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Instagram reels 0 views glitch?

Instagram reels not getting any views is a common issue many users face. While it may seem like a glitch, there are several reasons why your reels aren’t getting views. The main causes are insufficient promotion, use of banned hashtags, shadowban, poor content quality, and problems with the algorithm. But don’t worry, with some tweaks to your strategy, you can start getting more reels views again.

Why Are My Instagram Reels Not Getting Any Views?

Here are the most common reasons your Instagram reels aren’t getting any views:

1. Not Using Hashtags or Using Banned Hashtags

Hashtags are crucial for getting your reels seen. Without relevant hashtags, your reels will only be shown to your existing followers. But use hashtags strategically and avoid banned ones that go against community guidelines.

2. Your Account is Shadowbanned

If your account has violated Instagram’s terms, it can get shadowbanned. This limits your reach severely. Getting your account back in good standing is key.

3. Poor Video Quality

Pixelated, shaky footage or bad lighting can turn viewers off and make the algorithm think your content is low-quality.

4. Boring or Overused Concepts

Generic, unoriginal reels don’t captivate viewers. Research trending ideas, put a unique spin on them and show off your style.

5. Not Promoting Your Reels

You have to actively promote your reels on your profile, stories, feed posts and externally to drive views. Relying solely on hashtags is not enough.

6. Issues With the Algorithm

Sometimes changes to the algorithm can cause fluctuation in views. Stay persistent, keep optimizing, and views should pick back up.

How to Fix Instagram Reels 0 Views Glitch

If you want to increase Instagram reels views, here are some proven tips and fixes:

1. Use Relevant, Popular Hashtags

Do research to find trending and niche hashtags with high volume but low competition. Using maximum allowed hashtags increases discoverability. Mix specific and general hashtags.

2. Cross-Promote Your Reels

Share your reels across Instagram feed, stories, IGTV etc. Also promote outside Instagram on other platforms. This exposes your reels to new audiences.

3. Engage With Your Audience

Reply to comments, follow and interact with your ideal audience. This raises your visibility so Instagram shows your content to more of them.

4. Post at Optimal Times

Viewership varies based on days and times. Analyze your analytics to find when your followers are most active and post reels at those high-traffic times.

5. Leverage Trending Songs and Effects

Use trending audio and viral AR effects. This makes reels more discoverable and capitalizes on what’s already popular.

6. Collaborate With Nano or Micro Influencers

Partner with relevant smaller influencers in your niche to tap into their engaged follower base and get more eyes on your reels.

7. Improve Video Quality

Invest in good lighting and camera equipment. Use editing apps to enhance video. Higher quality production keeps viewers watching longer.

8. Create Binge-Worthy Reels Series

A series of connected reels with cliffhangers hooks viewers. Make the next episode easily discoverable through links.

9. Stay On Top of Instagram Algorithm Changes

Keep updating strategy as algorithm evolves. Read blogs, join communities to stay on top of updates impacting visibility.

10. Appeal Shadowban

If account is shadowbanned, filing appeals and stopping any policy-violating actions can help regain standing.

Why You May Not Be Getting Instagram Reels Views

Troubleshooting why your reels struggle with views comes down to these key factors:

Niche is Too Small

If your niche has low demand on Instagram, even great content may not get traction. Broadening your niche can help.

Weak Social Proof

Low followers and engagement makes gaining views an uphill battle. Focus on growing your community first.

Early Account

On a new account, the algorithm needs time to determine your content’s relevance. Be patient and keep optimizing.


A shadowban severely limits reach. Get reinstated by stopping any policy violations.

Poor Watch Time

Reels with low view durations signal low quality content to the algorithm.

Irrelevant Hashtags

Using loosely related or spammy hashtags means your reels miss your target audience.

Overused Trends

Late to a trend means less discoverability. Jump on emerging trends early.

Inactive Audience

If your followers aren’t very active, Instagram won’t show your reels to similar accounts.

How to Increase Your Instagram Reels View Count

Here are the most effective tactics for getting more Instagram reels views:

Optimizing Your Reels

– Film in HD quality, with good lighting and stable footage.

– Trim clips to keep viewers’ attention and cut to the action fast.

– Add captions to make reels understandable without sound.

– Use trending audios, effects and hashtags to increase discoverability.

– Encourage comments, likes, saves, and shares to boost engagement.

Promoting Your Reels

– Share reels across your Instagram stories, feed, and IGTV.

– Post reels consistently to build loyal audience.

– Run reels ads to gain new followers who like your content.

– Pitch collaborations with influencers in overlapping niches.

– Promote your best reels externally on other social platforms.

