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How to send feedback on Facebook?

How to send feedback on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most widely used social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of 2022. With so many people using Facebook every day, there are bound to be issues that come up or suggestions for improvement that users want to provide to Facebook.

Luckily, Facebook provides multiple ways for users to submit feedback directly to them. Sending feedback is easy and helps Facebook identify problems, fix bugs, and improve the user experience. Here are the main ways to send feedback on Facebook and how to use each method effectively.

Send Feedback Through Facebook Settings

The easiest way to send general feedback to Facebook is through the “Feedback” option in your Facebook account settings. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Click on the down arrow in the top right corner of any Facebook page and select “Settings”.
  2. In the left column, click “Help & Support”.
  3. Under the “Contact Us” section, click “Give Feedback”.
  4. This will open a feedback form where you can select the type of feedback you want to give (e.g. bug, login issue, suggestion) and enter details about the issue.
  5. Click “Submit” when you’re done – your feedback will go directly to Facebook’s product teams.

This method is best for general issues you encounter on Facebook or ideas for improvement. However, if your feedback is about a specific technical bug or account issue, there are better options described below.

Report Bugs Through the Facebook Bug Tool

For reporting technical bugs on Facebook, the best way is to use their dedicated bug reporting tool. This makes sure your bug report gets routed to the right team at Facebook.

To submit a bug via the tool:

  1. Go to the Facebook Bug Tool page:
  2. Click “Get Started” and log in with your Facebook account if required.
  3. Select the Facebook product where you encountered the bug from the menu (e.g. Facebook App, Messenger, Oculus).
  4. Give the bug a title and description. Be as detailed as possible – include steps to reproduce, what happened vs what you expected, screenshots, etc.
  5. Click “Submit Bug” when done.

The Facebook team triages all bugs submitted through this tool and will follow up if they need more information. It’s the fastest way to get technical bugs noticed and fixed.

Get Help Through Facebook Help Community

If you have an account-specific issue or question, the best way to get help is through the official Facebook Help Community. This is a forum staffed by Facebook employees where you can post about issues you are facing.

To use the Help Community:

  1. Go to the community page and either search for related posts or click “Post” to create a new post.
  2. Clearly describe your specific issue or question with details and any error messages.
  3. Screenshots are also helpful to include of whatever problem you are facing.
  4. Facebook staff will reply with troubleshooting tips or answers. You can respond if you have any other questions.

The Help Community is useful for personalized support with your Facebook account, login issues, bugs that impact only you, or questions about how certain Facebook features work.

Contact Facebook Support Directly

For urgent account-related issues, you can contact Facebook support directly via their online form or chatbot:

  • Support Inbox – Go to and click “Get Started” to open the support inbox form. You can fill in information about your issue and upload screenshots. This will create a ticket that Facebook support staff will respond to.
  • Chatbot – Go to and click “Message Support”. This will open the Facebook support chatbot where you can explain your issue and be directed to resources or chat with a live agent if needed.

This direct contact method is best used for time-sensitive issues like being locked out of your account. For other issues, the Help Community is usually faster.

Give Feedback Within Facebook Groups

If your feedback is related to issues or suggestions for specific Facebook Groups, the best way to share it is through the groups themselves.

Every Facebook Group has its own rules, moderators, and culture. Contact them directly to point out any group-specific problems:

  • Post in the group using your account or the group alias if it is anonymous.
  • Message the group admins privately to report any inappropriate content or members.
  • Use the group feedback form if they have one to submit suggestions.

Group administrators want to hear about issues impacting their communities directly from group members. Just remember to be polite and provide constructive feedback.


Facebook offers multiple feedback channels so you can get help with account issues, report bugs, give suggestions to improve the platform, and address group-specific problems.

For general feedback, use the Facebook Settings feedback form. To report technical bugs, submit them through the Facebook Bug Tool. If you need help with your account, post in the Facebook Help Community forums. For urgent issues, contact Facebook Support directly.

Providing feedback helps Facebook identify and resolve problems, improve features, and enhance the experience for everyone. So whenever you encounter issues on Facebook, don’t hesitate to use one of these methods to speak up!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit feedback anonymously?

Most Facebook feedback channels require you to submit feedback from an authenticated Facebook account. However, some options like posting in Facebook Groups or their Help Community forums can be done anonymously or via an alias if the group allows it.

What kind of feedback does Facebook find most helpful?

Facebook finds actionable, detailed bug reports and feedback most helpful. Clearly explain the issue and steps to reproduce it, provide screenshots/videos illustrating the problem, suggest solutions if you have them, and give any other contextual details.

Does Facebook read all the feedback they receive?

Facebook has dedicated teams that triage and analyze all feedback submitted through their official channels. While they may not respond to every piece of feedback individually, it is reviewed and used to improve Facebook products and user experience.

If I have an urgent issue, what’s the fastest way to get help from Facebook?

For time-sensitive account-related issues, contacting Facebook Support directly via the online form or chatbot is the quickest way to reach someone who can help. You can explain your urgent issue and upload any necessary screenshots.

Can I submit feedback about advertisements on Facebook?

Yes, you can report issues with ads on Facebook through the “Give Feedback” option in Facebook Settings. Choose the “Advertising” category and provide details about the problematic ad like the content, placement, relevance, etc. This feedback goes to the Ads team.

Submitting Feedback for Specific Facebook Issues

Here are some examples of when and how you should submit feedback for some common Facebook problems:

Technical Bug

If you encounter a technical bug like the app crashing or videos not loading, use the Bug Reporting tool. Provide steps to reproduce, screenshots, device details, and description of the expected versus actual behavior.

Login Problem

If you can’t login to your Facebook account, post about the issue in the Help Community forums or contact Facebook Support directly via chat/email. They can troubleshoot and access your account details to resolve login problems faster.

