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How to sell your own homeschool curriculum?

How to sell your own homeschool curriculum?

Many parents choose to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons – tailoring the curriculum to their child’s needs and learning styles, providing religious or moral instruction, and having more flexibility are some of the most common motivations. Developing your own curriculum can be rewarding, allowing you to incorporate your educational philosophy and ideals. However, creating a quality program takes immense time and effort. If you have designed a homeschool curriculum you are proud of, you may be interested in selling it to other homeschooling families. Marketing and selling your own homeschool curriculum comes with its own set of challenges but can be a fulfilling endeavor.

Is Selling Your Curriculum Legal?

The short answer is yes, selling a curriculum you have developed is perfectly legal in the United States. Homeschooling is regulated differently across states, but generally parents have the freedom to choose or create their own curriculum. Any parent can buy and use your curriculum material legally.

You do need to be aware of some particulars depending on your state’s homeschooling laws:

  • Some states require you to register as a homeschool if you are selling curriculum. Check with your state’s homeschool organization or Department of Education.
  • A few states mandate that curriculum include certain subjects. Make sure your material covers any required standards.
  • Most states do not require homeschool curricula to be accredited or approved. However, having your curriculum reviewed can lend legitimacy.

Provided you meet any requirements in your state, you are free to market and sell original curriculum. Homeschool parents are constantly seeking new materials and approaches. Developing and selling your own gives you business opportunities in this thriving industry.

Getting Started

Here are some key steps to take when preparing to sell your own homeschool curriculum:

Fine Tune Your Materials

Examine your curriculum closely to identify any gaps or areas for improvement. Ask other homeschool parents to review it and give feedback. Make sure directions and lesson plans are detailed, clear, and easy to follow. Proofread carefully for typos and formatting errors. The content should be high quality and well-presented.

Decide on a Structure

Determine how to package and present your curriculum. Possibilities include:

  • By subject (math, science, language arts, etc)
  • By grade level
  • Complete curriculum
  • Unit studies

Think about your audience and what would be most useful. You can offer your curriculum in different formats to appeal to more customers.

Set a Price

Research prices for similar homeschool materials to determine competitive pricing. Factor in your costs for creating the curriculum. Find a balance between affordability for customers and profitability for yourself. You may decide to offer package deals for buying multiple subjects or grade levels.

Register Your Business

Selling curriculum constitutes running a business, so take steps to make it official. Choose a business name and register it with your state. While not required, forming an LLC or corporation protects your personal assets. Get any necessary business licenses or tax IDs.

Build a Website

An educational website serves as your storefront and marketing platform. Purchase a domain name related to your curriculum and homeschooling. Use website creation tools like Wix or Squarespace to make an attractive, professional site. Include detailed information about your curriculum and ordering process.

Marketing Your Materials

You need to spread the word so homeschool families learn about your curriculum. Here are effective approaches:

Social Media

Promote your curriculum through social platforms where homeschoolers gather, like Facebook groups and Pinterest. Share sample lessons and activities. Post regularly about your materials and link back to your site. Build an engaged social media presence.

Homeschool Conferences

Securing a vendor booth at local and national homeschool conventions allows you to demonstrate your products and interact with customers. Pass out brochures, answer questions, and take orders. Attending conferences raises visibility.

Online Advertising

Target homeschool sites, blogs and podcasts for paid ads. Services like Google Ads also let you reach relevant audiences. Track click-through rates to determine which ads perform best.

SEO Optimization

Improve visibility and search engine rankings for your website by using relevant keywords, quality backlinks, meta descriptions, tags, alt text, schema markup, and optimized page content.


Join homeschool support groups and co-ops in your area. Sponsor or present a workshop. Word-of-mouth referrals from other homeschoolers provide social proof.

Homeschool Influencers

Reach out to bloggers, podcasters, and social media figures in the homeschool space. Provide free review copies to generate buzz, endorsements, and affiliate sales opportunities.

Fulfilling Orders

You need an efficient system to handle orders and deliver your curriculum. Options include:

Digital Downloads

For online sales, make curriculum available as instant PDF downloads. This requires no physical inventory or shipping costs. Use sites like PayHip or Gumroad to handle payments and delivery.

Print on Demand

Services like Amazon KDP, Lulu, or IngramSpark can print and ship softcover books on demand so you don’t have to pre-stock inventory. This works for printed guides, workbooks, and textbooks. Upload your interior files and cover designs.

Physical Inventory

If selling kits or manipulatives, you’ll need to produce and store some inventory. Use a third-party logistics provider to store and fulfill orders efficiently. Inventory management software helps track stock levels.

Subscription Model

For ongoing access to your curriculum, offer monthly or annual digital subscriptions through your website. Use membership plugins and recurring billing.

Tips for Success

Selling your own curriculum takes careful planning and consistent effort. Here are some top tips for achieving results:

  • Provide ongoing updates and supplemental materials to encourage renewals.
  • Gather customer feedback through surveys to improve your products.
  • Offer bonuses like free ebooks and printables to boost sales.
  • Partner with other curriculum creators for cross-promotions.
  • Automate social media and email newsletters to engage your audience.
  • Consider expanding into new subjects, grade levels, or homeschool niches.
  • Share success stories and reviews to build social proof.

With persistence and care in executing each step of the process, you can establish your curriculum in the thriving homeschool market. Stay focused on serving your homeschool customers well, and your hard work will translate into meaningful impact and income.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a teaching license or credentials to sell curriculum?

No, you do not need to be a certified teacher or hold any official credentials to create and sell your own curriculum. Homeschooling gives parents the freedom to choose any materials they prefer. Your experience homeschooling your own children is valuable in designing curriculum.

Can I sell my curriculum nationwide?

Yes, you can sell your curriculum to homeschooling families across the country. Homeschool regulations vary by state, so make sure your materials align with any content standards required by certain states. Reaching nationwide audiences expands your business opportunities.

Do I have to register my curriculum with a school district?

Typically no, you do not need approval from local school districts or boards of education to sell homeschool curriculum. In a few states, notice may need to be given or documentation submitted if running a larger curriculum business. But in most cases, no formal registration is required.

Can I sell digital copies internationally?

Yes, one advantage of selling digital curriculum is the ability to market globally. There are no shipping costs or customs issues. Payments can be processed from anywhere. Ensure your site and materials are easily accessible by an international audience.

Should I copyright my curriculum?

Copyrighting your curriculum materials provides important legal protection by making you the holder of the intellectual property rights. Register published works with the U.S. Copyright Office. Using a copyright notice helps prevent unauthorized copying.


Creating and selling your own homeschool curriculum allows you to share your educational approach while running a profitable business. With quality content, savvy marketing, and an efficient order fulfillment process, you can establish a successful curriculum company. Homeschool families are always seeking effective materials aligned with their teaching philosophies. Providing worthwhile curriculum that fills a need opens up meaningful business opportunities in the flourishing homeschool market.