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Instagram reel quality bad after upload?

If you notice a drop in video quality after uploading Instagram reels, there are a few potential reasons for this. The most common causes are using the wrong export settings when creating your reel, uploading a low resolution source file, or Instagram compressing your video file to optimize delivery. Fortunately, with the right exporting practices and source files, you can maintain quality from editing to upload.

Use the Recommended Export Settings

The most common reason for quality loss on Instagram reels is using the wrong export settings when rendering your final video file. Instagram recommends exporting reels at the following settings for best quality:

  • Codec: H.264
  • Frame Rate: 29.97 FPS
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16
  • Bitrate: Variable, around 4500 kb/s
  • Resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels (HD)

Following these guidelines will produce a file optimized for the Instagram platform. Avoid extremely high or low bitrates, unusual frame rates like 24fps, and resolutions above 1080p. Standard settings prevent quality loss during transcoding.

Upload a High Resolution Source File

In addition to proper export settings, starting with a high resolution source file is key. If your original footage is low quality, heavily compressed, or resized, that will carry over to the final reel. For best results:

  • Shoot video in high resolution formats like 4K or 1080p HD
  • Use high bitrate codecs like H.264 or ProRes to preserve quality
  • Maintain fidelity by avoiding transcoding footage repeatedly
  • Never upscale low resolution footage

With social media specs constantly evolving, shoot and edit at the highest quality possible. This preserves detail when outputting at smaller resolutions. Footage shot natively at 1080p or 4K will retain better image quality than heavily compressed streams or SD video.

Understand Instagram’s Compression

Even with optimized source files, Instagram employs compression to reduce file sizes for quicker delivery through their platform. Some quality loss is expected and allowed in their reel specifications. The degree of compression varies based on resolution, frame rate, bitrate, and other factors of your source video.

Higher resolution, frame rate, and bitrates will generally have less visible compression artifacts and quality degradation. But the tradeoff is larger file sizes that take longer to process and stream. Instagram must balance quality and performance when transcoding uploads.

Try a Higher Bitrate Source File

If your reels still show more compression than expected, try uploading a higher bitrate source file. Instagram allows up to 6,000 kb/s for 1080p footage. Raising your video bitrate to the 5,000-6,000 range can potentially improve quality after compression.

Be aware this takes longer to upload and process. But for important reels it may be worth the tradeoff. Apply this sparingly to avoid overly large files that strain the platform.

Check Video File Metadata

In some cases, the video file itself may contain incorrect metadata that leads to poor quality. Double check these key metadata values:

  • Resolution matches source and Instagram’s specs
  • Frame rate matches your editing timeline
  • Codec is H.264
  • No duplicate streams or odd encodings

Incorrect or corrupt metadata can confuse Instagram’s transcoder and cause quality issues. Use media info apps to inspect your file parameters and confirm nothing is amiss.

Try Third Party Uploaders

Alternatively, you can try uploading your reel through third party apps like Facebook Creator Studio, Hopper, or Later. These tools give you options like higher resolutions and bitrates than the main Instagram app allows. They may be able to bypass some default compression when uploading.

However, Instagram may still transcode the final product at their discretion. Results vary across uploader tools. But for a particularly important reel it’s worth experimenting to maximize quality.

Accept Some Compression as Inevitable

Despite best optimization practices, some degree of compression and quality loss is expected on Instagram reels. Their platform prioritizes performance and quick streaming over 100% fidelity. The tips in this guide can minimize compression, but likely not eliminate it completely.

Aim for the best source files possible within Instagram’s parameters. But also make peace with minor artifacts being a tradeoff of their platform. Aim to make compression barely noticeable rather than fully avoided.

Premiere Pro Export Recommendations

For those editing in Premiere Pro, here are the ideal export settings for Instagram reels:

  • H.264 Codec
  • 1080p Resolution
  • Square Pixel Aspect Ratio
  • 29.97 fps
  • Progressive Scan
  • Variable Bitrate around 4,500-6,000kbps
  • Max Render Quality
  • Max Bit Depth

Use these Premiere export presets as a starting point for great quality uploads to Instagram.


Maintaining reel quality from editing to upload involves using the right export settings, high fidelity source files, and smart optimization. Follow Instagram’s guidelines for resolution, frame rate, and codec. Shoot natively in HD or 4K whenever possible. And experiment with higher bitrates if needed. With the right practices, you can minimize quality loss and get great looking reels on Instagram.