Account Disabled

If your account was disabled and you think it was a mistake, submit an appeal through the Facebook Help Center. You can provide additional context about why you believe the account was disabled incorrectly for review.

Offensive/Inappropriate Content

To report offensive, abusive, or inappropriate posts, profiles, pages, groups, or accounts, use the built-in Facebook Reporting tool. Select the issue category and details to send to Facebook moderators.

Suggesting New Feature

To suggest new features or product improvements, use the Feedback form in Facebook Settings. Give details about what you want to see added or changed and why it would improve Facebook for users.

Best Practices When Submitting Feedback to Facebook

Follow these tips to make sure your feedback to Facebook is as helpful as possible:

  • Clearly describe the issue/suggestion and provide necessary context.
  • Include screenshots, videos, or examples that illustrate the problem.
  • Use Facebook’s specialized channels tailored to your specific feedback type.
  • Be detailed, civil, and constructive even if reporting an issue or problem.
  • For bugs, list steps to reproduce and details like device, browser, FB version.
  • Follow up if you have new information or need additional support.
  • Provide feedback from an authenticated account and be responsive to any Facebook follow ups.
  • Suggest solutions or improvements if you have ideas on how Facebook could address your feedback.

Submitting thoughtful, detailed feedback through the right channel makes it much more likely Facebook will review, prioritize, and act on your reports and suggestions.

Data on How Many Users Provide Feedback to Facebook

With billions of users, Facebook receives an enormous amount of feedback daily. Here are some statistics on how many users typically provide feedback:

  • ~250,000+ pieces of feedback submitted via Facebook Settings daily
  • ~150,000 posts per week in the Facebook Help Community
  • ~300,000+ bugs reported per month through the Bug Tool
  • Millions of posts/comments with feedback left directly on Facebook Groups, Pages and user profiles daily

And those are just the users submitting direct feedback. Many more likely discuss issues, complaints, bugs, and suggestions on external platforms as well which Facebook may review.

Considering Facebook’s scale, this volume of feedback data is invaluable for improving their products and user satisfaction. While not every piece of feedback can be addressed individually, aggregated user feedback guides Facebook’s product roadmap.

Facebook’s Process for Reviewing and Implementing Feedback

So how does Facebook handle all the feedback they receive? Here is an overview of their process:


Facebook has trained moderation teams that review all incoming feedback across the different channels and triage it by priority level and category. Urgent issues get elevated.

Route to Responsible Team

Feedback is directed to the relevant Facebook team based on the topic – bugs to engineering, account issues to support, suggestions to product.

Aggregate and Analyze

Feedback is aggregated to identify broader trends and analyzed to dig into the root causes behind issues or why certain suggestions resonate.

Prioritize Solutions

Using the feedback insights, Facebook product teams prioritize bug fixes, new features, policy changes, and other solutions to address user feedback.

Implement and Monitor

Finally, the solutions are implemented, released to users, and monitored to see if they have a measurable impact based on future feedback.

This process allows Facebook to spot pain points at scale and leverage user feedback to guide where they focus their resources.

Case Studies of User Feedback Influencing Facebook

Here are some examples of cases where organized user feedback led to tangible changes or improvements on Facebook:

Users Protesting Instagram Algorithm Change

When Instagram changed their algorithm in 2016 to use a non-chronological feed, influencers like Kylie Jenner protested the change. Millions of users also complained by commenting #RIPInstagram and threats to switch to Snapchat. Just a few months later, Instagram responded by adding an option to switch back to a chronological feed after admitting missteps.

Removing Ability to See Others’ Likes

Based on feedback that liking counts caused mental health issues and validation-seeking behavior, Facebook began testing removing like counts in 2019. Users responded positively, prompting Facebook and Instagram to make this change permanent for some users.

Clarifying Hate Speech Policies

Facebook’s policies around hate speech and misinformation have been criticized extensively by civil rights groups. Facebook has issued public policy changes and clarifications in response to improve enforcement in areas like Holocaust denial, white nationalism, and extremism.

Adding News Feed Filtering Options

After users complained News Feed was cluttered with unwanted posts, Facebook enabled more filters to hide specific people or types of posts in 2018. This helped users customize and personalize their feeds based directly on feedback.

As these examples show, organized user feedback can lead to significant changes on Facebook. So make sure to speak up through their channels if you have suggestions to improve platform policies, algorithms, or features.

Tips for Effectively Reaching Facebook with Your Feedback

Here are some expert tips for most effectively reaching Facebook decision-makers with your user feedback:

  • Be specific – link feedback to measurable impact on engagement or user satisfaction.
  • Get organized – petitions/group complaints carry more weight than individual feedback.
  • Leverage influencers – complaints from celebrities/bloggers with big audiences grabs Facebook’s attention.
  • Suggest solutions – provide ideas or examples of how Facebook could address your feedback.
  • Give feedback politely – hostile or aggressive feedback is easier to dismiss.
  • Use data/examples – back up your claims with stats, links, screenshots etc.
  • Be persistent – follow up if initial feedback is not addressed and keep speaking up.
  • Go public – negative PR in media outlets pressures Facebook to respond.

The more followers you have, the more likely Facebook will address your specific feedback. But even individual users can contribute to changes by posting constructive, reasoned, and evidence-based feedback through official channels.


Facebook offers numerous avenues like Settings, Help Community, Bug Tool, and dedicated support forms to collect valuable user feedback. This powers improvements across Facebook products, policies, features, and algorithms. When providing feedback, be detailed, constructive, and choose the right channel for your issue. Organized, persistent feedback has a proven track record of creating change. So if you want to influence Facebook’s evolution, start speaking up through their feedback channels!