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Instagram reels bad quality?

Instagram Reels allows users to create and share short 15-60 second video clips on Instagram. While Reels provides a fun and engaging way for users to express themselves creatively, some users have complained about the video quality in Reels being lower or more compressed compared to videos they upload directly to their Instagram feed.

There are a few reasons why the video quality in Reels may not appear as high as regular Instagram videos:

Compressed File Size

Instagram compresses Reels videos more aggressively to reduce file size and enable quick loading/sharing. This compression can result in some loss of quality, especially for high-resolution footage from newer smartphones. The lower quality helps accommodate users with slower connections and allows quicker sharing/scrolling.

Aspect Ratio Differences

Reels videos are in a 9:16 vertical format, while feed videos are in 1:1 or 4:5. The taller 9:16 aspect ratio requires scaling/cropping that may impact quality. Footage not shot in 9:16 has to be adapted, losing quality in the process.

Resolution Limitations

Instagram caps Reels resolution at 1080×1920 pixels. Videos with higher native resolution have to be compressed/downscaled to fit that limit. So ultra high-res footage shot in 4K or 8K will lose some sharpness and detail when adapted for Reels.

Increased Compression Over Time

As a Reels video is downloaded, edited and re-uploaded multiple times, it can suffer generation loss from repeated compression. Working from an already compressed version will amplify quality issues over multiple iterations.

Focus on Speed Over Quality

Instagram prioritizes faster loading and scrolling over visual perfection in Reels. Some quality compromise allows video clips to load nearly instantly as users scroll quickly.

Workarounds to Improve Reels Video Quality

While Instagram Reels video compression is inevitable, creators can use some best practices to get the highest quality possible:

  • Shoot original footage at the highest resolution your camera allows.
  • Capture video in well-lit conditions for less noise/artifacting.
  • Use camera tools like gridlines/stabilization for smoother footage.
  • Avoid excessive editing like layered filters or text.
  • Export final video in 1080×1920 resolution.
  • Upload Reel straight from camera roll rather than screen recording.
  • Use original clips instead of downloading and re-uploading.
  • Reduce number of times video is compressed before final upload.

Is Reels Video Quality Still Good Enough?

While Reels video compression can degrade quality somewhat, for most creators the results remain visually solid:

  • Details and colors remain accurate enough for small screens.
  • Standard image quality expected on social media.
  • Quickly loading, smooth playback and scrolling still work well.
  • Fun viral clips don’t require pristine quality.
  • Average user won’t notice minor imperfections.
  • Creative expression and content matters more than pure IQ.

So for casual Reels creators, the compromises Instagram makes to optimize for mobile are reasonable. But professional content creators have more cause for concern over technical quality issues.

Will Instagram Improve Reels Video Quality?

Instagram is constantly evolving its video encoding and compression strategies. We can expect steady improvements over time that balance quality and performance:

  • Higher resolution limits as device displays and cameras improve.
  • More efficient compression algorithms
  • Fine-tuning bitrate/settings for optimal visuals.
  • Options for creators to choose higher resolution/bitrate.

Technical upgrades combined with creators learning how to optimize content for the platform will drive Reels quality forward. But file size and data constraints will always require some trade-offs.

Maximizing Quality as a Professional Creator

For professional Reels creators seeking the highest possible visual quality, a few suggestions:

  • Export Reels masters in 4K resolution, even if it gets downscaled later. This preserves details and quality to withstand compression better.
  • Film high-contrast, brightly lit scenes to minimize noise and banding issues with high compression.
  • Try subtle filters that won’t exacerbate compression artifacts as much as heavy filters.
  • Test video encodes at various resolutions and bitrates to find the best balance of quality and file size.
  • Use video editing tools with advanced encoding options to maximize quality before upload.

With some extra effort, pro creators can get great quality results even with Reels compression. But for most average users, Reels delivers good enough quality for fun social video.

The Bottom Line

Instagram Reels uses aggressive video compression to deliver quick short-form vertical videos. This can result in some loss of quality compared to less compressed feed videos. But for most casual creators, Reels quality is perfectly adequate for daily social content. As mobile cameras and Instagram’s encoding tech improves over time, Reels quality will also steadily get better. With some optimization best practices, creators can still get great visual results from Reels.