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How to unblock on Facebook?

How to unblock on Facebook?

Facebook has become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to stay connected with friends and family around the world. However, there may come a time when someone blocks you on Facebook, preventing you from viewing their profile or contacting them on the platform. Getting blocked can be upsetting, but there are a few different options for unblocking yourself.

Why Would Someone Block Me on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why someone may block you on Facebook:

  • You’ve had an argument or disagreement and they want to cut off contact.
  • You’ve overshared on their page or sent too many messages/friend requests.
  • They want to take a break from your friendship or end it altogether.
  • You’ve offended them or said something hurtful.
  • They find your posts or views annoying or distasteful.
  • They’re concerned about their privacy and want to limit who can see their profile.
  • They’re in a new relationship and their partner has asked them to block exes or limit opposite-gender friends.
  • One of you has significantly changed views, lifestyles, or interests and you no longer get along.

In most cases, getting blocked is not meant as a personal attack – it’s just someone’s way of creating distance and boundaries online. Try not to take it too personally.

How to Know You’re Blocked on Facebook

There are a few ways to check if someone has blocked you on Facebook:

  • Search for their profile – If you can’t find their Facebook profile by searching, there’s a good chance you’re blocked.
  • Visit their profile page – Go directly to their profile URL. If it says “content unavailable” or you can’t see any posts, you’re likely blocked.
  • Send a message – Try sending them a Facebook message. If you get an error saying your message couldn’t be sent, it means you’re blocked.
  • Tag them in a post – Attempt to tag them in a post or photo. If their name doesn’t pop up as an option, they’ve probably blocked you.
  • Call or video chat – Try to start a call or video chat with them on Messenger. You’ll get an error if your request can’t go through.

In most cases you won’t get a notification that you’ve been blocked – the person will just seem to have disappeared from your Facebook world. Pay attention if you can’t view a profile or send messages that used to go through.

Unblocking Yourself on Facebook

If you want to get unblocked by someone on Facebook, you have a few options:

Wait it Out

With time, many blockers end up unblocking people. If it was a temporary issue or moment of anger, have patience. After a few weeks or months, search for their profile again to see if the block has been lifted.

Use Another Account

Sign into another Facebook account you have or create a new one. Search for the person’s profile using this alternative account. If you can view their profile and posts, it confirms your main account is still blocked.

Ask a Friend

Reach out to a mutual friend and have them check if your account is still blocked by the person. A friend could also reach out to the blocker on your behalf to revisit the issue.

Send an Email or Message

Try sending the person an email or message on another platform like LinkedIn. Keep your message polite and honest. Express regret if you said something to upset them and your hope to be unblocked.

Make a Phone Call

If you have their phone number, call the person to clear the air. Be sincere in your apology and explain you miss having them in your Facebook social circle. If the call goes well, request they unblock you.

Apologize in Person

One of the most effective ways to get unblocked is to meet up and have an honest face-to-face conversation. Admit your mistakes sincerely and tell them how much their Facebook friendship means to you. If they see you’re making an effort, many will give you another chance.

What to Do If You Stay Blocked

If you still remain blocked on Facebook even after trying the above tactics, consider it a sign this person no longer wishes to interact with you online. As frustrating as it can be, you’ll have to accept their decision and move on. Here are some healthy ways to cope:

  • Reflect – Think about why you may have been blocked in the first place and learn from it.
  • Remove/block them – Delete or block them from your platforms if you’re reminded of the situation.
  • Focus elsewhere – Spend more time nurturing positive relationships in your life.
  • Create distance – Put physical distance between you and the person if possible.
  • Find closure – Write a letter or email to the person summarizing your thoughts and feelings.
  • Talk to friends – Vent and get support from trusted friends about the loss of this relationship.
  • Avoid obsessing – Distract yourself when you start repeatedly checking if you’re still blocked.
  • Forgive – Try to forgive the person, even if you don’t understand their reasons.

With time, it will get easier to accept that you can no longer connect with this person online. Be patient with yourself as you process the emotions. Focusing on self-care and personal growth will help you move forward.

Mistakes to Avoid When Unblocking

As you try to resolve the blocking situation, be careful not to make it worse. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

  • Harassing the person – Don’t bombard them with calls, texts, emails, or messages begging to be unblocked. This will likely backfire.
  • Badmouthing them – Don’t talk negatively about the blocker to mutual friends. It’ll get back to them.
  • Pressuring friends – Don’t force your friends to stop interacting with the person online or offline.
  • Shaming publicly – Never call out the person on social media for blocking you.
  • Making threats – Don’t threaten self-harm or revenge if they choose to uphold the block.
  • Pretending to be someone else – Never create fake accounts or have others reach out pretending to be you.
  • Blaming others – Even if provoked, don’t shift blame solely onto the blocker.
  • Bargaining/guilt-tripping – Don’t try to emotionally manipulate them into unblocking you.

These aggressive or manipulative tactics will likely backfire. The best approach is giving a sincere apology and acknowledging their desire for distance.

When to Let It Go

As difficult as it may be, there comes a time when you need to accept that the blocking won’t be reversed. Here are some signs it’s time to move on:

  • You’ve made multiple unanswered attempts to contact them.
  • It’s been more than 6 months since the blocking occurred.
  • Your mutual friends say the person is firm in their decision.
  • Interacting with you causes the person distress.
  • They’ve blocked you on multiple platforms, not just Facebook.
  • They threaten to block or report you if you don’t stop contacting them.
  • They deny your request and explicitly ask you to stop contacting them.
  • They block you again after initially unblocking you.

At a certain point, you risk crossing over into harassment if you refuse to respect their boundaries. For your own emotional health, accept that this online friendship has run its course.

Preventing Future Blocks

Once this issue is behind you, reflect on how you can avoid being blocked on Facebook in the future. Here are some tips:

  • Respect others’ boundaries – Don’t overshare or message excessively if someone seems reluctant to interact.
  • Watch your tone – Avoid making rude, sarcastic, or offensive comments online.
  • Think before tagging – Don’t tag people in potentially embarrassing posts or photos.
  • Limit purchases from friends – Be cautious about MLM sales pitches or frequently asking friends to buy products.
  • Don’t post arguments – Keep relationship squabbles and drama offline.
  • Let go gracefully – If a friendship naturally fades, accept it instead of desperately clinging.
  • Discuss issues privately – If someone upsets you, message them 1-on-1 rather than publicly calling them out.
  • Apologize fully – If you make a mistake that impacts someone else, own up to it sincerely.

Being mindful, respectful and mature in your interactions is the best way to avoid burning bridges on social media. Value quality over quantity in your Facebook friendships.


Getting blocked on Facebook can sting, but don’t take it as a reflection of your self-worth. With finesse and patience, many blocking situations can be reversed. However, if your requests continue going ignored, accept it with grace. Reflect, learn and do better going forward. Focus your time and energy on new connections instead of obsessing over ones that have faded. With the right mindset, you can move forward from even the most unpleasant social media blocks.