization.
  4. Upload from phone rather than desktop.
  5. Try uploading to a different Instagram account.
  6. Use different audio tracks to isolate the issue.
  7. Update Instagram app and restart device.
  8. Clear Instagram cache and data before re-uploading.
  9. Import reel into editing app to fix audio issues.
  10. Trim beginning and end of audio clip if needed.

Methodically testing different audio files and settings will help narrow down the cause. Checking if issues persist across accounts also gives insight. Contacting Instagram support is recommended if problems can’t be resolved.

Why Does Instagram Reels Audio Get Distorted?

Some of the common reasons Instagram reels audio may sound distorted include:

  • Peaking – volume levels exceed maximum, clipping audio
  • Incorrect sample rate – doesn’t match Instagram’s specs
  • Incompatible codec – certain codecs distort when compressed
  • Bit depth too low – leads to quantization distortion
  • Incorrect bitrate – too high or low bitrate can distort
  • Audio glitches – corrupted source file distorts
  • Buggy app – Instagram app issue corrupts audio

Essentially technical limitations around sampling rate, bit depth, compatible codecs, bitrate limits, peak normalization issues, and potential Instagram app bugs can all contribute to distorted, glitched audio.

Fixing Distorted Audio in Instagram Reels

To fix distorted audio in Instagram reels clips, try these steps:

  1. Adjust volume normalization to optimal -1 to -3 dB range.
  2. Re-encode audio to AAC or MP3 codec.
  3. Set bitrate to 128kbps for minimal distortion.
  4. Use proper 44.1kHz sample rate and 16-bit depth.
  5. Trim any glitched portions from original audio file.
  6. Lower bitrate if audio is heavily distorted.
  7. Edit audio in third-party app to clean up distortions.
  8. Clear Instagram app caches and re-upload audio.

Peak normalizing properly, using the right codec and bitrate, adjusting sample rate and bit depth, trimming glitches, and clearing Instagram caches can all help resolve distortion issues.

Why is My Instagram Reels Audio Out of Sync?

Some of the potential reasons for Instagram reels having audio sync issues include:

  • Video and audio recorded separately then combined.
  • Incorrect audio settings when editing and exporting.
  • Audio codec incompatibility causes delay.
  • Excessive Instagram compression throws off sync.
  • App glitch or bug disrupts timing.
  • Slow connection leads to video/audio delay.
  • Too high resolution video takes longer to process.

If the audio is out of sync right from the original source file, it’s usually because the audio and video components were recorded separately then combined incorrectly in editing. But Instagram’s compression and app issues can also throw off sync upon upload.

How to Fix Audio Sync Problems in Reels

To troubleshoot and fix audio being out of sync in Instagram reels clips, try these tips:

  1. Confirm audio/video in sync before uploading.
  2. Use editing app to align audio timing to video.
  3. Make sure to use same frame rate when combining audio and video.
  4. Re-encode video at lower resolution if very high res.
  5. Adjust audio sync offset in editing if necessary.
  6. Lower Instagram video bitrate if needed.
  7. Update Instagram app and re-upload.
  8. Check sync on different devices/connections.

Syncing up audio timing properly in a video editing app before uploading is crucial. Reducing video resolution and bitrates may also help work around issues on Instagram’s end. Trying on different devices helps confirm if it’s an isolated app issue.

Troubleshooting Audio Popping in Instagram Reels

If you hear random popping sounds, cracks, or audio dropouts on Instagram reels, try these troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check original audio file for pops first.
  2. Try alternate audio with different codecs.
  3. Adjust audio bitrate higher if very low.
  4. Remove unnecessary effects/plugins.
  5. Export audio at maximum depth and sample rate.
  6. Clear Instagram cache before uploading.
  7. Ensure adequate and consistent internet connection.
  8. Use third-party editing app to reduce pops.

Checking the raw audio first is important to isolate the issue. Adjusting bitrate, sample rate, effects, and clearing caches can help resolve pops and cracks. An unstable internet connection can also cause audio to cut out or pop.

Fixing Low Volume Audio in Reels

If your Instagram reels clips have audio that seems too quiet or muted, try these tips:

  1. Boost gain on source audio file.
  2. Adjust normalization to optimal -1 to -3 dB range.
  3. Increase volume within Instagram after posting.
  4. Amplify and compress dynamics with editing app.
  5. Make sure peak levels don’t exceed 0 dB before normalizing.
  6. Check audio codec isn’t forcing excess compression.
  7. Reduce accompanying video volume if overpowering audio.

Properly normalizing volume on the source audio before uploading is key. But the Instagram app also has volume adjustment tools after posting that can help. Compressing dynamics effectively can also even out low and loud sections.

Troubleshooting Reels Not Playing Audio At All

If your Instagram reels have no audio playback whatsoever, check for the following:

  • Audio track is muted in source file.
  • Audio mistakenly removed from original video.
  • Incorrect codec or audio settings prevent playback.
  • Copyright restriction on song or audio used.
  • App or connectivity issue prevents audio playback.
  • Audio file corrupted or glitched.
  • Peak normalization clipped entire audio signal.

Starting at the source file, confirm the audio is present, unmuted, and plays back properly outside Instagram first. Provided that checks out, connectivity issues, app glitches or account restrictions would be the next things to investigate.

How to Prevent Instagram Reels Music Glitches

You can avoid a lot of common Instagram reels audio glitches by:

  • Testing audio before uploading.
  • Using recommended audio codecs and settings.
  • Optimizing volume normalization and bitrate.
  • Editing in third-party apps to fix issues.
  • Cleaning up original audio tracks.
  • Uploading from mobile rather than desktop.
  • Having adequate internet connection.
  • Updating Instagram app regularly.
  • Clearing Instagram cache frequently.

Appropriately preparing and testing audio files, using ideal encoding settings, editing audio before uploading, and general troubleshooting best practices can help avoid many common music glitches.

FAQs About Instagram Reels Music

Why does my Instagram reels audio keep cutting out?

If Instagram reels audio is cutting out, it’s likely due to internet connection issues, an incompatible audio codec, overly high bitrate audio, or bugs in the Instagram app. Try a different audio track, lower the bitrate, change codec, ensure adequate WiFi, and update the Instagram app.

Do Instagram reels support every audio format?

No, Instagram reels have limited audio format support mainly for AAC, MP3, and WAV only. Other formats like FLAC, AIFF, etc may not work properly.

Why is my imported audio sped up on Instagram reels?

This is likely due to incorrect sampling rates. Instagram requires 44.1kHz sample rate. If the imported audio is 48kHz or higher, it will play sped up to match that rate down to 44.1kHz.

Can I fix audio distorted by Instagram compression?

Yes, using a third-party editing app to clean up distortion before uploading can help. Adjusting peak normalization and volume levels can also minimize distortion from Instagram’s compression.

Why is Instagram reels volume so low?

Make sure to optimize volume normalization between -1 to -3 dB before uploading. The Instagram app also has volume amplification tools after posting to boost quiet audio.


With Instagram reels being so popular, audio and music glitches can be particularly frustrating. However, following best practices around optimal audio settings, proper volume normalization, checking for issues before uploading, and troubleshooting methodically can resolve many common problems. Ensuring your source audio is robust and checking for app issues are key first steps. While Instagram’s compression can occasionally distort or throw off audio, appropriate audio preparation and testing gives you the best chance for glitch-free music in your reels.