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In which countries Facebook Lite is available on iPhone?

In which countries Facebook Lite is available on iPhone?

Facebook Lite is a stripped-down version of Facebook designed for areas with slow internet connections or limited data plans. It uses less data, loads faster, and works well on older phones. Originally launched in 2015, Facebook Lite has grown in popularity across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. But what about availability on iPhones? Let’s take a look at which countries currently have access to Facebook Lite for iOS.

Facebook Lite Availability on iPhones

Facebook Lite for iOS launched in 2018, several years after the Android version. Availability was initially limited, with a slow expansion to additional countries over time. As of October 2023, here are the countries where Facebook Lite can be downloaded from the App Store on iPhones:

Argentina Guatemala Panama
Bolivia Guyana Paraguay
Brazil Honduras Peru
Chile India Philippines
Colombia Indonesia Saudi Arabia
Costa Rica Israel South Africa
Ecuador Jamaica Sri Lanka
El Salvador Jordan Tunisia
Ghana Kenya Turkey

So in summary, Facebook Lite for iOS is available in parts of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. However, it is not accessible in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, or most other developed countries. The focus has been on emerging markets where slower networks and limited data plans make the standard Facebook app challenging to use.

Why Availability is Limited

There are a few key reasons why Facebook has limited the iOS availability of Facebook Lite:

Target Users

Facebook designed Lite primarily for developing countries where many people use low-end smartphones with slower processors, limited storage, and unstable networks. These older phones often run outdated versions of Android that may not be able to handle resource-intensive apps. iOS devices tend to have much better hardware that can easily run the full Facebook app. So Lite simply isn’t as necessary for most iPhone users.

App Store Requirements

To be approved for distribution through the Apple App Store, apps must meet certain performance standards. Facebook Lite may not fully comply with these requirements due to its stripped-down nature. Apple wants to ensure a high-quality experience across all iOS apps, which poses challenges for a lighter version. Facebook likely had to get special approval just to launch Lite in select countries.

Codebase Differences

The Facebook Lite codebase varies considerably from the main Facebook app. It was rebuilt from the ground up with efficiency and performance in mind. Adapting this lighter codebase to run smoothly on iOS likely requires significant engineering work. Facebook chose to focus first on optimizing Lite for Android before tackling the iOS version.

User Base Concentration

In most countries where Lite is available, Android makes up 75% or more of the smartphone market. With far more potential users on Android, it made sense for Facebook to prioritize development and distribution there. iOS compatibility was a secondary concern. In contrast, iPhone market share is much higher in the US and other Western countries.

The Role of Messenger Lite

In 2017, Facebook launched a separate lightweight app called Messenger Lite. It provides fast, reliable messaging on slow networks while using less data and battery life. Messenger Lite does have limited availability on iOS in a handful of countries, including India, Tunisia, Peru, and Venezuela.

The presence of Messenger Lite reduces pressure on Facebook to make Facebook Lite iOS compatible in many emerging markets. Users can access the core messaging functionality they want in a streamlined package. And Messenger Lite may be easier for Facebook to optimize for iOS than the full Facebook Lite app.

The Future of Facebook Lite on iOS

While availability remains constrained for now, there are signs Facebook may expand iOS support for Lite moving forward:

Expanded Country List

Facebook has gradually expanded the list of countries where Lite is available on iOS over the past few years. This indicates an ongoing investment in iOS compatibility. Supporting additional languages and optimizing performance for a wider range of iPhone models takes engineering resources.

iOS User Growth in Emerging Markets

iOS adoption is increasing in many developing countries as Apple reduces prices on older iPhone models. Low-cost devices like the iPhone SE are putting iOS in the hands of more price-sensitive users. Facebook will want to be sure its Lite service reaches these new iOS owners.

Advances in Cross-Platform Development

Frameworks like React Native allow developers to build cross-platform apps from a common codebase. As Facebook leverages these technologies more broadly, bringing Lite to more countries on iOS should become simpler. Performance and user experience is also improving.

User Demand

There are undoubtedly iPhone owners in countries without iOS support who would welcome the option of installing Lite. As Facebook collects more feedback from users, expanding country availability may become a higher priority. Offering Lite on iOS improves the overall user experience.

Using a VPN to Access Lite

If you have an iPhone but don’t live in a country where Facebook Lite is available, there is still a way to download it. Using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) app lets you mask your device’s location and access app stores for other countries.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

1. Sign up for a reliable VPN service with servers in countries like Peru or Turkey where Lite is available. ExpressVPN and NordVPN are good options.

2. Connect your iPhone to a VPN server located in an eligible country. This will make the App Store think you are in that country.

3. Open the App Store on your iPhone and search for “Facebook Lite”. It should now appear available for download.

4. Download and install Facebook Lite. Be sure to disable the VPN before launching the app.

5. You can now use Facebook Lite on your iPhone. The app will function normally.

The only catch is you’ll need to briefly enable the VPN each time the Facebook Lite app needs to refresh its content or notifications. But otherwise it provides a stable way to unofficially access Lite in unsupported countries.


Facebook Lite for iOS has seen a measured launch focused on emerging markets. But expansion to more countries seems likely based on Facebook’s continued investment and the growing iOS presence across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Users elsewhere can try accessing Lite today using a VPN, but global availability on iPhone remains limited for now. Facebook is still prioritizing optimization and performance for Android in most developing nations. But the accessibility of Lite on iOS should continue improving over time as Facebook adapts the app for broader cross-platform support.