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How to trick Facebook ad?

How to trick Facebook ad?

Facebook ads have become an integral part of digital marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook provides unparalleled reach for brands looking to connect with potential customers. However, as competition for attention on the platform increases, marketers need to get more creative with their Facebook ad campaigns to cut through the noise and maximize results.

One tactic that savvy marketers use is tricking the Facebook ad algorithm and system to gain an advantage. Facebook’s ad delivery system is powered by advanced machine learning algorithms designed to show ads to people most likely to find them relevant and take action. While the system is very sophisticated, there are still ways for advertisers to work around it and ‘trick’ it in their favor.

Use Clickbait Headlines and Imagery

One of the factors Facebook’s ad algorithm considers is predicted click-through rate – how likely an ad is to be clicked by a user. Using attention-grabbing headlines and visuals is a common tactic to get more clicks.

For example, instead of a straightforward headline like “Check Out Our New Smartphone”, a clickbait version could say “You Won’t Believe What This New Smartphone Can Do!”. Similarly, using enticing imagery like a lifestyle shot or a close up visual highlight of a key product feature can also compel users to click.

This increases click-through rates which signals to Facebook that your ad is engaging. In turn, Facebook will optimize delivery to show your ad to more users who are likely to click. Of course, the clickbait headline and visuals should still be relevant to your actual product/service and not completely misleading.

Split Test Ad Creative

Running A/B split tests with different ad creative is a proven way to identify what resonates best with your target audience on Facebook. Testing different images, videos, captions, headlines and call-to-action combinations will reveal the highest performing options.

For example, you could test a text and image ad against a video ad, or test a long form video ad against a short video clip. The assets that generate more clicks or conversions can be used going forward in your campaign. This allows you to refine your ad creative to be more appealing and engaging for users.

Continually iterating and testing your ads allows you to stay ahead of changes in the Facebook algorithm and audience preferences. You can discover new tricks and tactics to improve results as you go.

Utilize Emotional Triggers

Savvy Facebook advertisers know that emotions are powerful purchase motivators. Using ad copy and visuals designed to tap into feelings like excitement, pride, trust, nostalgia or humor can help ads resonate at a deeper level.

For example, an ad for family cruise vacation could use images of happy families bonding and words highlighting togetherness, fun and lasting memories. Or an ad promoting a makeup product could make users feel more beautiful and confident with the right messaging.

Triggering positive emotional responses helps ads stand out more in crowded News Feeds and leads to higher engagement. Leaning on emotions rather than functional product/service details alone makes your ads more compelling and memorable.

Leverage the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook pixel is a small tracking code that can be placed on your website. It allows you to monitor user activity and retarget website visitors with customized Facebook ads.

For example, if a user views specific products or pages on your site, you can serve up relevant ads when they are back on Facebook. You can also create lookalike audiences of your highest converting website visitors and target them with new ads.

Smart use of the Facebook pixel lets you continuously refine your audiences and increase the relevance of your ads over time. More dialed in targeting boosts click-through and conversion rates.

Test Different Placement Options

Where your ads appear on Facebook can impact performance, so it pays to experiment with different placement options. You can opt to have your ads show up in the News Feed, Instagram Feed, Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories, Facebook Marketplace and the right hand column ads.

Try allocating more budget towards placements that drive the most conversions and engagement. For example, you may find Instagram Stories performs better for reaching younger demographics vs News Feed ads. Testing across different placements can reveal new opportunities and allow you to optimize your ad spend.

Use Video Views Objective for Awareness

If your goal is to drive brand awareness and reach with video ads, use the video views objective. This optimizes delivery to get the most video views at the lowest cost per view.

This leverages Facebook’s video inventory and user base to widely share your videos. You can still include a strong brand message and call-to-action within the video content. Boosting brand visibility in a cost effective way like this can be very useful.

Remarket Warmer Audiences

One smart Facebook advertising tactic is to create ads and target them specifically towards people who have already engaged with your brand in some way. This includes:

  • Website visitors
  • Existing customers/email list
  • Engaged social media followers
  • Event attendees

These groups are primed for your ads because they already know your brand. Remarketing to warmer, more relevant audiences gives you an edge when trying to drive conversions. You can really dial in your messaging to cater to exactly where they are in the sales process.

Make Use of Facebook’s Detailed Targeting Options

Facebook offers incredibly granular targeting options to zero in on your ideal audience. Take advantage of targeting criteria like:

  • Demographics: age, gender, relationship status, education level, income
  • Interests / hobbies
  • Purchase behaviors
  • Job titles
  • Employers
  • Life events
  • Parenting status

Really drilling down on the exact types of people you want to reach, and excluding those unlikely to convert, can greatly improve ad relevance. It signals to Facebook the users that respond best so the algorithm improves over time.

Use Dynamic Creative and A/B Testing

Dynamic creative and A/B split testing work very well together. You can set up multiple ad variations with different visuals, copy, offers etc. and test them against each other.

The high performing assets can then be combined into new dynamic ads that pull those elements together in real-time to serve different versions to different people. This allows more personalization and refinement of messaging based on continuous testing.

Advertise on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger ads allow you to reach people directly in the Messenger app. You can drive actions like getting message click-throughs, initiating conversations to auto-reply bots, generating leads from ads and more.

Messenger ads have potential to deliver strong results thanks to the private, personal nature of messaging. They allow you to engage people who may ignore more overt advertising in the main Facebook app.

Collaborate With Influencers

Partnering with relevant social media influencers provides a way to tap into their engaged follower base with branded content posts. The influencer endorsement effect can rub off on your brand.

You can work with nano, micro or macro influencers in your niche who align well with your brand. Make sure to gauge influencer engagement and genuineness rather than just relying on follower counts alone. Provide them with creatives, hashtags and messaging to include and track performance.

Use Lead Generation Ads

Lead generation ads allow users to input contact information directly within the ad unit without having to click through to your site. This frictionless process makes it easy to quickly capture leads.

You can customize the fields you want leads to fill out like name, email, phone number, company name etc. This ad format works very well for amassing qualified leads in a seamless way.

Include Social Proof

Adding social proof elements to your Facebook ads can boost conversion rates. This shows potential customers that other people use and love your product/service.

Examples of persuasive social proof include positive ratings/reviews, testimonials quotes, information on satisfied user numbers or results experienced by other customers.

Social proof builds trust and credibility which are essential when trying to convince people to buy from your brand.

Follow Facebook’s Ad Policies

While the strategies above can help you get an edge, it’s important to still follow Facebook’s advertising policies. Stay away from deception, false claims, sensationalized headlines and imagery in your quest for clicks and engagement.

Remember that overly aggressive tactics like fake news, illegal products/services, nudity etc. can get your ads and account shut down. Aim to push the envelope creatively but within reason and Facebook’s guidelines.


Mastering Facebook advertising requires an investment of time, effort and money. But the unparalleled access to ultra targeted users across a wide array of platforms makes Facebook a mandatory channel for most digital marketers and businesses.

With oversaturated markets and increasing competition, simply launching basic Facebook ads is no longer enough. To maximize your ad spend and get in front of the right eyeballs, you need to flex your creative muscles.

Utilize these tricks of the trade to stay one step ahead of the Facebook algorithm, connect with your audience and ultimately boost your bottom line. With the right innovative strategy and systematic testing, you can learn how to turn Facebook’s closely guarded ad secrets to your advantage.