Interacting With Your Audience

– Reply to comments and questions to build community.

– Follow, like and share content from your ideal target audience.

– Engage frequently with hashtags and accounts related to your niche.

– Ask followers questions and encourage user generated content.

Why Instagram Reels Views Can Fluctuate

There’s a few reasons why your reels views may go up and down:

Algorithm Changes

When the algorithm that determines visibility evolves, it can impact your reach until you adapt.

Content Going Viral

If one reel suddenly gains a lot of traction, it can skew your overall average views.

Testing Different Niches

Switching between various niches rather than having one clear focus can confuse the algorithm.

Changing Caption Style

Drastic caption style changes from your normal approach can negatively impact views.

Inconsistent Posting

Large gaps between posts or fluctuating between long and short form video disrupts momentum.

Shadowban Triggers

Potential shadowban actions like using banned hashtags or buying fake engagement can restrict your reach.

External Promotion Changes

Boosting reels’ external visibility then stopping will skew Instagram-only views data.

How to Build an Audience and Get Views as a New Instagram User

As a new Instagrammer, gaining reels views takes time and strategy. Focus on:

High-Quality, Value-Adding Content

Post reels that teach or entertain on topics your ideal audience cares about.

Engaging With Your Niche

Be an active community member by commenting, collaborating and building connections.

Optimizing Your Profile

Craft an intuitive, complete bio with relevant keywords and links new visitors need.

Leveraging Friends and Existing Networks

Share your account with people you know to kickstart an initial following.

Running Targeted Paid Ads

Invest in promoted reels and ads aimed at your niche to accelerate growth.

Partnerships With Micro-Influencers

Collaborate on content and cross-promotion with similar, slightly larger accounts.

Engagement Pods

Join small Instagram engagement pods within your niche to build views and community.

Instagram Live

Go live around your niche to interact in real-time and convert viewers into engaged followers.

External Promotion

Share your best reels on other platforms to start driving views before focusing just on Instagram growth.

Hashtag Research

Find trending and relevant low-competition hashtags to maximize discoverability.

Can the Instagram Algorithm Really Suppress Your Views?

Many suspect the Instagram algorithm deliberately limits views, but the reality is more nuanced. Here are the facts:

No Evidence of View Suppression

Instagram has not stated or been proven to purposely restrict high-performing accounts. This makes little sense for their business model.

Visibility Fluctuations Are Common

Regular algorithm changes and other factors naturally create view variability for all accounts.

Reach Depends on Relevance

Instagram shows your content to those most likely to find it interesting or engaging based on past behavior.

Manual Review Can Limit Views

Accounts under review for policy violations may experience suppressed reach temporarily.

Aggressive Engagement Tactics Backfire

Buying fake engagement or using bots often triggers algorithms limiting views.

Sudden Spikes Flag Unnatural Growth

Unusually rapid gains in views or followers could be deemed inauthentic, restricting reach.

Should You Start Over with a New Instagram Account?

Restarting with a new account is rarely the solution. Consider these pros and cons first:


– Shedding a negative reputation or shadowban issues.

– Fresh start if your niche or brand has drastically changed.

– Unused username that better matches your current focus.


– Losing your existing audience and starting growth from scratch.

– High time investment to rebuild content and engagement.

– Risk of repeating the same mistakes.

Tips Before Starting Over

– Try revamping your current account with rebranding and improved strategy first.

– Identify exactly why your current account is struggling and address that.

– Weigh if the pros truly outweigh losing your hard-earned following.

– Plan out content strategy thoroughly for your new account to avoid same pitfalls.

– Link your new and old accounts in bio to retain some followers.

How to Stay Motivated When Instagram Reels Views Are Low

Not seeing results with reels can be frustrating. Here’s how to stay motivated:

Remember It Takes Time

Growth on Instagram is a gradual process. Stay consistent and avoid unrealistic expectations early on.

Focus on Providing Value

Create reels focused on your audience’s needs rather than views alone. The engagement will come.

Analyze Your Niche

Study successful accounts in your niche. What are they doing right? Where’s the untapped potential?

Review Your Analytics

Look for positive indicators like engagement rate and which reels are gaining traction.

Set Micro-Goals

Achievable goals like improving video edits each week maintain momentum in lieu of huge view counts quickly.

Remember Your Why

Connect with your motivation for creating content and the value it offers your audience.

Take Breaks When Needed

Avoid burnout. Step back periodically to regain creativity and enthusiasm.

Collaborate with Others

Team up on content with those who inspire you. Energy is contagious!

Staying consistent, keeping perspective, and fostering community will help you persevere as your account grows.