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How to tell if someone is hiding their relationship status on Facebook?

How to tell if someone is hiding their relationship status on Facebook?

Facebook’s relationship status feature allows users to publicly share whether they are single, in a relationship, engaged, married, etc. However, some users choose to keep their relationship status private for various reasons. Here are some tips on how to discern if someone is hiding their relationship status on Facebook.

Check their profile and timeline

The most straightforward way to check someone’s relationship status is by looking at their profile. Underneath their profile picture and cover photo, Facebook lists relationship status if it’s public. If it says “Single,” then that information can be trusted (unless they are hiding their status).

However, if there is no relationship status shown, that could be a sign that the person has set this info to private. It’s also possible they haven’t added it to their profile at all.

In addition to their profile, look at their recent timeline posts. Are there photos with someone who could be a significant other? Do they post romantic messages or check-ins with someone repeatedly? Posts involving a boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, husband, wife etc. are evidence that they are likely not single.

See if they have public lists

Some Facebook users create lists of friends and family. Check if the person has any public lists, and see if they have a “Family” or “Close Friends” list. If so, look at who is on that list – chances are their significant other will be included there.

Look for family status changes

When someone gets engaged or married, that information often spreads quickly through their family. See if any of their family members have updated their own relationship status or posted about an engagement or marriage involving your person of interest.

Use Facebook’s audience selector tool

When composing a post, you can choose who is able to see that post using Facebook’s audience selector tool. Use this to assess what audience the person typically selects for their own posts.

To find this, click on the icon that looks like a globe beside the Post button when writing a new post. This will show you options like Public, Friends, Only Me, Custom etc. See if they tend to post certain things only to a Custom or limited audience. If so, they may be intentionally hiding some relationship content from certain people.

Look for mentions of a partner

Do they mention a girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife in their About section or any recent posts? References to a partner or spouse in their content could confirm that they are indeed in a relationship.

Check their photos and tags

A lot can be gleaned from looking at who is tagged in the person’s photos. Click on their photos tab and scroll through it. Are they frequently pictured with someone particular, and is that person affectionate with them in the photos? That is likely their partner.

Also click on their profile pictures and others photos they are tagged in. Even if they are hiding their own relationship status, a friend may have possibly tagged them as being “in a relationship with” someone on another photo.

Look for check-ins

Does this person check-in with someone else frequently? Repeated check-ins with another person is a hint that they are romantically involved. They may try to hide their status publicly but forget about check-ins giving their dates away.

Also look for check-ins at romantic locations like restaurants, concerts, vacations spots, etc. This can reveal they are spending time with someone, even if they haven’t tagged the person.

See if they’ve blocked you

Have a friend look at their profile if they have blocked you. People will sometimes block a current or former partner while in a new relationship. If you’ve been blocked, it could be because they want to hide a relationship from you.

Look for flirty interactions

Do they frequently flirt, leave hearts on comments or exchange inside jokes on posts with one particular person? This type of ongoing, flirty interaction can give away that they are in a relationship.

Especially look for flirty comments on older posts. Long-standing couples are more likely to go back and interact on older posts.

Check other social media

Don’t just rely on Facebook. Do they post photos or status updates indicating a relationship on Instagram, Twitter or other social networks? Try looking broadly across their different accounts for evidence that they are not single.

Ask mutual friends

If you have mutual friends with this person, see if any of them know about their relationship status. But approach carefully, you don’t want to seem like you are prying or gossiping. Simply ask a mutual friend casually if they happen to know if the person is single or not.

Pay attention over time

Relationships can develop over time. Even if all the current evidence suggests someone is single, that could change. Keep observing their Facebook activity periodically for new signs that they are no longer single.

Consider asking directly

If all else fails, you may need to simply ask them directly if they are in a relationship. This route is less advisable, as the person may be evasive or feel put on the spot. But if done tactfully, it can at least help clarify things if you explain you were simply curious after seeing some of their posts.

Respect privacy

Ultimately, remember that someone’s relationship status is their personal information. If they wish to keep it off social media, that is their choice. Avoid aggressively tracking their relationship status or making them uncomfortable. If they want certain people to know they are in a relationship, they will share it eventually.


Looking for signs someone is hiding their relationship status on Facebook requires reading between the lines. Photos, posts, tags, check-ins and interactions can all hold clues about a hidden relationship. However, keep in mind that not everyone feels comfortable publicly posting about their romantic life. If someone wants to keep that information private, respect their privacy and don’t take it personally.