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How to see someone’s Facebook photo?

How to see someone’s Facebook photo?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion active users worldwide. While Facebook allows users to control the privacy settings on their photos, sometimes you may want to view photos that aren’t set to “Public”. Here are some tips on how to see photos on someone’s Facebook profile even if they aren’t set to public viewing.

Check Mutual Friends

One of the easiest ways to see more of someone’s Facebook photos is to check if you have any mutual friends. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile whose photos you want to see.
  2. Click on the “Friends” tab on their profile.
  3. This will show a list of the person’s friends. See if you have any friends in common.
  4. If you see mutual friends, go to that friend’s profile and check their photos. The person you want to see photos of is likely to be tagged or visible in some of these photos.

This method works well if you and the person have mutual friends who post and tag photos actively. Even if the person has privacy settings on their own photos, they won’t be able to control being visible in friends’ photos.

Check Public Photos

Even if someone has strict privacy settings on their Facebook profile, they may still have some public photos that are visible to everyone. Here’s how to check for them:

  1. Search for the person’s name on Facebook and go to their profile.
  2. Click on the “Photos” tab on their profile.
  3. This will open their Facebook photo albums. Scroll through their albums.
  4. Albums with a small “globe” icon are public. You will be able to see all photos in these albums.

Keep in mind that most users tend to keep their more personal photos private. But you may still find some profile pictures or random photos here.

Use the Profile Picture Trick

An old Facebook hack allows you to view all of someone’s profile pictures they have ever used on Facebook. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile.
  2. Right click on their profile picture and choose “Copy Image Address”.
  3. This will copy the URL of the profile image.
  4. Edit the URL. Replace the section that says “picture?width=200” to “all_picture.php”.
  5. Hit enter. This will open a pop-up showing all profile photos they’ve used chronologically.

Using this trick, you can go back years and see old and current profile photos they’ve used over time. It can be a great way to get a glimpse into someone’s past photos.

Check Their Instagram Account

Since Facebook owns Instagram, the two platforms are integrated closely. If someone links their Instagram account on their Facebook profile, any photos they post on Instagram are automatically posted to Facebook as well.

To check if they’ve linked Instagram:

  1. Go to their Facebook profile.
  2. See if you can find the “Instagram” icon anywhere on their profile.
  3. If you see it, click on it. This will take you to their public Instagram profile.
  4. Here you can view all photos they’ve posted on Instagram.

Many people are less strict about privacy on Instagram. So you can get to see more personal photos via someone’s connected Instagram account.

Search Their Name on Google Images

An indirect way to get to someone’s Facebook photos is to search their name on Google Images. Here are the steps for this method:

  1. Go to Google Images.
  2. Type the person’s full name in quotes in the search bar. For example: “John Smith”.
  3. This will show all images across the web associated with that name.
  4. Look through the results and see if any Facebook photos show up here.
  5. Click on any promising image results to check if they lead back to a Facebook photo URL.

People often use the same profile photos across social media platforms. So you may find their Facebook profile pictures this way on Google Images.

Use Reverse Image Search

If you have one of the person’s photos that they’ve posted somewhere public online, you can use reverse image search to potentially find more of their photos. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the camera icon in the search bar.
  3. Upload or enter the image URL of the public photo you already have.
  4. Google will search the web for matching images and visually similar images.
  5. Look through the results and see if any other Facebook photos come up of that person.

Reverse image search casts a wide net across the web. If the person has posted any public photos with a similar visual signature, they may show up here.

Try Looking Up Their Facebook ID

Every Facebook user profile has a unique Facebook ID number associated with it. This isn’t visible on their public profile, but can be useful for looking up info about their account. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to and enter the person’s name.
  2. If found, their Facebook ID will be revealed.
  3. Copy the ID number.
  4. Now enter this URL format with their ID in your browser to see public photos: ID NUMBER)

This isn’t guaranteed to work if they have strict privacy settings. But can reveal some photo thumbnails if they have any public profile photos.

Check Photos They’re Tagged In

Even if someone keeps their own Facebook photos private, photos they are tagged in by others can possibly show them. Here’s how to find them:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile.
  2. Click on the “Photos” tab at the top.
  3. In the left column, click on “Photos of (PERSON’S NAME)”.
  4. This will show all photos on Facebook they are tagged in.

The caveat is that the visibility of these tagged photos depends on the privacy settings of whoever posted them. But if you’re friends with the photo uploaders, you may be able to see photos of the person you otherwise couldn’t.

Use Facebook Search Tools

Facebook offers some powerful search tools that can help uncover photos someone has been tagged in or associated with in various ways. Here are some things to search:

  • “Photos of John Smith” – Shows tagged photos.
  • “Photos John Smith is in” – Also shows tagged photos.
  • “John Smith – Photos”
  • – Broader search for all photos connected to them.

Tweak the search terms, trying different combinations of their name and the word “photos”. This may reveal some photo results the person didn’t realize were still discoverable.

Check Out Their Facebook Friends

If you want to take the time, looking through the recent photos of all the person’s Facebook friends can uncover photos they may be in too. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile.
  2. Click on the “Friends” tab to see their friend list.
  3. Go to each friend’s profile one-by-one.
  4. Check their recent photos and see if the person shows up in any of them.

This can be time consuming. But is the most comprehensive way to scour friends’ photos they may be visible in without their knowing.

Use a Facebook Photo Viewer Website

There are various third-party websites that offer the ability to view private Facebook photos and download them. However most of these sites are illegal or scam websites. Here are some risks if you use them:

  • They often spread viruses or malware if you download any files.
  • They can steal your personal information or login credentials.
  • Getting past Facebook privacy can be considered hacking, which is illegal.
  • Facebook blocks and sues such sites when discovered.

In short, websites that offer to get around Facebook privacy should be avoided. They rarely work as promised anyway.

Ask a Mutual Friend

If all else fails, you can always directly ask a mutual friend if they can give you access to any private photos the person is in. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Only ask close mutuals who you trust and who would be willing.
  • Ask them to send or show you only certain appropriate photos, not blanket access.
  • Respect it if they say no, as sharing private photos without consent raises ethics issues.
  • Don’t anonymously spread any private photos they share.

With mutual understanding and boundaries, a friend may agree to share some approved photos from private albums or events you’re curious to see.

Respect Privacy

Ultimately, the best approach is to respect people’s privacy boundaries on Facebook:

  • Don’t obsess over seeing private content someone doesn’t wish to share.
  • Don’t use dubious tricks or unethical methods to gain access.
  • Remember photos can be deeply personal. Tread carefully.
  • Focus only on what they’ve chosen to make public.

Staying curious about others online is natural. But it’s wise to carefully balance this against respecting privacy and consent. With mutual openness, you may get to see more legitimately down the road.


Facebook’s privacy settings allow users a lot of control over their photos. While you can’t always see everything, some creative yet ethical approaches can uncover a few more photos of someone than just their public profile pictures. Look for mutual friends and tagged photos, keep an eye on linked Instagram accounts, and utilize Facebook’s robust search capabilities. Handled appropriately, these methods can satisfy some curiosity without crossing lines or making anyone uncomfortable.